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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I tried looking around and couldnt find a script that allowed me to do this. What im looking for is a script that will pop up a menu when you use the action button on an item in the inventory(not battle. only menu). The menu will have 3 options. [use] [Drop] [Cancel] The use option will be what normally happens when you use the action button on an item. The drop option will drop the item(aka just delete it) and you can select how many to drop This will also need to be setup so i can define a list of items, weapons, and armors that cannot be deleted(wouldn't want quest items to be deleted lol). This will greatly help me advance in my open world game since items play a huge part in this game and this wil go great with my item weight script since the player cant move when they carry to much. Thanks is advance :)
  2. Wow microsoft(xbox division) is digging its own grave with xbox720's always online(if its true). When the internet goes out thats when i normally play consoles so yea >.<.....

    1. Polraudio


      Hope the PS4 doesnt do the same thing or im not buying a next gen console at all.

    2. Wyzrd


      Sure you probably heard already by now. But Sony said they won't do it and never had plans too.

  3. Preparing to move houses so i may not be very active for a month. I will try my best to be here to do motm. Wish the site actually worked good on mobile then i can be on more while moving.

    1. Polraudio


      The mobile version of the site is completely un-usable.

    2. Bob423


      It used to be, but the other night i used it on my 3DS, and it was really hard to. the top menu and stuff weren't working. they used to work perfectly. also the quotes system and stuff are positioned weird.

    3. Marked


      Yeah that happens coz I update so much. I'm not particularly happy with this design, so..

  4. Need to explain a little more on what you didn't get. Theres a demo link that you can download.
  5. That works perfectly. Thank you :) .
  6. How would i go about searching certain sections like Cafe, Resource Showcase & Critique, and sort it by date, views, or replies? I have no problem with general searching but when it comes to advanced stuff like sections and dates im clueless with google.
  7. Was having fun with google+ hangouts yesterday :D. The youtube thing was fun. I was watching youtube vids with my friend all day.

  8. :(. Never cared for google search on sites. Harder to find the exact content your looking for imo. I loved using the forum search feature like by posts, topics, members who made a certain post somewhere. If there is a way to search for that chances are that 90% of the members who use search are not going to know how. If there is a way could you make a searching tutorial or something so we know how to use it?(Im bad at google searching to begin with) Then i would be very happy :thumbsup: , Sorry if i sound rude. Im just saying how it is for someone who uses search quite a bit on the site.
  9. had a 23 hour work day yesterday.

    1. Polraudio


      Was working on this business computer and it was such a mess it took from 9am-8am to fix. It doesnt help that it was a 10 year old computer and slow as hell.

  10. i like it so far :) . Heres what it looks like in 1080p(1920x1080). http://i.imgur.com/IFy65do.jpg
  11. AI = Artificial Idiot

  12. 1: Most of my ideas come from sitting on the toilet or in the shower. 2: When i get an idea i get excited and have to do a #2. 3: I spend 12-16 hours a day on the computer when not working. 4: I know a shit ton about computers. 5: I cover my nose 90% of the day cause of cigaret smoke. 6: Cigaret smoke is my #1 hated thing in the universe. I couldn't do just 1 :P
  13. Thank you for adding the different banners :grin: .
  14. just started to mess in unity. its fun and simple so far. didnt get into the coding part of it yet.

    1. Marked


      Nice. Post you experiences~

  15. Now this is awesome. I love the blue color. :) You should also add a variant for the banner.
  16. I use the top bar once in a while. I mainly use it when i get a message or when there's something to do in the modcp. As for uploading stuff i usually always forget about the quick upload since its kind of far off to the right and always click on My Manager cause its more left. I find it easier to click things on the left than the right so a sidebar thing on the left like on that site would be great to have imo.
  17. March Voting Nominated: dolarmak bigace ---- Going to be a tough one to chose from this month. Good luck you two :thumbsup: .
  18. I personally cant wait for the custom profiles :thumbsup: . Been something i been waiting for a long time.
  19. Welcome to RMU pheonix99 :) . If you need anything at all just holler. Cant wait to see your project.
  20. Only 3 i would hate if they ever shut down would be Gmail,Translate and Maps. I dont even remember half of those products. Btw your link is doubled. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/map_of_the_week/2013/03/google_reader_joins_graveyard_of_dead_google_products.html
  21. March Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: dolarmak bigace ----
  22. I would also like to see an extra mapping layer and rgss3. >Custom resolution with auto sizing menus(cause manually changing every script is a pain) >Pixel movement toggle >Trigger zones(like i could draw a circle and that whole pixel based circle would be the event trigger) >Mapping layer system like the RPGToolkit >Comments for items, enemies, etc...(like VX) >Default 4 lines for text event Not sure what else i would really have.
  23. I thought that was pol also XD. I will post a new one soon.
  24. This is a good idea. I would be neat to have them for each month so you dont have to take awards away. EX: Best scripter March 2013 or Scripter of the Month March 2013. We could tie it into MOTM and call it Members of the Month?
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