Yeah you're right. I think I will alter the color of the rows though to make them stand out.
I think the icons themself are ok: -> .
There actually seems to be this weird thing were content isn't marked as read. The index would look much better if the icons would change once in a while like they should... but maybe its just me.
I did some work yesterday with the menu, and i got the all mighty mootools working. Basically that means i got menu effects that you see on the website (all slidy and stuff) to work on the forum menu, but unfortunately I had to disable the forum javascript. So at this stage, I can't see the menu on the forum getting those nice effects.
Also in the future, I will transfer the user navigation (box to the right in the header) to the website so that it's global, and I'll also do something with the websites top menu and make it global as well. Should look cool. The look has a long long way to go, and hopefully I'll get through it soon......