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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Congratulations, you proved your point. I hope it was worth it. If anyone from those times say that they believed you, I'd be surprised. No one at the time did, so you got pissed off to try and make us believe you. It's been 5 years and this topic really is a bit late. We've all matured, and it probably doesn't matter now. I'll remind you of my PM to you at the time: [DELETED] And yeah, I had to search the database to find this conversation because I still remember it. It was obvious you were lying. Like I say, we've matured and it probably doesn't matter to us, but it's fair to say I've been disappointed since. There are so many negative consequences to what you did. We recently celebrated 10 years and you were without a shadow of a doubt a cornerstone of this community and it I'm reasonably certain it would have died a lot earlier if you weren't apart of it in the early days. So it is difficult to swallow given the reasons you've just posted. I had thought it was an experience that just snowballed and you had to roll with it to save face. In fact, it still sounds like that. But this whole thing is regrettable, especially for me since we always used to talk on IM and you destroyed that by continually pretending to be a girl when we both knew you weren't, and I obviously wasn't comfortable and so I stopped talking to you. Kinda wish none of this really happened tbh. EDIT: Ok that was too negative. It's good that you made this topic, it's a positive step. I'm sure you'll be on your way soon. Like I said at the start of this post, we've all matured including yourself and it's probably not relevant to us anymore. We've got real life problems to deal which make issues like these insignificant. I'm not happy about all the deceit but, that's probably finished and we can move on. Our early days in the RMXP world are memories I still value very much.
  2. Tigurus meet Metapod. I mean metaclaw.
  3. Yesterday, on 8 May, was GDU's 10 year anniversary. 10 years ago the site started out on a free hosting service, and you can see the date I created it here: http://z3.invisionfree.com/RPGXP_Unlimited/index.php?showuser=1 It is quite an achievement. It's something I'm proud of and the others who kept the site going should be proud as well. There is so much history. And many of the people who contributed so much can seen on the top posters list: http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=members&module=list&max_results=20&sort_key=posts&sort_order=desc&filter=ALL I suppose it says something that there's no one on the top 20 posters that joined the site after 2011, or anyone in the top 18 who joined after 2009. The site has certainly slowed down from those days. It is crazy to think about how long 10 years is for a website. I think we're almost the same age as facebook. I would thank several people for their service, but most of them are no longer active here. I will however tribute Bob and Polraudio though. I don't know why you guys are so loyal. I haven't been very active the last couple of years, but it has been fun.
  4. Good afternoon all, I have had to take the drastic measure of restoring a backup of the site to restore its functionality prior to the event 7 and a 1/2 days ago. I attempted to upgrade the site, but underestimated the number of problems I would encounter. I may well have been able to finish, but it would have taken a great deal of time which I just don't have any more working full time (and a little bit extra). Given the low activity of the site, it's not viable to invest in an upgrade of the forums. The upgraded version is very nice and contains a lot of cool features, but would take a considerable amount of time and effort to integrate into the site. So I am definitely a little disappointed about that. As I was trekking along an awfully long and rocky sandspit this afternoon, I had time to reflect on things such as the future of the site. I'm at a point in my life where I probably can't spend any great deal of time on it anymore and we don't seem to attract too many developers (mainly leechers), although we certainly do have a talented few who drop by. In 2 weeks from now, it will 10 years since I created the original version of this site. That is a milestone I am more than happy with, and at some point, I'd like the community to decide on the future of GDU. I really don't want to host a graveyard. P.S. If anyone wants any posts or topics restored that they made over the last 8-ish days, and it's gone, let me know and I'll see if I can restore it. Well, I can. But we'll see if I have time. Sorry about the music resource topic, I know there was a little bit of activity in there. I do have the data, it's just in a different form and I would have to manually pick it all out and insert it back in, which would take me some time.
  5. Hi guys Just a notice that shortly the site will undergo some maintenance and the site will not be available. There's also likely to be some errors that pop up occasionally. I will try to put up a HTML notice when the site goes down. Hope it goes smoothly :) Otherwise gg.
  6. Dayum took me all day to download a 5GB GDU backup from the server. Feels like the stoneage with dem dl speeds.

