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hey. i just wanted to make a fantasy/power/magic etc. rp here. this is one of my made rp in another forum, hope you guys like it.


Main Story

Long Ago, there were four brothers with there wives who controlled four nations, in which element they were born. they lived in peace but then one day war broke between them with an unknown cause. power and magic spread through the lands, the force of the magic was hard for many of their people, turning some of them into abnormal vicious monsters, and some of them who managed to persuade it, gave them ability. the war broke for ages and ages, just then the crystal of peace broke causing unbelievable unbalance to their lands, darkness roam over the lands, causing some portals being opened from another dimension, causing creatures to creep out. after ages of war the brothers decided to stop and just move away from each other, just then the one big land was halfed into four lands, Even though the crystal of peace was broken the mages still managed to keep the balance, and they passed it from generations to generations, hoping it will stay the same. (Please PM if have more questions.)


Chapter 1 ~ Eris Quad Sum


the queens diamond of west was stolen, during the Saguyashi festival.


ok, so basically the story starts 2 days before Saguyashi festival, so we sill start out by coming to the city of Epardermas to join and celebrate the festival. (well your start of, depends what your character will be doing in the festival)


Phoenix Nation (Fire 20px-Alchemy_fire_symbol.svg.png)

Capital City: Helious City

Co-Capital City: Hestia City

Aqua Nation (Water 20px-Alchemy_water_symbol.svg.png)

Capital City: Poseidon City

Co-Capital City: Tethys City

Gaia Nation (Earth 20px-Alchemy_earth_symbol.svg.png)

Capital City: Geb City

Co-Capital City: Gaea City

Orisha Nation (Air 20px-Alchemy_air_symbol.svg.png)

Capital City: Enlil City

Co-Capital City: Aether City



No Godmodding.

No controlling other characters unless they said so.

No killing other characters.

Play fair.(example, in a battle between characters, try to get hit, don't always say my character dodge the attack and so on. its actually godmodding. other characters has their ups and downs so try to lose even for once.)

Romance allowed. (please keep it PG 15)

post atleast 3 sentence

have fun, and enjoy!


Character Sheet

Full Name:

Nick Name/Alias:




Life standard: (Noble, Normal, Poor)

Race: (any race can be created, Except elves and Demons it will be used for a next chapter to the RP)

weapon: (image recommended, use spoilers for larger images)

Skill: (up t0 5 or below only)

Magic: (Black or White? no both only high mages can control such power)

Class: (any class can be created)

Nation: (Fire,Water,Earth,Air. the nation you choose affects your power and elements to control)

Land/City/Village: (basically were you live. if you live in a forest just state one. you can give any name for the city and village, you can also be in one of the major cities.)

Bio/History: (please no shady past characters so try to put some effort into it)


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Full Name: Aster


Nick Name/Alias: Hydro


Age: 18


Personality/Traits: Aquamarine straight hair, really tall (around 6' 3"), Mostly serious, cares about his friends.


Zodiac: Pisces


Life standard: Normal


Race: Human





Skill: (im not really sure what you mean by this but ill just list what i think your asking for, and do we get more skills later? if skills are the names of special attacks?)


Advanced control of his spear (he's a master)

Water Magic (Extremely high strength in water magic)

Ice Magic (Extremely high strength in ice magic)

1000 Spears (freezes the water in the air shooting 1000 icicle spears from the ground straight up.)

"Hydro combat" (self taught skill which focuses magic around his hands and when he hits someone he controls their blood to mess up the circulation doing serious damage)


Magic: um i think black?


