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Everything posted by Leon

  1. What I need is an artist or 2 artists; for I need original sprites and battlers made up in the RTP style. I would greatly appreciate any help here, and offer my services as a scripter in return. To be fair, here is what I need: 5 unique sprites, each a different character. 6 Unique battlers, And each one will need to be edited to support different kinds of weapons (for instance, one battler will need to be drawn 4 times, once for each different type of weapon) Please, let me know if you are interested. And I won't just make you puny scripts. I'll make damn near anything other than a battle system or beastiary.
  2. You know, for this, I must agree, with a condition. You see, the RTP graphics I do enjoy. But, with a good story and RTP, it can work on one condition: You actually put some effort INTO the mapping. No square mountains. Buldings are never placed exactly in a row. Bushes have flaws. Yes, sure, sometimes there is the rare occasion where nature is symetrical, however, every mapper must remember to add the element of randomness. In short; I agree, but if you map or use the RTP, be creative and make it look good. Those idiots who use the RTP and make it look like shit give the RTP a bad name. the RTP is decent graphics. Learn to use em.
  3. Okay, the way this works is in the script Main, it is run when the game is running, at all times. IN that script, you find $scene = Scene_Title.new Now, if you change that, it will change teh first scene that appears in the game. You make a scene new scene that has a movie type thing, you can change that line, and a new scene will be shown. in that new scene. let that lead to the title, and there is your opening strip.
  4. This warmth, food, drink system can be done via scripting as well.
  5. Here; maybe it is time for me to post another screenshot.
  6. Looks as though i was volunteered into this.
  7. Very nice work. I'm not good at critique, but yeah.
  8. Then make a graphic with no picture. Sort of like a 10x10 white block, and import it as a characterset. Then change it to that one. Also, I voted for the cautious thief, and the RTAB (The reason I like that one, is I have written a few add-ons for it; including a steal script)
  9. Why not jus black out the screen, change the player's graphic to none, go through it, black the screen, turn the graphic back?
  10. It isn't the old peeps aren't around. It's that life has grown busy. in the last 2 years, One member has gone off to a university, another has started a family, one more had to take up work and a school. Life just gets in the way. Of course, members do pop on when they can.
  11. may i suggest reading the posted tutorials for scripting? They'll give you enough info without telling you exactly what to do.
  12. instead of a string, try a variable. with a variable set as a string, you can change teh text.
  13. well, you can either change the variable that holds the text, or make an array that will show a line of text based on the part of the array called.
  14. Sorry for the double-post: g = Graphics.frame_count h = Graphics.frame_rate ts = g/h x = ts/60/60 $game_variables[1] = x That gives hour. For minute, x = ts/60 % 60 For second: ts % 60
  15. I know why. I whipped that up w/o testing it. give me 20 min
  16. After a certain play time? From Window_PlayTime: @total_sec = Graphics.frame_count / Graphics.frame_rate hour = @total_sec / 60 / 60 min = @total_sec / 60 % 60 sec = @total_sec % 60 So, if you want to set it to a variable, you could do: Script... x = $game_variables[1] g = Graphics.frame_count h = Graphics.frame_rate ts = g/h x = ts/60/60 That will set the hour equal to the number of hours the player has, well, played. That code snippet you can call with an event, and it sets it equal to game variable 1
  17. Okay, I tried deactivating the script; and the best i can do is deactivate the actor's abilities. Howver, the actor can still be attacked.
  18. By the end of Tuesday, i'll have a full answer.
  19. All I'm really here for is the scripting. lol. Better than nothing.
  20. Welcome to the site. I see you are an eventer/spriter. A nice combination. I also see you wish to be a scriptor, and that pol has mentioned me as the resident script teacher/guru. Well, if there is anything you want to know; ask. I float around here alot, so I'm usually checkin messages alot. In addition to scripting, I can create Icons, and map a fair amount. If you need anything in the ways of learning, I'll assist.
  21. Mine include making videogames for fun, Lego building, and wtaching kids.
  22. I own the cartridge to this game. Actually... i own the cartridge to around 40 NES games. Shit, i've got a lot of old shit... what the hell... but yeah, this game isn't half bad. Kind of a pain til you get the hang of it, but still good. Yes, still good.
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