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Everything posted by Leon

  1. Bout damn time! You get me back into it, then disappear! oh well... thanks to you, i revamped my demo. it is like... so much better. Looks cleaner, too. BUgs fixed, etc... You should try it out, you'll be impressed. Anyway, the spam-o-ramma king returns! long live the king!
  2. Welcome. If you ever need us, call.
  3. This is the most useless piece of spam i've seen since Kiri departed. I sure miss him.
  4. If you want to see the title in action, Nis, check out hte demo in the projects area.
  5. Well, it is 3 lines of events, for each item you wish to increase the price of, and in a common event. This all equals lag. instead, you can get into playtime (or Graphics) and every time x amount of frames pass, set it so when those frames pass, it increases a varaible in Game_Temp. then, set it so when Scene_Shop is accessed, it will go through all prices of all items, and increase them by x, where x is what the variable equals. A lot less lag, and easier to control; because you can set another array to omit or only do it, to certain items. This way, you don't have the lag of common events. remember 2 or more common events at once is bad. EDIT: I don't say this all to show you up. I am merely saying I can see your potential, Pol, and I want you to show it off. Prove to everyone you ahve waht it takes to kick some XP ass
  6. A revised demo and post has been placed. Demo has gotten numerous fixes, including a few major fixes, and some additions to make it a little better. Please, tell me if you play it.
  7. ANSWERS: 1) Arshes was the name in the PK (hacked) version, and was adopted before the release of the english version. 2) Arshes/Aluxes is considered your 'typical' hero. Young man, young looking, sword/shield combo. People consider it wrong because all 8 of the originals are pre-made, and show no creativity. 3) People these days need more than the old 'Dragon Warrior 2' battle system. These young whipper-snappers know nothing of story, but only gameplay. Yes, gameplay is a crucial piece, but story couldn't hurt to pay attention to. Personally, I like Cogwheel's RTAB, because it is more attuned to the old FFV way of playing.
  8. Okay... now, time to challenge the novice scripter. Can you make a script that takes little user setup, and make it do it for all selected items?
  9. Have you given any real thought into what all it would entail to build a Chess engine? even for 2-player action it would be difficult. I would HATE to have to build the A.I. for such a system.
  10. Sorry, Pol. you are bear-food. the correct answer is wear a bell.
  11. You are wandering through a forest that is inhabited by bears. What do you take with you: A bell, so the bears can hear you coming. Bright colored clothes, so the bears can see you coming. Or, you piss yourself so the bears can smell you coming. Serious though, this is a real question.
  12. Leon

    Exam Results In!

    All I can say is the same advice that has kept me going: Do what you gotta do. If you think the site is something you must leave for a while, do so. As for studying, try different methods of learning, to help ease the tentsion of the papers.
  13. Welcome; and yess, those are the 3 original main characters from Kingdom Hearts. As for if it were on the DS, you'd play it; well... let's just say wait for 358/2. Comes out in Sept. here in the U.S.
  14. Impressive, but I agree. a closer look, would be more accurate. Also, different types of trees would help.
  15. Leon

    [XP]Script problem

    You need go make your menu window shorter, by changing the ly attribute in your cms menu.
  16. What people don't know most the time is I do have a title screen script that adds a few effects.
  17. I tried refreshing, it starts to act like it wants to open the site, (shows the title in the bar) and then crashes on me.
  18. Nope. IE. WHich only points out a single problem. If a potential member stumbles upon our main site before the forum, will they be turned away from simply using IE?
  19. page cannot be displayed error
  20. i cant access the site...
  21. that isn't a script. it is a fog effect. also, that is vx, not xp.
  22. Ever play Final Fantasy Tactics? That system seems to be the most famous. Of course, i recommend the one from Fire Emblem.
  23. Maph makes an excellent argument. In fact, your hands touch many things that are so filthy, that if you knew, you'd want to cut them off. Just touching a doorknob in your own house makes them get covered in hundreds of different types of bacteria. Your genitals on the other hand, if you are rubbing them on door knobs, or touching keyboards in school, or even food with them, well... you got a problem.
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