Class: Water Master


Nation: Aqua (in case you couldn't have guessed)


Land/City/Village: Traveler


Bio/History: Was raised on an island in the middle of the ocean where he learned water and ice magic. His island was attacked one day by mysterious mages. He survived by hiding underwater in a bubble until they left. The whole island was killed which traumatized him. He became very serious and trained inhis skills untill he could freeze a path across the ocean (not in one go but foot by foot) and became a traveler looking for the mysterious mages


(Sorry if the mysterious mages is too much of a shady past but i couldn't think of anything else :P )

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Full Name: Tatazaki Oniguri

Nick Name/Alias: Tata


Personality/Traits: Cool headed, almost no temper

Zodiac: Aries

Life standard: poor

Race: Human




Freezing Chain- uses the surrounding water in the air to create a chain that freezes on contact- and attaches to the weapon

Frost Burst- usable only in rather damp places, shatters the chain to create an explosion of ice shards that shoot around the user- can use this to create a really pretty snow effect as well

Wall of Ice- creates an ice wall, thickness is dependant on the surrounding water that is ~5 ft from the user

Katar Mastery- full use and mastery of the katar weapon

Ice Chain Mastery- Mastery of the "Freezing Chain"

Magic: Black

Class: Ice Chainer

Nation: Aqua

Land/City/Village: Tethys City

Bio/History: Tata is a street performer, his weapon, the katar, along with his ice chain he can use flawlessly. His "Dance of the Fallen Stars" is truly a beautiful thing to watch. In combat, thats the worst move you could face from him, as instead of turinging into tiny snoflakes, it turns into ice shards that shoot toward the opponent. If there is no nearby water, Tatazaki cant use any of his skills.

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Full Name: Tatazaki Oniguri

Nick Name/Alias: Tata


Personality/Traits: Cool headed, almost no temper

Zodiac: Aries

Life standard: poor

Race: Human




Freezing Chain- uses the surrounding water in the air to create a chain that freezes on contact- and attaches to the weapon

Frost Burst- usable only in rather damp places, shatters the chain to create an explosion of ice shards that shoot around the user- can use this to create a really pretty snow effect as well

Wall of Ice- creates an ice wall, thickness is dependant on the surrounding water that is ~5 ft from the user

Katar Mastery- full use and mastery of the katar weapon

Ice Chain Mastery- Mastery of the "Freezing Chain"

Magic: Black

Class: Ice Chainer

Nation: Aqua

Land/City/Village: Tethys City

Bio/History: Tata is a street performer, his weapon, the katar, along with his ice chain he can use flawlessly. His "Dance of the Fallen Stars" is truly a beautiful thing to watch. In combat, thats the worst move you could face from him, as instead of turinging into tiny snoflakes, it turns into ice shards that shoot toward the opponent. If there is no nearby water, Tatazaki cant use any of his skills.


Another ice weilder :P


cool we'll have to fight some time

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Another ice weilder :P


cool we'll have to fight some time

lol, I wont go easy on you if we do. I think it would be better if we were on the same team (you have an added bonus of water control- I dont :P)

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lol, I wont go easy on you if we do. I think it would be better if we were on the same team (you have an added bonus of water control- I dont :P)


haha thats true we'll be the aqua duo

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if you need aya I can create a fire attribute character.

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Full Name: Jacob Syna the 3rd

Nick Name/Alias: Jacob

Age: 19

Personality/Traits: Quick, extremely stealthy

Zodiac: Leo

Life standard: Normal

Race: Human/Werewolf (Obvious. Full moon = transform).

weapon: The Death-Scythe


~Forged in the secret black-market underground of Gaea City, the Death-Scythe is a supposed cursed weapon. Jacob doesn't believes in curses, and claims that if you believe in a curse your mind will play tricks with you until the curse is forfilled.


-Duplicate (Makes copy of self. Copy is weak and cannot harm opponent. Used as a distraction)

-Camoflauge (Blends in with the background behind him)

-Blue Fire (Creates a blue flame around Jacob. Melee attacks will result in damage of the attacker. Can rarely use.)

-Headshot (Finishing move - Throws the Death-Scythe into the air, does a backflip, then kicks it blade-first at the opponent. Jacob likes to aim for the head.)

-Transform (Transforms into a werewolf during a full moon.)

Magic: Black

Class: Assassin

Nation: Fire

Land/City/Village: A small hut in the forest near Hestia City.

