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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. Bigace360

    Is it rude?

    On Topic: When it comes to grammar Nazis, I can't tell if they got the point or they're just trolling. Most of the time they don't even answer you're asking and go ahead and correct grammar. This isn't an real life, this is the internet. Only time grammar needs to be correct is in this instance:
  2. Damn #6, right behind Bob. Yo marked, are we getting points for submissions also right (artwork, scripts, games, etc)? Well nice that you brought this back, hopefully this will help in bringing in more members again. Because I've seen a couple of low points this year. We need to find more coders then just me and Moonpearl as we can tell by now that kell isn't coming back. Also more mappers as Kirishi left.
  3. @Pol: I lol at that last part. OT: The problem is that I'll probably go ahead and mess it up as I suck at assigning things like this, but I understand what your saying. I could average the enemies stats with the parties level. However since the original game doesn't do that, I don't think that would be a good idea. I'll come back to this when a demo is out, for now don't worry about it.
  4. Bigace360

    Hiding Folders

    oh, sorry. That's all I know about that stuff. Maybe you can ask blizzard about that as he created, other than that if I see any other compression scripts I'll let you know.
  5. Bigace360

    Hiding Folders

    Then you just had a shitty compressor. Blizzard has a encryption system you can try his: http://forum.chaos-project.com/index.php/topic,76.0.html
  6. I have something for my game I was hoping some of you could fill in for me real quick. I need someone to adjust these settings to your liking for my Distribution System for the game Revelations the Demon Slayer. It should only take a minute or two to fill it out, I'm not really good at this as I might make them too powerful or underpowered. When you are finished making up numbers add the new parameter growth setting sheet in a new code box or put in a text file and posted it. There are five stats in the game Endurance, Intelligence, Strength, Speed, and Luck. Which come from the original 1994 game. For the settings, there are two types the regular (maxhp, maxmp, atk, etc) and the xparam/sparam. For the regular param_growth, you can set it to decrease by using "-" before your value. e.g :maxhp => [-9.5, 0, 0], will reduce MHP by 9.5: :maxhp => [0, 0, 0], # Maximum HP Stat. :maxmp => [0, 0, 0], # Maximum MP Stat. :atk => [0, 0, 0], # Attack Stat. :def => [0, 0, 0], # Defence Stat. :mat => [0, 0, 0], # Magic Attack Stat. :mdf => [0, 0, 0], # Magic Defence Stat. :agi => [0, 0, 0], # Agility Stat. :lck => [0, 0, 0], # Luck Stat. For the xparam/sparam param_growth, the following are % gains, so 0.01 = 1% or 0.013 = 1.30%: # xparam :hit => [0, 0, 0], # Hit Rate. :eva => [0, 0, 0], # Evasion Rate. :cri => [0, 0, 0], # Critical Hit Rate. :cev => [0, 0, 0], # Critical Evasion Rate. :mev => [0, 0, 0], # Magic Evasion Rate. :cnt => [0, 0, 0], # Counter Rate. :hrg => [0, 0, 0], # HP Regeneration Rate. :mrg => [0, 0, 0], # MP Regeneration Rate. # sparam :trg => [0, 0, 0], # Target Rate. (monsters targeting you) :grd => [0, 0, 0], # Guard Effect Rate :mcr => [0, 0, 0], # MP Cost Rate :pdr => [0, 0, 0], # Physical Damage Rate.(incomming) :mdr => [0, 0, 0], # Magical Damage Rate.(incomming) :exr => [0, 0, 0], # EXP Gain Rate. Below in the spoiler is the parameter growth setting sheet, if you can fill it out for me that would be great. I'll just take the best one out of the all the people that posted. If you have any question on this please ask and I'll see what I can do.
  7. I hate how you can't crack a GBA game for it's programming and no VBA don't help unless your getting graphics and sounds.

