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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. Bigace360

    How aliasing works

    Uh, aliasing doesn't change the name it just adds to an old methods with having write the whole method. With alias a method can be easily what could have been a reduction in compatibility with other scripts means edit without having to override it. The original code runs before, after, or between your own code. Something like this: class example def foo draw_something draw_more_stuff draw_anything_else end end This is the orginial made up code and here's a alias class example alias ace_foo foo def foo ace_foo #calling old method drawing_new_stuff end end as you can see here in the second example class I use alias to call the old class without writing the whole thing. Hope that helps
  2. whats the default font for RMXP as the two fonts in the help manual don't exist in the engine.

  3. Only thing I keep the same is my communty site passwords. Stuff like Bank, email, and school I keep different as those have actually important email. I don't put much on facebook but a couple of pictures and you find anyones face on google anyways so what am I really hidding. The only thing that requires me to right different characters and one uppercase is my school password. As someone has said if someone wants to hack in there going to hack in. Obviously it's going to take longer for some encryptions like banks and schools but they'll get in soon enough. Just look at Sony last year, they got hacked like 2 twice. Bleachforums.com got hack from some hacker very easily. Nothing unhackable, it just takes skills. Although I wouldn't be hacking any government buildings anytime soon, but ya'll already get the point.
  4. Thank you very much , I'm on a small hiatus right now as I'm trying get a video for my RMXP games menu. So I should be back to working on this game at the end of June or July.
  5. You have to just copy the data files in the data folder with the map names as each and every one of those files represent a map you've done.
  6. oh my god ops, That makes alot of sense. Now I feel really really bad about that mapping thing, and now I apologies. Well like every said didn't know him that much so not much I can say but R.I.P.
  7. That's one of them there's actually two unless you set it to an *argument. gradient_fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color1, color2[, vertical]) gradient_fill_rect(rect, color1, color2[, vertical]) You have the latter posted, and I need the first one.
  8. Did you ever find the gradient_fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color1, color2[, vertical]) method as I need that for a script and it would be nice if anyone has seen or written already to save the trouble.
  9. lol, because no one even try to do anything during nomiations and so we only have two contestants.
  10. what you figured out how to get blur and sharpen to work. Cool. I've actually found a better way to draw a line in Window_base without having to write in bitmap. class Window_Base def draw_horz_line(y) line_y = y + 24 / 2 - 1 self.contents.fill_rect(x, y width, height, line_color) end def draw_vert_line(x,y) line_y = y + 24 / 2 - 1 line_x = x + 24 / 2 - 1 self.contents.fill_rect(x, y width, height, line_color) end def line_color color = normal_color color.alpha = 192 return color end end And it's alot shorter then what bitmap does, unless you got it in a shorter version?
  11. I haven't got any on this site, but I've had a recent incident on RRR: The spambot was banned real quick, I check out her email on line and apperently it's someone trying to sell you something as a bunch of people got the same thing.
  12. Finally got my blog up for my scripts: http://bigaceworld.wordpress.com/