    1. Polraudio
    2. zahraa


      that dl speed is very common here. welcome to stone age dude

  7. Marked

    Doom 4

    Same! The multi player has got some really bad reviews so far on Steam. Everyone says it's basically like Halo (Which I've never played actually). I'm not really into those death match / 10minute objective style multi player things. I was thinking about buying it, but it's probably safer to warez the steam rip and see how the campaign is first. On release it's too risky at that price. I duno what price you guys get it. Here for PC is like 69USD (converted, of course).
  8. Marked

    Doom 4

    Doom 4 Open Beta is out. FPS multi player is pretty lame, no matter what skin you throw on it. I tried it, pretty ghey.
  9. Marked

    Doom 4

    Who's excited for Doom 4? Somehow I only just heard about this yesterday even though there's been videos of it since late 2014. Watching the trailer brings so much nostalgia from the classic Doom 1 & 2. I hope this game isn't just another of the current sort with Doom-style guns/monsters. Anyone else keen on Doom 4?
  10. Woot. Got my practicing certificate yesterday.

  11. I should write a tutorial on project management.
  12. Any replies? I'm curious as well. Your blog looks pretty innocent and probably not breaching copyright.
  13. Did you ask them? Free hosting does suck.
  14. Using javascript is kind of like a depreciation in code quality, but opens up a world of opportunities and its much easier to code in, particularly because you can examine objects in depth. I mean, every decent coding language has an object. You know, a class where you instantiate an object (of the class). You can examine all of its variables, all of its functions, at any point. That's a very beautiful thing in coding. If you want to make games and not learn to code, I'd like to remind you that life is short and you're wastin' a bunch of it.
  15. Y'ello Refer to the poll. I want to know whether or not you guys follow a single engine at any one time - and whether or not content from other engines gets in the way in terms of your GDU experience. I'm thinking about creating a filter attached to accounts where you can filter out content related to engines you're not interested in.
  16. Marked

    Merry Easter

    Chinese new year, also known as lunar new year, is diff also. It was 8 Feb 2016, and it's almost the year 5,000. At some point in my life I am planning to switch to this calendar, so I can say I was born in 1990 and lived to 4,800. Boom. #maphax
  17. It's very difficult for the develop to judge the difficulty since you (are supposed to) know everything. That's essentially cheating, bro. You give it your best judgement, although there should be some reasoning behind your estimates based on your players' expected stats. Then you need testers who are raw to come in and give feedback, and tweak stuff. You need to direct your testers to give exactly the feedback you want, or their issues will go unreported and undetected by you.
  18. Marked

    Merry Easter

    That's rough. Do you get paid extra? When we work on statutory holidays like Easter, employers have to pay 1.5 x normal wages. It's called time and a half here. What's Nowruz? D: I wonder how rabbits became associated with Easter. Hmmmmm
  19. Marked

    Merry Easter

    Happy Easter! In NZ we get four days off - Easer Friday to Easter Monday. It's currently Tuesday here, so back to work :( I spent the weekend cleaning up my old house. Been transitioning out of it for a month now and back in my new city :) #adventuretime. (actually I'm working, but adventure time will come after).
  20. Depends who you are and what you're trying to achieve, of course. Silly Franky, If you have no plan and just wana kill time, then any engine can satisfy your needs.
  21. Just drove a 1/4 down my country. Back up tomorrow. Only takes 5hrs :)

  22. You should google if you don't understand. A fresh install will fix it (if it's software) but usually considered a last resort. But if i was you, who doesn't know a lot, you should do it. You won't lose your files. It's worth it. Just dont format the hdd. Check the hdd health before a fresh install. To do so, google how.
  23. Get's nagged about bugs. Doesn't get a thanks for fixing them. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

    1. Bob423


      I thought it got fixed by itself :P (thanks though...if you were talking about me)

    2. Marked


      Nah I'm kidding :)

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