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Everything posted by Marked

  1. Thx :) A huge number of changes I think won't show up because of browser/http caching. I'm doing stuff every day so I'm not manually fixing this issue for you guys.... It'll be a while before I finish this process, it takes a lot of time :(
  2. https://gyazo.com/58f4ec4b1be86ec836f19cbf34393146
  3. The layout is completly rekt but the refinery is functioning now. Post away!

  4. The other parts of the website are now up and running again. Before, everything was simply redirecting to the homepage. I think the Refinery is also not functioning, i.e. you cannot submit posts etc. so that is next on my to-do list. Feedback welcome, though I understand that's very difficult at this early stage. A lot of stuff will change, but namely in the way of tidying up.
  5. The avatar above the text was actually a mobile thing, it's supposed to be hidden on desktop before I deleted the relevant CSS. Thanks for the suggestions, I will change both of those things. The IDE program I was using has deleted something which has made other parts of the site inaccessable.. I'll fix that ASAP. Not sure what it was. I will work slowly on polishing off everything over the next few weeks. Should look nice and clean once it's done.
  6. Obviously have made a start on this :) Not bad actually, thought it would be much worse. It will take some time to refine things but I intend to chip away at it.
  7. GDU4. Remember that time in January 2017 where I said "I expect to launch GDU4 around 14 February.". That's probably because I bought a house and now getting married, etc. I delayed it for as long as possible but I'm growing up :( Exciting times ahead for GDU though. There is a change in management in the pipeline, but I still need to get things organised for that happen. In regards to GDU4, the upgrade to the new forum software it just too big of an ask for me to undertake. However all that work and effort is not lost - all the front-end dev work I've done for GDU4 can be recycled. It will still look like GDU4, but the software won't be as new - but you know what, I bet you guys can't even tell. I genuinely think that we have the tools here already to respark our community. The refinery and games section in particular, two platforms that I would love to continue to improve. Looking at recent activity, it's quiet on the board right now. So I thought I'd do something crazy - just start developing straight on the live server. As in, whip up the changes thus far and just start web devin' right in front of your eyes. Maybe I can complete the reskin of the website within a week. I think I will do that this Easter break. Be prepared! Following launch of GDU4, GDU will be ready for a change of hands.
  8. Ah I see, that image was uploaded in Dec 2008. More than 9 years ago. I would suggest that it is very unlikely to be owned by the uploader. In terms of commercial use, if it were me, I would abandon any copyrighted material which I didn't have express rights to use. Given the liklihood of a claim, you might think it is worth proceeding with the risk. The risk of enforcement is probably small, but given that you could source an alternative with probably little effort means that you should probably do just that. So if it were me, I would use that image as a placeholder until I know for certain im going to make money from the game. I really think this will be a tough one to track down the owner. :(
  9. Where did you get the image from?
  10. What doesn't he just admit that his real name's Allen?

    1. Bob423


      Allen, I think you have a typo in your status update.

  11. Ahh you're in the veteran usergroup. I don't even remember setting that up. Just needs a reconfig of the settings.
  12. Yes, that's correct. A lot of forum systems are like this, mainly where the forums are not the sole focus of the website (kind of like us but not really?). It's a method that really emphasizes the temporary nature of a forum topic: it's relevant for a few days and then it's tucked away into the archives, and only relevant to those searching Google.
  13. Guys. I've decided to take my harddrives with me this christmas break, and MAYBE do some dev work on GDU4!

    1. Marked


      For context, i will put them into another computer and use that computer to continue dev'in on ma local server.

    2. black mage

      black mage

      What surprise do you have in store this time, Mark? Can you spoil us a bit?

  14. Ya... pretty cool though. Who developers this software? I'm suprised I haven't heard more about it.
  15. Hello Whitebread! Weclome to the forums - we are experts on RMMV support. Can you please be more specific on what "objects" you got from this site? Do you mean like the resources listed under "objects"? Please post the link so we can get a better idea. PS brown bread is healthier than white bread.
  16. There are resources uploaded over 10 years or so at this website, and it can be quite difficult. I would say that the fairest way forwards is to assume they are free to use with attribution, unless otherwise specified.There are bound to be resources uploaded by users who are not the author, but it is impractical to use none of them because of that.
  17. Marked

    Swap characters

    Moved to RPG Maker XP Support.
  18. Welcome! I enjoyed looking at the screenies of your games, I really like the XP style. It's almost certainly sentimental for me, that software is so old now. Please feel free to upload your resources to the gallery. Lots of people visit there, but admittedly it is a rewardless / charitable undertaking. You should create a game page in the games section, http://www.gdunlimited.net/games :) We have at least one horrow project in there by a guy who was very obsessed by zombies.
  19. I have only played 5 matches since I quit online gaming.

    1. Marked


      I only started playing video games in 2015.

    2. zahraa


      oh that's approximately two hours everyday. That's not much! ^^

    3. Marked


      Yes, thanks Zharaa :) Supportive unlike those judgementals. These days I'll only play in a party of friends, lets call it socialising.

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  20. It's been 30hours since I quit PC gaming. Even though I bought a gaming chair and headphones on the weekend, I (guess) I can use those for productivity.

    1. Polraudio


      Man i miss the good old days. Loved that look of the forums. I miss the old look of sites with gradients and stuff. Now websites look all bland with this new "modern" flat boring look.

    2. zahraa


      aww that's how the website looked when i was new here

  21. Not necessarily remove the forums, but the main thing you see is the recent posts. There are still forums, but you're just extracting all the posts out and having a topics list. Like here: https://www.dotabuff.com/forums/general There'd still be a sidebar showing all recent content etc
  22. Hi all I have been thinking if simplifying the forum structure (i.e. all the categories) for a pretty long while. I think one thing we could potentially try out it is the traditional forum style where the board index is simply a list of all recent topics, rather than a list of categories like we've got now. That just makes it super simple to see all the recent activity on the forums - the only thing that really matters on the forums is the recent posts. Topics die like they're meant to after a few days. What do you guys think?
  23. It was our 11 year anniversary of the site a few weeks back. Crazy.

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