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Broken Messiah

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Everything posted by Broken Messiah

  1. This and what happened in New Zealand is kinda omenny :blink:
  2. Added new script to Revelations, now my saves won't work, so I have to replay the game. Oh well atleast it remains fun lol

  3. Can someone explain whats so fun about Minecraft, because I cant even get it to work ...
  4. Oh man, I was stuck trying to figure that out all day ...
  5. I wish I could help but I have never used that command, but I'll play around with it and see what comes up. :alright: EDIt: Why is there a through command? I think I might be on to something.
  6. Instead of change opacity, use change gaphic set the sprite to none, then use the change graphic to axel
  7. I'm not sure, did you recently add any scripts?
  8. What command are you using to do this? The Set Move Command > Change Event Graphic > None will do this
  9. Its cool, thats why we here, to help :alright:
  10. Is suikoden that great a game? I keep hearing about it, I need to check it out :shifty: Welcome to forums :alright:
  11. Well you could have it set up where the starting map is empty with the player there then just transport to a map with stuff.
  12. Just kidding lol, yes you can, just change the screen tones to the lowest setting.
  13. Those are pretty good, the only problem with battlers is I have no experience with them. I would assume I would need a graphic tablet to them which I don't, but I'll try.
  14. Wow that could make a good tool for a person making a pokemon game.
  15. Even if you did, it'll still be there, so yeah a mod would have to delete it. Game looks though :alright: I'm about to play it now
  16. You could of just bumped it :yes: The admin might not be happy ... :dragoninsane:
  17. Can you see if the program is running in the background?
  18. I won't leak it :sweatdrop: I meant I'll use it when comes out officially.
  19. Some one should organize this into a chart or something :lol:
  20. Just thought about it: Spellcheck in the message boxes.
  21. I WILL!!!! I doubt this would substitute a engine though, I would love to see Enterbrain make a demo using the rtp that they give us instead of their own graphics.
  22. You know how in rmxp/rmvx if you want to have a event that transfer the player to the next map, but the transfer would be the whole right side which could be 50 tiles long which would mean 50 transfer events. I would like to see a event that stretches over the 50 tiles reducing life.
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