Bio/History: Jacob always was a werewolf; from his mothers side. Jacob was known for black market sales in the Earth Kingdom and is hunted there. Nobody apart from his family know he is a werewolf. Jacob has a bad temper, especially around a full moon. He also gains more power the more the moon shows each night, but loses it again when there is no moon.



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Full Name: Cassandra Mizuki

Nick Name/Alias: Cassie/Camille

Age: 18

Personality/Traits: Serious, Artistic, Charismatic, Friendly, Loves the Outdoors

Zodiac: Scorpio

Life standard: Poor (was a Noble before)

Race: Moon Pixie/Human

weapon: she usually don't use weapon for her minor casting, but if it comes to war she uses her weapon.



Bone Reaver - (summons hordes of skeletons to aid her in battle, only last for a few minutes)

Contagion - (Casted will have a deadly disease, She will have a high fever until the diseased will die. )

Fetid Ground - (Entangling vine comes out of the ground attacking enemies.)

Rising Bile - (Summons 3-4 deadly flowers)

Toxic Chill - (grows little flowers which Emits a very good fragrance that makes enemies fall asleep.)

Magic: Black

Class: Necromancer

Nation: Earth

Land/City/Village: Currently living in Poseidon City (originally lives in the dark forest "Elemdor")

Bio/History: Cassie was raised by an old woman which she knew as her grandmother, but the truth is the old woman was a servant in the Elemdor kingdom. she was a servant of the late princess Camille, Princess Camille was the only child of King Vourgo. Princess Camille was not like the typical princess who was obedient, liked being served and going with meetings with her father. she was more of like a normal human that didn't cared about anything but just followed what they liked and were they are happy. Princess Camille always sneaks out and goes to the human kingdom, she wasn't noticed since Pixie were more human-like except for their color and strange markings on them, the Elemdor pixie race were pale colored skin so they weren't that noticeable. after sneaking out many times Princess Camille then fall inloved with a Noble human, they meet up every night, at the big oak tree looking at the big blue moon. one day Princess Camille's step mother knew she was pregnant and told it to the king, because of the Kings rage she then executed Princess Camille by burning her and cursing her soul to never rest in peace. the human prince was then also cursed by a poisonous and contagious disease but will never die, the prince was then exiled of the kingdom and was never seen. one thing they didn't know, the day Princess Camille's step mother found out about her pregnancy it was the day she gave birth, Princess Camille knowing what would happened she gave her daughter to her servant. the servant then fled away to the water nation and pretended to be a water resident. (back then, the four nations didn't allowed other nation residents to enter their lands) now Princess Camille's daughter goes with the name Cassandra Mizuki, she is working as a maid in Poseidon Castle. (more of her story will be revealed in the RP.)



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[i see Syaoran is reading this topic so I'll wait to see if he posts or if he is just reading.]

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[i see Syaoran is reading this topic so I'll wait to see if he posts or if he is just reading.]


haha no you can start im not even on the page

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[Ok, I'll start then]

The morning sun was always beautiful. As a kid I would stay up all night just to see it as it breaks the horizon. It still reminded me of home.


I had to get an early start is I wanted to eat today; the deers are always grazing by the creek at this time in the morning. I picked up my Death-Scythe and headed off.


It was cold, as usual. The forest was always cold, the dew splashing againsty my feet as I trudged through the swampland to my hunting grounds. It seemed like another perfect day.


I was very swift, allowing myself to hear everything as I walked; birds chirping in the trees, rabbits hopping to their holes and... The sounds of swords clashing?


I ran to the creek to see guards attacking a child. The child was male, about the age of 14. I drew my scythe and prepared to fight them.


The kid drew a sword and made a rather pathetic attempt at protecting himself. The guards were quick to disarm him. "Your going to jail for your crimes," one said, "Imagine; a kid stealing a sword in the mids of daylight? That is this world coming to?"


