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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Alright Kiriashi. I got a wee bit of time on my hands. I rewrote it to utilize ajax and more of the database. It works much better now, but its dependency on javascript makes it tricky for myself (not too sharp with javascript) but we'll see how this turns out.
  2. Thanks everyone :) I am quite fortunate where I live, and actually not all parts of the city have bad damage. The death toll is at 113 now, however its slowly rising everyday because its still a rescue operation (I dont expect this to last much longer) so retrieving bodies is really slow. But its mosly from the CBD (central business district) in Christchurch where a lot of buildings are old and they simple crumbled, trapping and killing people. And thats where most of the deaths occurred. @rgangsta: As we have discovered, the magnitude doesn't mean too much without distance and depth of the quake. A 7.1 we had in September was only half as strong as the 6.3 on tuesday. This site im going to show displays the strength and depth and all of the quakes we have had since september. Generally, where I live, we only feel quakes over 4. Check this out: http://www.christchurchquakemap.co.nz it will take a while to load because there are like 5000 quakes. It will start off showing you the 7.1 followed by all of the aftershocks. Then you should skip ahead in the dropdown box to tuesday the 22nd and see tuesdays quake. No one died in the 7.1.
  3. Marked

    Tileset set-up

    You're useless at it? Just read the relevant pages in the help document and you'll pick it up easy. Its very simple. Its going to take you a long time to do it (unnecessary so because you're not going to need all of those tiles) but just put the time in. I recommend looking at other tilesets to see how the priorities are setup (for example trees, its pretty simple though, the higher up the higher priority).
  4. its 2am and every loud car that drives past sounds like the start of another aftershock...

    1. Kiriashi
    2. isaacsol


      I hope everything is going okay for you :3

    3. Marked


      yeah thanks guys, i guess im just a little jumpy lol but everything is good and back to normal where i live

  5. Thanks man I really appreciate that :) I'll try post some survivor stories tomorrow, and hopefully I'll find some footage from my uni which is where I was at the time.
  6. Thanks everyone ^_^ Last night I distracted myself as much as possible before I slept so id fall asleep fast. Because there are tons of aftershocks, I think like 6 of them greater than 4. There is tons of tragic news coming in about deaths. But there are also a lot of survivors. The rescue operations are really amazing, everyone who can help is helping, and I think we'll save as many live as possible. @LNER fan: My thoughts about Christchurch have changed too. I have to attend university for several more years and I don't want to be there or my family working there. But, what choice do we have. I think if they say this quake is an afterhock of the quake in sep 4 2010 (7.1) then it will put peoples minds to ease because it will make them think this is one long event. I am 20 years old and never felt a quake until last year. @Broken Messiah: During the quake? Umm its the only thing you can do. It will save you from roof tiles, it will not save you from the building collapsing. Its not reassuring, you are 100% helpless. You can't exactly move, or think, during such a violent shake.
  7. Thanks, I appreciate your concern. Yeah the church is called the cathedral, those bricks just came flying off... Wow it made an hour special in australia, thats pretty big. We're getting rescue personal from your country that will arrive in the morning :) Theres videos and images here if you guys want to look: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/4688231/65-dead-in-devastating-Christchurch-quake
  8. Hey guys, Just want to make this topic to say RIP to the people who have died today in the Christchurch earthquake. Well I shouldnt say that because its not the first over the last 6 months. Christchurch is the biggest city (2nd largest in the country) in the south island of New Zealand, and where I live. It struck at 12:50pm, the worst possible time. Here is one video (plenty on youtube): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzrMod86B1k So my personal experience with the quake was rather unpleasant. I was setting in a lecture theater, just my 2nd say of university for the year, and the quake hit. It was strong, obviously, and the lights went out, but we knew the drill from last years 7.1 quake (which wasn't as bad as this one). I got under my seat, though the building remained in tact, and the students were promptly evacuated to the open fields. Nearly my entire family were working today in Christchurch, both parents and my older brother. My phone was dead, and i didnt have any of their numbers. I sat down and waited 3 hours but none of family had come for me (i did not drive to uni that day) so I had no idea whether they were alive or dead. That was the worst part, and the though of life without my family was continually running through my mind and I nearly broke down.. Also there were plenty of aftershocks, one of them was as big as 5.7. I was able to communicate with my older brother who hijacked one of our broken down cars and he came to get me, and we the found our parents back at home. My family are all well. I'm watching the news now and they're saying between 200-400 people are expected to be found dead. I just want to say RIP to all of those poor people, and thanks to all of the help we're getting (from places like australia, japan and even the US). It is a sad day in NZ.
  9. My city was struck by an earthquake today at 12:50pm. RIP those dead in christchurch.

