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Everything posted by Enigma

  1. I can't stand mario's cape >.< its worse then haxxors
  2. :( I feel like some evil entity doesn't want me to make an RM game or something I got the dreaded Unexpected File Format Error :ph34r: Its like the Red Rings of Death for RPG MAKER XP Omg... I always get this lethal error, that makes the game I work themost on use less. THIS THING HAS SENT ME FOR A LOOP COUNTLESS TIMES :wacko: But this time I was prepared I knew this would Happen so the first thing I put in this game b4 dev was Wortana's Auto Back up script for XP/VX it saved all my rmxp data :D even though the UFF completly destroyed the rmxp game project file, it saved the data and I was able to copy and paste the data and resources into a new blank project and it brought up my lost game, right to the point where I left off. I recommend this or any back up script for your game. Wortana's backs up data when you test play the game, and it only back up in debug mode, so if you don't want to remove it, you don't have to.
  3. Using him is not the issue FIGHTING HIM IS all the spam of sonic all the explosiveness of captain falcon and all the weegeeness of luigi
  4. You cant... YOU Can't Do that!!! This is blasphemy.....THIS IS MADNESS!!!!
  5. Hey don't forget to put regis sfx in there or whoever the guy is who did jeapoardy I think it was regis but im probably wrong.
  6. Off topic:I got my laptop for free because I entered a program and won the contest its my everything use laptop but it suxs but I can't get a job so I have to deal with it Its like a 2000-2002 laptop On topic: LUCAS MUST BURN IN HELL HAte it when I put random lv 9 and lucas comes Yoshi MAKES ME MAD TOO!
  7. 40 years?! Cmon now be a little bit more ambitious with your release date, I mean in 40 years rgpmaker xp will be all but obsolete also I uploaded a lock picking event system thats really simple, if a little buggy but it serves its purpose well all you have to do is copy and paste, and set the difficulty of the lock by changing a variable, if it was a script u would have to do the same thing with every locked event. The differences is that events are compatible with everything, and they won't mess up your game as easily as a script can Because I started off with rm 2k3 I have huge experince with eventing, eventing is basically just a limited and less dangerous form of scripting. Sure it has a smaller range of control, but learning how to event is neccessary for any rmxp/vx game mainly because events RUN the in game scenarios. Scripts run the systems and background process. I mean you can't have an rm game with just scripts and no events. So for something like lock picking eventing is no problem. Your other things might be hard to get. Look for the lock pickevent by me in the resources event systems
  8. I'm gonnaplay it right after I release my demo Nice character graphics btw, are they RMVX Rtp?
  9. I hate to be that guy, but can't you just make a jeopardy game with powerpoint?
  10. Hey man... hate to tell you do this but don't necropost :mellow: k this topics like nearly 3 months old, Its better to just make a new topic ask your question, and then copy the adress and post the link, that way you don't confuse people into thinking this is a new topict AND WhaTEVeR YOUR DO DON't Post a reply to me, cause I'm necroposting right now to warn you about that just let it sink back into the dark abyss of the undernet where it belongs Just so you know necro posting is posting in a topic thats very old, if you see the date of the lat post and it isnt the same month as your month, just make a new topic ;)
  11. Ok follow this exactly 1. did you mess with window base script yes go to 2 no go to 3 2.No problem go to 4 3.did you add any scripts yes go to 5 no go to 6 4. Make a new game and copy its window base in for yours. Does it work? yes "Your done' 5.Cut 1 script from the script editor that you added then test game, does it work? yes That means that script is messed up no paste the old script back in and remove a new one till you try all of them, if it stills doesnt work then remove all additional scripts 6.Something is messing with ur window base Did you mess with any other scritps? yes go to 8 no go to 9 7. make a copy of your game folder then copy the scipts file from the data file of the new game yes good o go to 9 8. cut your window base and see what script fails then replace that one with a default rmxp script does it work yes good no go to 7 9.Check your rgss.dll make sure its updated and then go to the game config settings make sure its like this [Game] Library=RGSS102E.dll Scripts=Data\Scripts.rxdata Title= RTP1=Standard RTP2= RTP3=
  12. well the truth is the term right and wrong aren't ultamately true to their nature we think them as absolutes but in actuality our definitions of right and wrong our decided by our morals which are decided or influenced by our society. I discussed this with my philosophy professor in my summer program he gave us a scenario Imagine some one Named Kevin, who had a good job, a loving wife, and two happy children, every day Kevin would come home from work go downstairs to his basement and.... smash babies against the wall. (What do you think of him) Now what if I told you that Kevin lived in a society that 1 did not consider babies as humans until a certain age, and two had an overpopulation problem. Kevin would think he was doing the right thing, in fact others would think that as well. In his society it would be right to smash babies and that would be the right choice Now imagine, giving food to the hungry, its a charitable contribution correct? in kevins world smashing babies is like giving food to the hungry its a charitable contribution and most people based on their morals believe that charity is the right choice in kevins world you wouldnt be offended by it, because know body would think of it was wrong, just like nobody or most people thinks healing the sick is wrong or taking care of those in need in our society
  13. Its not that bad all u need to do is dodge alot and make sure they aren't above you below you or remotly near you if your not beatin them Zelda pwns except when her teleport fails btw
  14. what realy pisses me off is level 9 battles when the team, its ridiculous try fighting 3 lv 9 sonics or a lv 9 capt falc, with lv 9 marth , lv 9 mario on same team :o :o Falco>Fox
  15. Enigma