This was my chance. I quietly chanted a spell and camoflauged into the environment. I quietly walked up behind one of the guards, drew my scythe and slit his neck.


Blood gushed everywhere but it also landed on me, painting a red body-like shape. "What the hell is that?!" a guard screamed, drawing his sword. The two remaining guards walked towards me.


I used my scythe to cut down a small tree and used it as a second weapon. A guard took a swing at me and caught his sword in the tree. I simply twisted the small tree to disarm him, then chucked the sword at him, nailing him in the forehead.


"Mercy!" the remaining guard said as he dropped his sword, "Please... I... I'll forget about this incident entirely!" I smirked, "Very well." I said. As the guard ran, I used my finishing move, the Headshot, to throw the Death-Scythe into the air, do a backflip, then kick it blade-first into the fleeing guard.


I retreived my scythe from the decapitated body and walked up to the kid. "Thank you," said the Kid. I smiled "How old are you?" I asked. "11," replied the boy, "Turning 12 in a few days."


I took one of the guards iron swords and gave it to the kid. "Take this," I said, "It is a whole lot better than that thing you used." The kid laughed, "Thanks. My name is Ryan, by the way."


"What kingdom are you from Ryan?" I asked. "The fire kingdom." he replied. "Come with me," I said, continuing to the creek, "I will teach you how to fight."

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[at the festival preperations in a building]


a big man sat in his chair facing me, he was explaining many details about the festival but i was just waiting for the moment when he would pay me.


I had helped fixed up the festival for this man at the price of 1000 gold pieces...


I hadn't had a decent meal in days due to the spike in food because of the festival...


Oh it seems like he's about to finish better start paying attention...


"So i have decided you will not be getting your pay." he finished with a smile.


not getting my pay... the words floated around my head for a couple seconds as i couldnt comprehend what he was saying.


"guards show him out"


2 huge guards grabbed me by the arms and started to drag me out the door.


then i realized... I WASNT GETTING PAYED!!!!


I grabbed the guard at my left's arm and focused my energy.


the blood in his arm was now frozen solid.


"GAHH!!!" the man yelled recoiling his arm.


I grabbed the other man by the face and was about to freeze him but


"please spare me!" he squealed.


How pathetic


i sent a chill across his face and the anticipation of freezing made him faint.


I then walked up to the boss and said


"Now wheres my pay?"


"i h-have it right here dont be hasty"


he fumbled with a big safe that was hidden behind a picture and as soon as he opened it


my spear had made friends with his brains.


i took his money and left wiping some of the blood off my spear.


no one takes advantage of me

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[Arriving at the creek]

"Shhh," I said to Ryan, "See that deer?" Ryans eyes widened "Look at how big it is!" he whispered. "And I'm going to teach you how to hunt it!" Ryans eyes widened again to a point where I thought they were going to pop out of his head.


"R-really?" he whispers. "Of course," I said, "Now. Take the sword and hold it as if it was a spear." I instructed him. He bent his arm behind his head, holding the sword by the handle. "Like this?" he asked. "Just like that. Now, wait until the deer bows his head to take a drink then through the sword at it."


Ryan nodded. When the deer went to take a drink he through the sword, the sword pinning the deers leg to the ground. "I got it!" Ryan said, jumping up and down. "Not yet you don't." I said as we emerged from the bushes and walked towards the deer.


"Now what?" asked Ryan. "You have to kill it." I said to ryan, handing him a small dagger. Ryan smiled, wielded the dagger and slit the deers throat. 'Just like a real hunter' I thought.


"How did I do!?" said Ryan. "Good," I replied, carrying the deer over my shoulder, "Now we go back to my hut."

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[in a half flooded basement, somewhere just outside of town]

"chains of the beauty of ice" said Tatazaki, sticking both his katars into the muddy water, as he pulled them out the inside of the katars began to freeze and the water began to form links of of ice. He practice his best dance: Dance of the Snowshell Wings. by the time he was done, the entire room was completely covered with snow, and the walls were frozen solid. It felt like a small freezer in there. The snow didnt melt, and he left the abandoned home with good feelings that he might actually make some people smile with his skills. This would be his first time performing in the public of the city.

