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Black Shadow

The Screenshot Thread

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Hey Shadow nice to see you back.


Here is one of my game title.

The leaves are animated(ccoa's weather system) and the map is scrolling up.

This is a very nice title screen i made. Took me almost 3days to get it right.


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That map looks pretty great. I would like to see just a slight more details in it(I think the tileset has more to work with), but other from that, the map is pretty good. Nice work :)

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Heya BlackShadow! I thought you were still on leave! Welcome back! I promise I will get a screen in by the end of the day!

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Looks nice.

I still don't like to make Cave maps though :/. It's not as easy as Village and Forest maps.

Thats my favorite type of map to work with.

So much you can do.

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Looks good SolstICE.

I like the ice floor.

Same here. The ice floor adds a nice touch! I hate VX character size so much! Why do they have to be midgets? Why?!?!

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BUMB~ This topic deserves it.


Here is a forest I made. I was to lazy to make a cosmetic lighting fog so I just put a normal fog on it.



I just noticed the mistake with the worn down path auto-tile going off the path at the mid-top-right. I don't like this map for some reason. I really can do a lot better :(. *disappointed in self* I didn't even use a screen color tone.


Lol, cave maps are my favorite to do!

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Kiriashi told me to post here to comment his map...so here I am, commenting it.

(insert great comment to the great Kiriashi's great map of greatness....great great great great great GREAT!!!)


Mission accomplished. >_>

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Wow, epic fail. That has to be the worst comment ever. lol, thanks anyways. Should I start another mapping contest, or are you guys busy?

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Wow nice map is so sweet and full of awesome-sauce. Could get rid of the flower on the rock in the upper right. Other than that great job.

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Yeah I thought I'd put it there and see if you guys didn't like it. I thought it mixed in good but I guess not.



Thanks for the crit!


*preparing next map to show*

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lol, was going to say abuot that road thing covering the grass error, but you already knew it.


nice map otherwise, I really like that mushroom detail under the tree for some reason, lol

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So do I! I think it is because it fits so nicly, also because mushrooms grow in the shade. Photoshop won't open on my computer for some reason now, and I need it to do a cosmetic lighting fog for my interior map, so I guess I'll do an exterior for now....

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Here is a section of my unfinished world map.


Yea i know it sucks but like i said unfinished. I only worked on it for an hour so far.

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That looks pretty good for said time. Inq's tileset, right? I have it, I just never used it. I'll go wip something up...


Err, maybe not. I will only use RTP until I rock it to the extreme.

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personally I still think the rtp is bad.


Post some more maps up Kiriashi, I've only seen that one forest one, and it's sorta mediocre, rtp makes everything boring


if you need tilesets, visit this thread


theres alot of better sources to work with, rtp isn't going to go anywhere.

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I only use RTP, whether you like it or not. *Laughs out Loud*


Desert Town Map:



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(double posting is allowed when there is useful new information in the post, like my map)


Okay, here is a desert town map I made. It is supposed to be the entrance. Sorry I took so long, I was watching the latest 24 episode. xD




(Make sure you click on the magnifying glass on the top right corner!!!)


C&C? Does it look great or not? xD

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the rooftops feel a bit bland, but other wise a very solid map :)


The topd left and right corners, the mountain sides, are way to repetitive in it's formation/ledges, it's just like a crop up, would be better if you made is just more random in structure.


the positioning of the top ladder on the mountain is off.


And what is that blue square thingy?


Other than that, some lighting effects would be good, I like it.

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I agree with you on the roofs. I just used the standard RTP desert, so there was nothing I had to work with. What do I do with those, xD.


About the ladder. You must never of used it before, 'cause everyone that uses the RTP knows that you have to make an editing of the ladder. Hehe, make some maps of your own before you comment on mine.


The mountains? I can't see what you mean about them being repetitive. They are supposed to be man-made, if you look harder, you'll see evidence of bricks in the mountains. in the picture comments, I noted the blue square, check it out.


I was to lazy for cosmetic lighting, screen tone, and lighting events. I'm busy with other stuff xD.

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I've never heard of that, but I do know it needs to be edited, I edit my and seth's tilesets all the time, but why then didn't you?


You're letting RTP's flaws limit you, put some extra work into it and at least fix it up. It shouldn't matter if I do make maps or not, being lazy about something that looks bad is still letting something look bad, theres nothing stopping you. "Try it yourself and then tell me" is childish, it's C&C, people who play games don't make maps, they're just going to judge.


details like lighting etc are what makes a map in the end if you ask me, theres a huge difference in quality for that work.


as for the mountains, I meant to say something about the bricks, but I figured it was probably story related. some big ass man made mountais, lol, they are uniformed though in the way they rise, they repeat their curve paths, it would've looked better and more interesting if that wasn't the case, but if theres a story behind it, I guess it would work out.

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