    1. Kiriashi


      Amen to that. :<

    2. Enigma
    3. chaysejack


      dam that happened my city just a big storm lastnight

  10. I don't think so. Log out and try if you like. But yeah, maybe I should open it up to guests.
  11. What do you mean exactly? I dont quite get what you're saying :P Hmm.. are you thinking like, display full tilesets and take the tiles you want from it? That's an idea. What I'm thinking though is just have individual tiles (or including large objects such as trees) and basically drag and drop what you want. All custom tiles who's author is known to us, will be 'printed' on the final tileset at the bottom. I can make text appear on the final image, as with project cards. Every tile will be recognised in a database table, so there will be a field where we can store the authors name. Once the tile is used, the authors name will be able to be shown.
  12. Congratulations gRaViJa and the runner ups. Also to you RKO, good work on a successful contest :alright:
  13. Marked


    This one then: http://fayforest.sakura.ne.jp/sozai/english.html That site displays this sites resources.
  14. Glad you like it :) Though the code of that kinda sucks, I'd do it over again the long way. Haha that'd be cool. But we'll design it together. Because there's a bunch of features we don't know are going to be there yet. The selection of tiles is going to be very very complicated, because it has to efficient. There may be 1,000 tiles + to choose from. But we'll more than likely group them (plants, indoors, buildings, etc). I was thinking a thumbnail strip (like in the gallery) that scrolls along. Or, have tons of tiles appear on the right side of the tileset canvas. Then there needs to be a search box and area for searched tiles to show up. That should replace the normal on-screen tiles though. Yeaaah.
  15. I looked for a date but couldn't find one. I think they update the site a fair bit though. Feel free to check it for yourself in the link above.
  16. Marked


    I'm not sure they're allowed to redistribute these resources: http://fayforest.sakura.ne.jp/sozai/
  17. considering pruning 8k members

    1. Bigace360


      Delete them if there they've never posted ever.

    2. isaacsol


      It would relieve a lot of strain on the server to get rid of spam accounts.

    3. Polraudio


      yea rid the ones who didnt make posts and mass e-mail others.

    4. Show next comments  429 more
  18. On the official japanese RMVX site they have a bunch of tutorials and also released some sample maps for people who have trouble drawing the maps. The original page is here: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=en&sl=ja&u=http://tkool.jp/products/rpgvx/lecture/omake.html&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://tkool.jp/%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG%26prmd%3Divns&rurl=translate.google.co.nz&twu=1&usg=ALkJrhh4b177ebYXK6kAZ7zQ-912ykLj5A And here's the pack: vx_sample_map.zip
  19. I found this posted back in April. I won't link you to the site, I'll just quote the post: I've been keeping an eye out for any news but nothing has come up yet. I think everyone expected one to come out with windows 7 as per the trend (XP then VX), but I guess they were busy with other things. I'm sure they'll want to bring something out to redeem themselves and make a maker that every one agrees is the best.
  20. Haha. I want to make it, but I'm not too sure if I will have enough time. University starts here tomorrow. I was thinking we have a massive database of tiles, just huuuuuuuge. Every tile has 'tags' (eg: green, grass, rtp, OR tree, old, dark) which are basically keywords which you can search for and they (ajaxly) come up onto your screen. This in addition to the tiles you already have to select from (which I'm thinking should scroll automtically and you just pick them out, or perhaps the use will choose categories). Also, as you add tiles, the authors names will come up on the bottom of the tileset or something, so proper credit is ensured.
  21. Then how come no one replied :unsure: You know what, you should design the whole thing and I'll make it. But I'm totally still planning on leaving. There are several issues with user submitted tiles: no actually there's 1 issue: they need to be exact. Their dimensions must be in multiples of 32, and their exact dimentions must be in that database. They should all have the same color shadow for when the tilesets are imported (otherwise they can just be transparent themselves). But I'm good for user submissions if mods are checking and testing the images. I'm thinking of writing my first back-end interface... All of the things you said I think I can do. All but getting rid of the 'locked tiles' thing. I can't think of how I'm going to do that right now. As for submitting to the gallery, thats an idea... but with member coming by to test them we'd have to delete alot of them from the gallery. But what is really cool about it even at the moment is that you can run a string of numbers through the script and it creates the tilset for you. All we have to do is save members strings(it is literally a string of numbers) and we can regenerate their tilesets. So we can get the good ones and submit them to the gallery. :D
  22. Someone obviously thought so and repped me :rolleyes: I just played and my own score was submitted. See: http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?app=arcade&module=stats&g=41&editc=49&st=0#score49 So firstly I'd suggest trying another browser and see what happens.
  23. They key is that its the same thing to you. Just don't worry about, the words mean different things to different people, its really not worth debating :P
  24. Yeah, so I'm pretty disappointed because this hasn't turned up right on the live site. But, I've got things to do for the rest of my life so I've just gotta post this. I'm sure this has been done before but I suddenly had the idea to make an online tileset creator. I was all: 'what if we separated all the tiles in RMXP and custom tiles and allowed the user to simple place them onto a canvas' and then i made this in a few hours. Its rough, no design to it, but i TRIED to get something showable. Sadly, you can only place one tile on at a time. No idea why, works fine on my computer. But, u can see it in action. This is the CONCEPT only. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/index.php?option=com_shop&view=tileset&Itemid=12 Worth creating this properly?
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