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[Orisha Nation, Lei Forest headed for Epardermas City][Eperdermas is in Orisha nation.]


I sat on the side of the pond too rest. i looked at my coin pouch to see there was only 34 gold coins remaining.


"*sighs* i wish Epedermas City will be just a walk away. i couldn't afford another ride. i guess taking the ship wasn't a good idea after all"


i said and put my coin pouch back to my pocket. i leaned towards the pond and takes some water into my hand, i then drink the fresh water before it all slips out of my hand. i then looked around and inhales the fresh forest air. i look up and cover my eyes protecting it from the rays of the sun that shine through the leaves of the trees. i have been sent to Epardermas City by the king of Poseidon City to aid the king of Epardermas City on the festival. im staying with my grandmothers friend that live in the city. im really excited going there, its my first time traveling and leaving Poseidon City for a week will be nice. new environment and new things to see. i could also spend my earned money for nice items i could find around the fair after the festival. after having a few thought about the place i decided to go and continue my journey.


i stood up and grab my little bag, and headed for the open path out of the forest.

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[Exiting the city]


I had plenty of money now so i might as well try to relax.


I strolled over to a big tree right outside the city and closed my eyes to take a nap.


i heard the jingleing of coins and i opened my eyes and stood upright


someone had stolen my coins!


*exhales* Okay... i need that money.


I pulled my spear off its holster on my back, and started twirling it a few times.


People think this is just for show but when ido it it allows me to evenly disperse the magic.


I slammed the tip into the ground and said



"May God be with you"



The grass in the surrounding area froze,

I then combined the ice's range with my senses so that i could tell where the robber was in my frozen grassland.


"I'll give you one chance" I said "drop the bag and leave and i wont kill you"


I waited 5 seconds but didnt hear the sound of coins dropping


He then left the frozen grass.


sheesh now i have to exert effort.


put my hand against the tree and sucked all of the water from it.


I now had a giant ball of water half the size of a tree in the palm of my hand.


i ran to where i lat felt the presence of the thief


and i saw that he was already in the city running away...


I focused on his location with all my intent losing focus on everything but where he ran.


I then released my water ball into the air and it turned into a spear.


The spear hurtled towards the spot where the thief was heading to next.


i heard a scream and i took my time walking down to where the thief was.


right ion target. The spear had punctured the thief's rigth foot and on impact changed from a spear into a frozen snake that wrapped around him.


i strolled on by, took my gold and left.


The sight of a frozen man was alerting too many people so i turned the ice back into water.


i was tired... it takes alot out of you doing a long chase while not having any food in you for a few days...


I walked to a bed and breakfast to get some grub and to sleep at.

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Tatazaki walked around the shopping district, looking around at what was going on, and seeing what he could get for a measly 3 copper. He needed food, and some bottles of water. He sighed "I guess I wont be able to perform tonight after all." He looked towards the fruits, and saw a nice deal on apples he bought three with the last of his money. He walked out of town and began searching for dropped money in the abandoned house. He siged as he had only found 1 copper.

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[back at the shack]

I handed Ryan a plate of the cooked deer. I had used one of my powers to cook it. "Hmm," said Ryan, stuffing his face with the deer, "This is really good!" I smiled, "Don't eat too much, we might not find another deer tomorrow morning." Ryan looked up at me in surprise.


"And if there isn't any deer?" he asked. I pulled a poster out of my bag. It read 'Epardermas City Festival. Food, Games, Suveniors.' Ryans eyes widened "We're gonna steal from a festival!?" he said. "No," I said, pulling out a bag of gold, "We're just going to attend."