  8. Thats why I said stop blaming obama for everything. The U.S. is very funny place. A giant bully that terrorizes other countries while beating itself up. This has been going on since the Cold War. Presidents Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr and Jr. You barely here about any of there fucks and they did some really stupid shit, but some how Reagan is some big ass hero, just ask Chuck Norris. But soon Obama does something all the republicans start bitching. The bitching doesn't help the country at all, but just make it worse. They have no plan to counter anything Obama does, they just don't want it to happen. I really do believe it has less to do with him being a democrats and more to do with him being black. Chicago and Detroit goes bankrupt, republicans are to fucking worried about obamacare and how it's going to affect their buddies.
  9. I'm sorry for being rude in the other thread bob, but I was busy and hoping another scripter would jump in, don't know what happened to Moonpearl or any other scripter. I was job hunting and trying to complete this menu system for Revelations (which is still getting on my nerves. I have 2 interviews with 2 different petco's next week. Also not trying to mean but when you make your request make sure you are very thorough as it is hard to understand what had wrote which is one of the reason why it was taking awhile respond back. My fault for not asking for clarification, but you also need to make sure yourself that the question you are asking makes sense or hard for people to help you.
  10. I don't think I was here when you posted that. Okay that makes sense for the VX section. As I said before if you needed any help on the XP section I'm here, however if you say it's not really that important. Then it's not really an issue.
  11. Quick questions, What happened to the VX section on the forum page? (There's a XP and VXA section, but no VX.) How come the script section for XP still exist on the forum page? (instead of the scripting section just sitting there for another 5 months, I can move them into the new database, if it's really an issue)
  12. And I'll be leaving for cali on saturday, but will be back way sooner than you. Good luck with your studying.
  13. okay that's cool that you know how to quote :huh2: , so should we move this to script request? And I'll try to think of a script by Friday.
  14. The luck stat doesn't exist in RMXP, you need a script for that to happen.
  15. on line 19, your missing an parentheses at the end of the line.
  16. http://bigaceworld.wordpress.com/tutorials/how-to-insert-a-script/ and yes the first one can be in its own space as long as its above main.
  17. Damn man, where do you learn your photoshop skills from man because this is nice. I don't like asking people to do these things if I have the software myself on my PC. Good Job though.
  18. Well the essay is finished and hopefully I get a good grade. I won't be able to post it, if you still plan on reading it Marked, until after she grades it which won't be until next week. Then I'll just post it the following week after.
  19. Thank you guys. You have been warned, my writing isn't that good. :P Just enough to get by as my subject is Computer Science not Journalism or any other writing subject. As I've said before, I'm open to any ideals you guys have, just PM me before Wednesday.
  20. Interesting, and nice banner. So all I have to do is click the Facebook button like I do other sites and I automatically log in. That's simpler than before.
  21. Oh okay :annoyed: , I guess I wasn't hallucinating.
  22. Why didn't the site say you posted, that's kind of weird. I didn't even notice until I checked my email. lol. OT: true I did miss some words when I was writing. Thats what I get for writing too fast and not paying attention. It's also true that the president does get the finally say on what happens. Not to say other organizations, such as the CIA, had nothing to do with it. But the higher ups would just put it on the puppet president to move suspicion away from them. Ya I know. Everything owned by Korea, the middle east, and a couple of other countries have U.S. technology; either we sold or gave it to them. This was known way back when Nixon was President, so that the Middle East could protect itself, or so we are told. However the main point of the drone was surveillance, but were instead used on attacking targets. Also of course drones in the wrong hands is a bad ideal. Any weapon in the hands of criminals is a bad ideal. Edward Snowden can tell you that. But it's to late for that the U.S. government already fucked that up and are doing an even shitter job cleaning up. However, I believe we all know why the U.S. is truly their and they've been doing since the 70's.
  23. True Dude stop drinking the kool-aid, you make it sound like Obama is the only president that has done something to make America look bad. Drone attacks were started by Bush in 2004 due to propaganda on WMA's. The only thing Obama did worst was increase the amounts of Drones that are being used in Pakistan. Total strikes: 370 Total reported killed: 2,548 - 3,549 Civilians reported killed: 411 - 890 Children reported killed: 168 - 197 Total reported injured: 1,177 - 1,480 Strikes under the Bush Administration: 52 Strikes under the Obama Administration: 318 Also yes I agree, these statistics do make Obama look bad in his position. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drone_attacks_in_Pakistan Drones are useful, but whats going with them isn't a good use for what they are meant to be used for.
  24. I'm back but not fully until next Friday the 8th as I still have an essay to write for English. If anyone wants to help, so I can finish quicker, shoot me a PM. Main Points 1. Censorship and corruption in the media 2. News media ignoring real issues, such as crime and poverty, but instead covering issues such as gay marriage and abortion, or wars overseas. 3. Black on black and white on white crime; institutionalized racism; poor educational system;
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