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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Giving away 2 Dota 2's on steam. Only ask for one if you know what the game is. The game is like Leauge of Legends. just more advanced.

    1. madanchi


      Thats pretty good of you Pol, shame I don't like LoL in anyw way :(

    2. deathmoverz24


      im waiting for a "Dota vs Lol vs Hon" game

    3. ShinGamix


      What is Dota 2? Is that the warcraft 3 mod?

  2. Yup. MOTM October is now over. Congratulations to our winner rgangsta :D.
  3. 10 hours left to vote in MOTM. Vote while you can.

  4. Without them signatures would be long. I think we had it like that before and the some of the signatures were so long it was like a half of a page on its own. So this way you can have them as long as it will allow. But i suppose i can hand out warnings if it gets out of hand. I think its fine the way it is.
    1. Marked


      That's the nerdiest thing I've heard all day :D

    2. Bob423


      you can hear text? cool!

    3. Marked


      Lol, '94 kids. It's called microsoft sam.

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  5. It all depends what you download. So far it seems like the only thing i cant download is RGSS Tutorials Compilation. What are some things you cant download and can download?
  6. 6 sticks out more to me. was the 1st one i noticed.
  7. Volume mixer + a different browser should fix that. I use chrome for watching videos and firefox on mute for browsing around.
  8. OMG its Rage. Long time no see bud. Yes it sucks not having internet. Few years ago we couldn't afford it and i had to make my own wireless satellite dish to steal internet 2 blocks down the road from the pizza shop. Cant wait to see your Unity 3d project. Maybe you could make some tutorials here on how to use unity to help the community get into other makes than RPG Maker. Learning to me is more meaningful when it comes from the members here than a random found youtube video/atricle somewhere else.
  9. Then the 2 winners decide if they both want MOTM or if they want a tiebreaker. But it usually ends up 2 people getting MOTM.
  10. October Voting Members to Vote for: -Noob Saitbot -ShinGamix -rgangsta -Broken Messiah -Bob423 ------ Good luck everyone :D
  11. I think the list is for PC. Theres no way to distribute your game. I dont see someone selling PS2 memory cards with RPG Maker 2 games on them. And with the requirement of the disk to play them it makes it a real pain to distribute. Would be nice if they made a PC version of RPG Maker 2.
  12. You need 2 reasons and they need to be from the list in the rules. As long as it reflects 2 of the things from the list.
  13. Think its broken. All i see is this. NVM i fixed it. I had to disable and enable HTML on your post.
  14. I have like a 6th sense when it comes to this site. When i happen to feel like i get a pm and i check i usually get to it within a min of it being sent.

    1. Broken Messiah

      Broken Messiah

      You have been haxked! Release the exploit before sony patches it

    2. ShinGamix
    3. Polraudio
    4. Show next comments  138 more
  15. Just tested mine and it works fine. Only problem is that the directional buttons don't work for movement. Here are the controls: Left Analog = Movement X = Accept B = Cancel Select/Back = Page Up Start = Page Down Make sure to hit F1 in game and go to the gamepad tab and set the following controls if they are not set. If they are not set you did something. And you might also want to go into your game controller config to make sure the actual controller is working fine which it should be since you said it works on other things.
  16. At least they still give you access to the scripts. With access to the scripts you can bypass every limitation. So if you know what your doing you could technically have the full thing for free. I was snooping around the registry and it looks like the lite version is set to expire in 2020 for me at least. so i guess you get to use it for 8 years.
  17. OMG Apple Why? Why do you require to much just to use your damn store? I only want 1 free app and dont want to input my card info. This is why people jailbreak idiots. *Jailbreaks ipod*

    1. forcebreaker


      I didint think you could still download apps from apple if you jailbreak it....

    2. Marked


      They make it easy for Android to compete. I remember back in the days when u had to ssh apps onto ur phone/ipod. None of this installous stuff.

  18. Almost done making my mining and smithing system :D

    1. Polraudio


      Yes ores actually respawn over time and not set to respawn after you leave.

    2. ShinGamix


      Are you gonna share it>?

    3. Polraudio


      nope. its nowhere near user friendly and will most likely never be. i even have a hard time understanding it sometimes lol. Everythings hard coded. So the recipe thing has a huge list and takes a crap ton of lines just to make 10 items.

  19. Polraudio

    Transfering an npc

    Events cant interact with other events so you will need to use switches to tell another event when to transfer. EX: When the event moves to the door that is 3 away from it it will turn on a switch. that switch is used to activate another event that will move npc event to the room that door leads to. once the event transfers the npc it will turn off the switch so the event wont keep transferring npc event over and over again to the same place. Im not very good at explaining things over text so i hope this helps. This is not exactly how you would do it but a rough example. if you know how to use switches you should have no problem adding on to it.
  20. Polraudio

    Transfering an npc

    You cant transfer an event from 1 map to another. but you can transfer an event from 1 place on the same map to another place. So what you could do is make your home all on 1 map instead of many different maps. Use custom movement on the event to make them move to each room. As for making it look like they teleport to another room just increase the speed to max and have them super run when invisible to the room from the door and once they get into the other room make them not invisible. Just experiment with it and you will get it.
  21. Glad you figured it out :D. Bob also gave me a good idea by saying flashlight. I might try to make it look like a real light source with directional lights depending what way your facing.
    1. Polraudio


      I thought announcements went on the board index on the top below the quick nav?

    2. Marked


      Lol Pol, I'm starting to think you're scared of me when you send me messages via the status system. Not since GDU have announcements done that but yes you found a flaw in my code and the topics in the MOTM forum are now listed in the latest news box.

  22. October Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -Noob Saitbot -ShinGamix -rgangsta -Broken Messiah -Bob423 ------
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