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i looked at the sky and knew it was already pass lunch, my stomach growled angrily like a war broke inside. i looked around but it seemed like trees were the only thing standing around. i stopped for a while and decided to move on.


after a few walks i heard a scream coming from some parts of the forest, i also heard laughing. since my curiosity strike again i decided to look into it. the screams and laughing cam closer, just then i saw three men standing, two woman a child and a guy laying dead like on the ground. i leaned on one of the trees to hide.


"please, please. we will give you all our money just don't hurt us." a female voice said as the sound of fear circled around her voice.

"give us the child, we will make money if we selled her as a slave in the city" a rugged voice said laughing. the two women cried as the two men pulled the child out of their league. i looked and the man carried the kid into his shoulder. the little child cried as she was carried away. i knew it wasn't my business but if people are in trouble i guess doing a good deed won't be bad. i came out of the trees and stood beside it facing them.


"drop the child!" i started with a cold voice, i got really pissed at them as i looked how the carried the child like a hunted deer. the three men looked at me, there was silent at first, then the man speaked.


"and who are you? a girl like you should mind her own business." the man said with a pissed look.

"sorry but i just can't stand joining in someone's business" i said and raised an eyebrow. the men looked really pissed.

"you B**CH!" the other guy shouted. suddenly my ears flicker with the word he used.

"what!" i said, i was really pissed at him that i want to kill him on the spot.

"you heard me!" the guys said. i grinned and my eyes turned black then suddenly three skeletons came out of nowhere, the skeletons slashed the three men's throat and blood burst out of each of them. then the skeletons pulled the corpses into the ground.

"you safe now." i said as my eye color turned to normal. there was silence for a while but it broke when the man in the ground suddenly woke up.

"daddy." the child said and gave him a hug. the two women came closer too and all four of them were happy. i looked at them and decided to leave.

"wait!" a voice said. i looked around and they were all staring at me.

"thank you for saving us. what can we do to repay you?" the man asked.

"no, its ok. helping people is really a happy thing to do and i don't need any pay. would i just ask you a question?" i said and flashed them a smiled.

"sure, what is it?" the man asked.

"im kind of lost, i forgot my map on the ship i was earlier. do you know the way to Epardermas City?" i asked politely.

"are you going to to the festival? were going there too. we came from Eslie village from the fire nation." the other woman interrupted.

"yes, i am." i said and smiled.

"well, the way to the city is this way, if you will walk going there it will take you a day to get there. you can ride with us if you want." the man said and smiled at me. i freaked when i heard about taking me a day to get there, maybe riding with them isn't bad idea.

"really? sure i hope i don't crowd you." i said smiling.


i agreed to come with them, a few walks away from where they were robbed, stood a caravan with the fire nation insignia marked on it. i was happy for not walking for a day and seeing and meeting other nation people, they offered me food and drinks us we journeyed to Epardermas City.

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Tatazaki decided to look in the forest around the abandoned house for change. While he searched the woods, he heard a voice.

"...Money. We are going to kill you either way whether you cooperate or not." Tatazaki hid behind a tree being very careful. "Please, do whatever you want with me but don't hurt my child or my brother she said crying." Said a woman lying on the ground in ankle deep water. Tatazaki took out a katar and stuck it in the water for a few seconds and took out a solid frozen chain. Tatazaki looked around the tree and saw one of the men as one of the men saw him. Tatazaki didnt get a chance to count the men as he stood there behind the tree. the man who saw him tried to attack with a dagger but didnt realize how small it was. Tatazaki countered by swinging the chain and landing it on his foe's arm. The skin on that arm began to turn black as the cells of whatever the chain touched were killed by the sheer cold of the ice. Tatazaki took out the second katar and parryed another man who attacked him with a sword. He stuck his chain in the water and his men could only watch helplessly as their ankes which were in the water become trapped. "I hate cold hearted [is swearing allowed?] like you." He chopped off the legs of both men and froze their wounds so they would close. "Now get out of here before I do you worse." Said Tatazaki with an angry voice. He slammed the chain down to the ice and watched it turn from solid ice to snow in an instant. "Are you okay miss?" He asked the woman, putting away his weapons. Her daughter was right next to her, scared out of her mind as the woman's brother lay unconscious and covered with his own blood. "Im okay, thank you sir." She said with a smile. Tatazaki looked at her brother, sizing up his wounds. He took out a katar and dipped it in the water and made the blades freeze. He touched the wounds with the frozen blades, making the bleeding stop. He then slammed the katar on the tree and as the ice broke off the blade, so did one of the blades of the katar drop into the water. The woman looked at him with his sad face on. "My family treasure..." he cried. The woman took him and his broken katar to the nearest blacksmith. Who after some explaning got him to fix the katar for free. "Sir, what is your name?" Asked the woman. "Tatazaki" came the replay. "Tatazaki Oniguri."