  13. I just posted the script that this module is part of: Scene_Help If you want to take a look. I might of done something wrong but when I tryed doing that the scene wouldn't close? The one I posted doesn't have the new methods in module Input I'm still working on it.
  14. Scene Help Author: Bigace360 Type: Scene Class Version: 1.0 Introduction Creates a window that shows help information during game play anywhere. Script Scene_Help Compatibility It might have problems with anything that configures module Input, others wise there shouldn't be any errors as these are new classes. Credits and Thanks Bigace360, for the script
  15. Thanks for the edited version, as I'm about to release a script thats not that big and I don't need blizzards huge script for something thats this small. Small problem when I try to open the scene I created I get a error on line 18 after added the your new methods to the module Input when I try to access it from the menu or the map. module Input include ACE::Help class << self alias ace_init_quick_awards_lat update unless $@ def triggered_keys? input = [] constants.each do |const| key = const_get(const.to_sym) if trigger?(key) input << key end end return input end def triggered_key? constants.each do |const| key = const_get(const.to_sym) if trigger?(key) return key end end return nil end def pressed_keys? input = [] constants.each do |const| key = const_get(const.to_sym) if press?(key) input << key end end return input end def pressed_key? constants.each do |const| key = const_get(const.to_sym) if press?(key) return key end end return nil end def repeated_keys? input = [] constants.each do |const| key = const_get(const.to_sym) if repeat?(key) input << key end end return input end def repeated_key? constants.each do |const| key = const_get(const.to_sym) if repeat?(key) return key end end return nil end end def self.update_old; ace_init_quick_awards_lat; end def self.check_blocked Block_Scenes.each {|s| return true if $scene.is_a?(s)} return false end def self.update if Quick_Access != nil && Input.trigger?(Quick_Access) && @scene == nil && !self.check_blocked $game_system.se_play($data_system.decision_se) @scene = Scene_Help.new @scene = nil end ace_init_quick_awards_lat end end
  16. Like usual the people I've seen give the most input is Kel and Jon Bon so I nominate them. Like really there was 15 people here like 2 hours ago and I guess no one cares.
  17. oh lol I didn't knew you posted already I edited my previous post, but I doubt that way will as effective anyways. Sure I'll take a look at the blizzard script.
  18. So something like this: Keys_To_Scene = { Input::DOWN => Scene_Map Input::LEFT => Scene_Map Input::RIGHT => Scene_Map Input::UP => Scene_Map Input::A => Scene_Map Input::B => Scene_Map Input::C => Scene_Map Input::X => Scene_Map Input::Y => Scene_Map Input::Z => Scene_Map Input::L => Scene_Map Input::R => Scene_Map Input::SHIFT => Scene_Map Input::CTRL => Scene_Map Input::ALT => Scene_Map Input::F5 => Scene_Map Input::F6 => Scene_Map Input::F7 => Scene_Map Input::F8 => Scene_Map Input::F9 => Scene_Map } Keys_To_Scene.each_key do |key| if Input.trigger?(key) $scene = Keys_To_Scene[key].new break end end So is there a way to make this shorter, because this is a long list of commands. Something like, Keys_To_Scene = {} Keys_To_Scene[scene_Map] => {Input::DOWN, Input::LEFT, Input::RIGHT, Input::UP, Input::A, Input::B, Input::C, Input::X, Input::Y, Input::Z, Input::L, Input::R, Input::SHIFT, Input::CTRL, Input::ALT, Input::F5, Input::F6, Input::F7, Input::F8, Input::F9}
  19. I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to close a scene by clicking any button on the keyboard and not just the usually: if Input.trigger?(Input::B) $game_system.se_play($data_system.cancel_se) $scene = Scene_Map.new return end
  20. Found this in the article But why, that sounds stupid as shit. What she doesn't want to die and be cremated alone so she decides to take the kids with her? Story makes no sense.
  21. Just applied at Wells Fargo and doing screening

    1. Polraudio


      Nice. Theres some good money in a banking job.

    2. Bigace360


      it says teller can make from $9.01-$15.50. Right I applied for part-time since thats the only one in my area burke,springfield,annadale. So hopefully I get it as I'm 21 and broke as a joke.

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      If you can get like 100-$150 together, buy an old school manual push rotating style lawn mower, and a foot activated weed remover, and go door to door providing eco-friendly lawn care. Offer your services for 5-$10 an hour, and pitch the whole no gas, greener solution to people. It's a quick, honest and easy way to make money. Just requires a small amount of start up capital, but you'll earn that back your first day.

    4. Show next comments  87 more
  22. MSNBC News Source: http://usnews.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/05/15/11716702-florida-mother-kills-4-children-then-herself-deputies-say?lite/ uhhhh.... So appearently in florida Tonya Thomas shot and killed her four children, ages 12-17, before turning the gun on herself. Authorities said three of the kids had sought help from a neighbor when Thomas called them back home and fired the fatal shots. So whats you guys comments on this random suicide/murder case.
  23. lol, march last year okay. So not yet a update but an announcement. Okay the CMS is almost ready for a pre-view video, just need to complete the Bestairy and the custom graphics. Then back to Revelations the Demon Slayer Game. After I finish the mapping in the other game I'll return here for the battle system and then I should be somewhere close to Alpha stage.
  24. ugh equipment scene is pissing me off, so many retarded errors.

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