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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. *sneaks in and steals all the kittens to train a cat army, to take over the world*
  2. Oh snap only seven days away. I kind of stop paying attention. Can't wait to see the finish project.
  3. Bigace360


    Uh if ya'll are going to continue that conversation shouldn't it be smarter to create a new thread. This one got derailed big time. Just saying, the conversation was about spending to much time on mmo's(or just minecraft in general). What the hell.
  4. uh you'll have a better chance of reconfigurating to a isometric battle using this ACBS - Atoa Custom Battle System 3.2 It has a far better costumization then Tankentai CBS and actually allows the isometric battling through some simple configurating.
  5. Actually that was an issue I was having, if you multiple HP or SP by a decimal for some reason it did that. I guess I forgot a to_i somewhere. I was going to fix all bugs on friday.
  6. Glad u like it ill be making a vxa version in the future.
  7. Script is done and posted enjoy.

  8. Hospital Fee Author: Bigace360 Type: Misc Add-on Version: 1.0 Introduction In most RPG’s, inns are often used to allow parties to recover their health, restore their status, etc. It’s often a cure-all for a set price. This hospital, however, charges based on the amount of damage take, to the amount of mana consumed, and the ailments inflicted also have a bearing on the cost. Players can also heal individual members as opposed to all members of their party in the event that they cannot heal the whole party. This provides a challenge to the player and also provides a more cost-proportional way of recovering from damage obtained through battle. Version History v.1.0 (Jun 19, 2012) ● Original Script completed Future Updates [table=Instruction] To launch the hospital scene, have a script call in an event with $scene = Scene_Hospital.new [color=#000000 [color=#000000 [color=#000000 No issues so far [color=#000000 Bigace360, for the script.
  9. I just credit the game company. Do you know how many people worked on that game, to many to name. However if you did want to put some names. Some games have a select few names in the little booklet that comes with the game, in the last couple of pages. Theses are usually the main people.
  10. There are illegal downloads, but thats where I'll just stop. Other then that your last bet is just buy the game at the store and then take it back, under their policy of cource, if you don't like the game.
  11. I just put it into a new game and it worked fine, thats why I thought it was something wrong with the engine.
  12. it means the game is corrupt and you need to create a new demo to play it.
  13. if anyone cares, almost done with one out four new scripts.

    1. Bigace360


      Done just need to make the demo

    2. Ecowolfsteen
    3. Bigace360


      Finished, I'll post in the morning I'm tired.

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  14. What battle system are you using. By the way unless its the tenkentai (sp?) SBS, I can't really help you as that's the only battle system I'm good at. I can try my best, but it might end in failure
  15. Go to their website and see if you can rent the game from them.
  16. Uh a game can still be a piece of shit even with good graphics. Graphics don't mean jack if the story or gameplay is complete crap. Thats like saying Final Fantasy 13 was a uber amazing game because it had gorgeous graphics, No FF13 was still complete crap to a bunch of people because of linear, gameplay, and some of the characters were just annoying. If you want to test any game out yourself, go rent the game and see if it looks good. Then think about buying it if you like. Maybe gamefly or something.
  17. Bigace360


    Bad, but not as bad as some people. They're some that are 90% for these types of games, now thats just sad.
  18. do you have any other custom scripts?
  19. Also he should probably use a code wrap around any source code as its easier to look at and copy.
  20. Bigace360

    Blur Effect

    Uh what engine are you using as if it's RMVX or vxace it already comes with a blur effect, unless your using RMXP.
  21. Wow your sig is huge On-topic, what Battle systems have you looked at I'm using Tankentai right now and there doesnt seem to be an issue. Doesn't hurt to do a little expermenting on you're own part and see what works.
  22. why is the Zero in VX different then in XP. Theres a dash mark going through the Zero in VX.

    1. kellessdee


      Maybe it's the font you are using? My RMVX doesn't have zeroes with any marks in them. However, I know some fonts include a zero with a "line" through it, to differentiate "O"s and "0"s

    2. Bigace360


      as nothing to do with the type of font I'm using. Both vx and xp are using verdana or Georgia, or romain times, etc. and it still puts that dash mark through the middle of the zero in vx and vxa.

    3. kellessdee


      weird, my copies don't do anything like that... all normal 0s here

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  23. Taking a break on the script, I messed up on something and now I'm confused. Guess I''ll work on something in the meantime.

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