  16. crap, I forgot to add the tag i need it for xp >_< maybe I can convert it or something
  17. Enigma


    i go back to school to start my junior year in 2 days >.>
  18. I can event this as well and wel compare, I realized that you can set the varaible to terrain tag cause I was explorin a bit, this means I can make a parallel process, the hard thing is eventing Gauges is very ineffective, trust me I know so asimple gauge script plus eventing would work well anyone know a gauge script that shows things based on a varaible?
  19. Sorry for not posting earlier, but I just want to say I don't understand selfmutilation Mainly because I can't stand pain. The only time I inflict pain on myself is either over training or self healing such as:pulling out a splinter or a broken nail(which really hurts) but I'm nigerian so I got use to it cause of My PARENTs O.o in my opinion the best thing to do is to get your girlfreind to release all that destructive stress and energy on something mindless and unimportant, some kind of sport or game or even art. And if you identify the cause of her dangerous habit, encourage her to forget about it with the more mindless tasks if itssome kind of abuse, self mutilation will dwarf the signs of abuse, if its verbal or mental, something else to think about usually works. If all else fails, bore here to tears then make her happy. IF you can acheive that she'll probably appreciate the attention you give her
  20. Basically this script will do 3 things in terms of the eventing take a certain variable say variable(Body Heat) and based on the terrain tag preferable 8 and 9 it will edit that varaible if its 8 meaning its very cold, the varaible will decrease by 1 either every 2-3 seconds or every step until it reaches 50, when 50 is reached the State:Hypothermia is activated, when you are off the terrain tag, your temperature variable will increase till 0, but you need some kind of potion to heal the hypothermia as for 9 which would be heat the varaible would increase by 1 every 2-3 seconds or step till it reach 50, when reached the state hyperthermia will be inflicted, and temperature will decrease if your off the terrain tag also the varaible will control a gauge which is grey or silver at zero but becomes reddish and grows as temperature goes up but then gets bluish and shrinks as temperature goes down, and this gauge should be able to be turned of with a switch. I will try to learn scripting or attempt to event this, but honestly I am requesting not only a script but advice on how to make a script like this so I won't have to ask as much for things I hate asking for things like scripts
  21. I was thinking of having an offline and online version, so that the online version would constantly update, but the offline version would update when internet is avaliable also I was thinking of having this program work similar to photoshop where it each part of the sprite is on a different layer such as hair body eyes and clothes on seperate layers, can you explain what you mean about the first paragraph to me. I'm thinking that it will just pull the images from the database, layer them then merge them to 1 image and save in png format
  22. The original Idea is for this thing to be online, an offline version of the program can be made so you would download the intial program and that program would download the pieces of the sprite needed for the generator. Furthermore, we can easily just credit the makers of the sprite we use on the page of the generator, most spriters don't require permission but if we have to ask then we will. Also if they have a site, Such as Sithjesters we can affilate with them. With the traffic from the generator, they would most likely want to affilate with us so they can get more attention. Also This generator will only support RMXP sprites at first, then expand to RMVX sprites mainly because RMVX resources aren't as large as RMXP. If possible i think we should start with the rtp sprites for resources, hence mixing and matching Fighter 2 with clothes of fighter 1 or something like that.
  23. any thing from kingdom hearts most alternative rock songs except little mermaid songs any thing rap song with with do the in the title and most classical music THE SCHNEID GET OVER TO RMXP UNLIMTeD GENERATOR TOPIC IF R BOReD!!!!!
  24. I'll check my msn right now I made a user bar for it also, Im going to see if i can make a demo for this on flash you'll see
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