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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Just upgraded my ram to 24gb 4gb x 6 1600mhz :D

    1. Bob423


      stop bragging lol

    2. Wyzrd


      I got 16gb @2133mhz :-p

  2. I normally dont say this but... Thank you for necroposting. I been looking for something like this and it gave me some ideas on how to make my script better. Dont know how many times i dug through the scripts section and missed this.
  3. Dawn of the final night - 3 hours ramain.

    1. Polraudio


      i should be dead. 1 more time to wait for the world end. next date dec 25th. and it wont happen. wonder what the next date after that is?

    2. Bob423


      some time in 2020 maybe

    3. Bob423


      in fact, better idea, go play ocarina of time already. and then majora's mask. then tell me about it.

    4. Show next comments  135 more
  4. I think this is a great idea. Heres the place i go for my gaming news. http://www.pcgamer.com/ Not much on the game dev side of things but once in a great while there will be an article about game dev. I wouldnt go there for game dev info tho. Its a nice place to see how big indie games can get. They always do articles about indie games. They did one about a RMXP game called to the moon or something. Not everyone likes videos. I personally like to read for my news and hate letsplays.

    1. RageMage
    2. Polraudio


      Skyrim players will know what i mean. If they beat the game that is.

    3. RageMage


      I knew what you meant I just thought it to be so random.

  6. Any way to get rid of this annoying warning? It keeps coming back after i hit ignore.
  7. Yay its back up. I was so lost while it was down. Glad to see it back up and hope you can fix it :D. Yea its a little slow for me. 10 sec per page about. I noticed a login error when trying to login. All you have to do after you get the error is go back to the site and you should be logged in.
  8. havent done this in a while.

    1. Joey
    2. ShinGamix


      YOu made a status congrats been a while Login_Guest

  9. I just tried to make one and it worked. Only time it brought me to the homepage is when i didnt put text in the body of the post. Are you copying and pasting something or actually typing it in? I know on some sites if you just paste stuff it doesnt see it as something typed and treats it as nothing. I doubt thats the case here. I dont see any hidden topics made by you. The last topic i see by you is "Franklin Card Games" in advertising. Got to love bugs lol. EDIT: as a temp solution i can move your topic in there if you post it elsewhere till marked fixes it.
  10. You declared the winner 12 hours to early lol. Theres always at least 1 last hour voter. Congrats to both rgangsta and moonpearl for winning motm. You both deserved it greatly. :D
  11. I dont mind IE much. IE9 was nice and fast. The only reason i dont use IE is because it doesnt have awesome plugins like Firefox and Chrome have.
  12. 24 hours left to vote. If you haven't voted now would be the time.
  13. Wow now this one matches perfectly imo.
  14. Not bad :D Just a few tips for ya. Talk more(through 95% of the video) and be a little more happy when you do it. Cause right now you sound a little boring like you just stayed up for 48 hours straight and have a sleepy voice. Talking is the most important part of doing a lets play. Edit: Didnt realize you were actually talking. Guess your sound got a little quiet somehow a little ways through it. You might want to increase the volume of your recording and voice. I had to turn my volume up to 600% then normal just to hear you a little bit. Sorry if im sounding like an ass. Im not trying to be one. Just giving ya tips that will greatly help you :D.
  15. Dmanit youtube stop giving me recommendations for videos i ALREADY watched 3 months ago.

    1. Joey
    2. madanchi


      It did that to me and with users I have a hatred for, so I just wiped out the entire Recommendations bar with AddBlock, following this guide: http://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/youtube/04mC7n9d41g My life has been a better place ever since :3

    3. ShinGamix


      recommend u watch them again..... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... and again... would keep going but that is enough.. and again...

  16. November Voting Nominated: -rgangsta -Moonpearl -diagostimo ---- Good luck everyone :D
  17. November Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -rgangsta -Moonpearl -diagostimo ----
  18. Wow. Even when i disable bots ability to post status updates they still can.

  19. Since marked is on holiday for a bit and we dont have access to the tools to take care of massive amount of spammers at once we will need your help taking care of spammers. The best thing you can do is use the report button on the bottom of a bots post. This will greatly help us track down spam bots and fry them with the EMP hammer of banning. Please don't post in the topic a bot has made or posted in. This makes it harder to find and take care of them. Dont worry about if someone else reported it. If you see a bot report it regardless.
  20. Sorry guys. I was sleeping as all this was going on. Im cleaning up the bot mess as we speak. Please report any bots you see to help me clean this up. Using the report system helps us out tons. Sometimes i feel like im the only mod.
  21. Polraudio

    GTA V

    Wish they would being back the car customization that they had in GTASA. It looks like they are bringing back the whole san andreas area and not just 1 city like everyone is saying. I am very excited about this game. But im going to wait till the PC(super console) version if it comes out(if it does) so i can play with 10x better graphics and be able to aim better(i suck at aiming on consoles).
  22. Ok youtube looks like crap now.

    1. Polraudio


      i want the old look back.

    2. madanchi


      So do we all, no one likes the new look.

  23. Over the past day or 2 i have noticed sometimes(80%) it takes a long time for a page to load or it wont load at all sometimes. Im almost sure its not my internet since every other site i try is instant. Is anyone else getting long load times?
  24. Very impressive. I always loved the top down LOZ games.
  25. Welcome aboard the GDU train :D. If you need anything we personal deliver to your room :P.
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