"Well Tatazaki, I want you to have this:" said the woman handing him 20 gold coins, and a small jewel. Tatazaki was amazed at his luck. As it turned out, He had saved a noble woman's life. She walked away with her wounded brother saying "Take care of the jewel and it will take care of you, Bye Bye."

"And put some better clothes on," her daughter added.

He went off to do some shopping for clothes, food, and water bottles, and came to the busted shack with 15 gold coins left, and a feeling that he did something good today.

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[Ok, I am going to make it that the forest I am inhabited in was the one that Aya saved those people in]

Ryan and I watched in awe as a women took down 3 armed bandits. It was unbelievable. Especially the dark powers that she wielded. We followed the carravan on foot for a while before it started picking up speed.


"Now what?" asked Ryan. I took a jump and grabbed onto the bottom of the carravan making no noise at all. I reached out my hand and I pulled Ryan under it as well. "Be quiet," I whispered, "Don't talk, just focus on holding on."


I could hear the girl talking. By her voice I could tell she was around my age. She wore tattered noble clothes, giving me no idea to what lifestyle she lived. But it still doesn't matter, the only question on my mind was how did she learn that black magic.


I stuck my head out of the side of the carravan to see that we were approching a city. "We're nearly at the festival," a mans voice said.


What luck.

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I was happy getting a free ride, and free food. fire nation food i really good and spicy. food in my nation was always fish sometimes seaweeds since grandmother couldn't afford buying more expensive foods. i really like how they were so generous to me. suddenly the caravan moved like weight was added into it, they just thought they hit a rock and agreed with them, after a few minutes the road became more smooth.


"We're nearly at the City"


the man said, everyone started smiling and i did too. they started fixing up and packing their things. i too got ready to get down. i peeped out and saw two guards and a big gate infront of the caravan, the caravan entered the city. the inside of the city was quit busy people helping each other build their stores, childer running around and everything you have to say days before a festival.


The caravan stopped at an empty space, the man got down and gave 20 gold coins to the man standing on the empty space. i got out of the caravan and dusted off my lite blue skirt.


"so were are you going now?" the woman asked, i looked at her and smiled.

"im meeting my grandmothers friend, she leaves somewhere here." i replied.

"oh is that so. ok then. thanks again for helping us, may the gods bless you." she said.

"were starting our store here, we will be selling for the festival. don't forget to drop by." the other woman said, i nodded and smiled, i then turned around and looked at the busy city, inhaled a deep breath and started walking.


i looked at the paper grandmother told me, her friend is a middle class citizen so she must be on the middle district of the city. i turned around and saw a big fountain.


"that must be the center of the city" i said, it was the place my grandmothers friend and i would meet. i walked towards it, i sat on the side and started scanning my surroundings.

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After leaving most of my coins in my new room i decided to go back into the city.


I took a few gold coins with me and i started scanning if there were any shops open yet.


I didnt see any...


Having nothing to do i ventured towards the middle of the city.


i saw a magnificent giant fountain with a few people sitting around it.


They didn't seem to powerful, only one girl stood out just sitting scanning around, but i could feel the magic energy pouring out of her.


I hid my magical energy so she wouldnt sense me and sat down next to her on the fountain's edge.

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