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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. I cant stress this enough and I know we're humans so we forget, but you guys have to read the dates.
  2. @zahraa and @rgangsta: Guys this is basically necroposting as you're not posting anything new and it's been 2 and half months since he's updated this thread.
  3. Lol learning python, and just realized how much ruby looks like python.

    1. Mepps


      sim existe é """ you bigest text an finish with """

    2. Mepps


      exemple """ thats my biggest text with 100 lines """

    3. Bigace360


      cool and thx, thats better than before.

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  4. If they're custom and you didn't find them on the internet, then you'll have to draw them (or at least find someone to draw them) in a KO position. However, even custom ones on the internet may not have a KO position as well. I can't draw for shit so I cannot help you but if you post the graphic you're are talking about, maybe someone can find/draw it for you.
  5. @spiritZilla: Dawg really quadruple post? :no: Edit your post next time please.
  6. @Marked: [facepalm] Ops, ya I was looking in the wrong spot.
  7. Are you the only one that can approve them, because for some reason I didn't even see them?
  8. 1) That makes no sense, everyone is going to have a different perspective. Otherwise everyone would just be a bunch of robots. 2) I think that's one of the points of being a beta tester. Finding grammar/spelling errors. My excuse is that I just don't have the time at the moment.
  9. @Bob423: Most other countries aren't that better off than America to even think about moving, and also don't believe everything you read on the internet; most of it is bias anyways. America is great place to live, but several people in the government make it feel like a 3rd world country sometimes. But this is all off topic anyways. OT: Uh some times I wonder if our government is smoking heavy pounds crack or something. Why should I go to prison for sharing my account? Ever heard of just holding the account for certain amount of time with a fine or just banning the persons account with a fine. I think America just loves spending money on stupid shit and not on things important. First it requires money to bring this up and try to pass it. Also it requires the states tax money to keep said person in jail for no reason. Yup, America: the country that loves to waste money and resources. This is where I live.
  10. Uh dude really :upset: , it's been 2 months so you're necroposting. Plus you can see this guy wasn't serious, don't be spammer. Closing thread -- If the OP is serious about his game he'll PM a mod to re-open it and update the thread.
  11. No they don't? Where do you see that at? I plan on making trophies for the member of the month as well, because just getting points is kind of boring to me though. I'll try to get started on them on Friday. Still working on my characters profiles and story.
  12. Bigace360

    RGSS Errors

    I figured it, but first: Please use code boxes next time it's easier to copy the code. Second: For some reason you're Custom Scenes Script was missing the class header and end. On line 55 where there is a initialize after the Scene File comment. Put class Scene_File Next go to line 104, where it should be the end of class Scene File, and put end right before the comment line. Hopefully that makes sense.
  13. Question solved: Closing. PM a mod if you wish to re-open this thread.
  14. I'm going to lol if someone had 999 points before you did that. :lmao:
  15. Seems legit :), better than starting from zero.
  16. Okay cool, just making sure these points are addressed.
  17. I notice some bugs, don't know if anyone is getting any of these, in the tutorial section. The delete button isn't working for me The quote button sends me back to the top, but doesn't quote anyone. Need a multi-quote button (not really a bug) Some times a error page appears after you edit or post a new thread. These are all the error I see, could be more though.
  18. I've been job searching, writing a story, and finishing the stupid English class; so I haven't been active either.
  19. Or anyone who has over 1,000+ points can be chopped down to a 1k or at least something like this. People shouldn't have to give up everything especially for those who have already contributed a lot. I was thinking let this be more of a bonus for those with over certain threshold instead of penalizing them for having to much points.
  20. Remove the last row of characters and add a $ at the beginning of the file name or it won't work as your looking at RMXP spirits and VX/VXACE only uses 3x4. Basically what marked and metaclaw said.
  21. Just (almost) finished the Title Screen for my game, now onto the menu. Would move faster with some mappers, but that's like asking to win the lottery with the RPG community.

    1. Bigace360


      Okay then We'll do a trade off. Though I'm mostly only good with CMS's just to let you know. But of course I'll try with other scripts as well.

    2. Bigace360


      Although, I'm using Japanese tilesets though so it might be a problem for you if you're not comfortable with exotic tilesets.

    3. Bigace360


      THough I guess you can do field maps and I'll just leave the town/cities for later. Just to get something done

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