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Everything posted by Ragnyrok

  1. haha Yeah my cousin and I found the default menu exploit too XD Thanks for mentioning the inn tables... Version 1.2 has Jarrif's dialogue fixed. I did a loop instead of a self switch and forgot to test it out... So I switched it out with a self switch after he gives you the reward while you're on the first quest from Lavant. & I'm glad you like it :] The soundtrack is mostly ALL from Final Fantasy XI. It really sets the mood a lot, I think. :] Try out the Scholar... Their spells are godly XD. But do NOT get Fireball or Wildfire unless you are one or have high Int, because they are based highly on intellect. It would be better to get the combo or quick attack. Oh yeah and most of the classes are exploitable, if you go all one or two stats. Although the full Str and End build is very fun with Military XD
  2. Eterna Legacy 1.2 is up

  3. I have uploaded versions 1.2a and 1.2b. a is with the RTP. b is without. Version 1.1 was beatable, there were just a couple things wrong with it. 1.2 also has tougher Bosses at the end(Midori and Crucio). and the Guardian Bracelet you get for killing Midori is now able to be equipped. Download Links in the OP. :]
  4. BUGS BEING FIXED ATM @ Masq It only looks like the first letters are not capitalized. That is the font-style... Which I have actually just changed to something else due to some other errors with the font. I know the villagers in the bar all say "...". There is no dialogue or quests written for them yet. Selvina's bulding is a duplex. Hince, the two doors on the outside that lead to different houses. Lavant is South from Greenthorn at the Blockade. The missing files have been added... I just went through and corrected the grammar errors you found, too. Thanks alot! Expect a cleaner release for you to play in a little less than an hour. Thanks again :] Edit Added a fixed download... Eterna Legacy Release 1.1 Sorry, everyone who was actually wanting to play...
  5. Perhaps a change is needed. However, it will not ruin the play experience, since that is not said anywhere in the game.
  6. You need to have peace of mind and clearheadedness in order to act quickly on your feet. As for your suggestion, what does being funny have to do with being quick? Edit I have included a Download Link with the RTP and the Font included :]
  7. It's sort of both. Future content for the Game will be released by way of Expansion Packs.
  8. I am uploading a download for the Font now... >.< Edit: http://www.mediafire.../?z8pal8bxezhix
  9. Thanks, kelless :] The game is a product of several years of scrapped projects and ideas finally coming to one after several months of planning. So it is sort of my baby >D If you dislike it, please be nice lmao
  10. I have updated the OP with a link to the download for the 1st release of Eterna Legacy. However, you will need the RMVX RTP in order to play, but I will make an alternate version with it included soon. Here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?0eez55342nv8ax4
  11. I played a very little bit in High School and Middle School. I remember my favorite deck to play with was an all Elven deck. But, I also do remember getting whomped on by an artifact deck once :x Don't play anymore(I'd rather p&p roleplay if I found a group anyway). But I remember having fun with it. My RM project actually uses the Magic the Gathering font x3
  12. Eterna Legacy's first release should be on time for tomorrow

  13. School rocks so far. I have a little over a 3.0 atm and I am starting my 2nd semester on the 30th of this month :] Looking forward to my E-Commerce and C++ 1 classes :] Database was fun last Semester. Access is a fucking breeze for me hahaha. Hell yeah dude. I actually put the Morrowind music on for her... She ran into the Living Room b/c she thought we put on Oblivion lol Unfortunately for her, the 360 was still off... She had a slight look of confusion about her x3 Oh yeah and I used to hate school, too haha. But it's much better now that I've decided to do it for myself... Not like being forced through High School haha
  14. It was actually fun to play through it again. I remembered I posted it on several Forums, so I downloaded it to check it out again. It's actually what made me start up Eterna Legacy.
  15. I don't think it is necessary to make it as complicated, actually. Keep in mind there are several things you can do to change how much Heros hit for. Lower enemy HP or Defense. Make the enemy weaker to specific elements(even if it is slash or pierce if it gives the hero the necessary edge, then cool). For the healing thing, you can have potions(as said before, assuming it is MegaMan VX)... But since Potions don't really fit the universe, call them Powerups or Energy Boosts. Just like in old school megaman, you could get the orbs that drop to fill your health a little off the enemies you kill. If you need more help with your battles and everything, I am willing to help you out more.
  16. Ragnyrok

    Unlock a door

    You can just have the 1st event page blank and set the 2nd event page's conditions to if the Key variable is 3 or above, also.
  17. I don't recall ever having personal beef with you :) Jasmine is awesome :] She's passed out listening to the Morrowind OST atm x3
  18. Introduction Downloads Controls Character Creation Screenshots: Credits
  19. I have updated the Original Post with the final screenshots as well as a note about bugs for this Build's release. This project is no longer in development, however. It is possible that I revive it(although it would be from scratch) after the release of Eterna 2(which only just recently started development). Anyway, please tell me what you think. Just know that no bugs will be fixed.
  20. Hello, everyone. It's me Materia, aka Ultyma, aka Ragnyrok, aka Kurysu, etc etc. Nice to see this place is still up :] Real life beckoned me, so that is the reason for my absence. I am in College now, finally. Pursuing a career in Computer Programming. The little one is as healthy and happy as can be, too! I have a Game ready for release on Friday, so bet your asses I will be around for a bit again. :] Nice to be back. I shall start necroposting my ass off! .. JK xP Oh yes, and Hello to everyone I do not know :3
  21. Hello, everyone. I am back :]

  22. Your reputation precedes you, Kiriashi. You and Marked have both been mentioned: http://rpgmaker.mako-core.net/?p=61
  23. I'm downloading the demo now, Yuna. :) I'll have some feedback for you by the end of the night. :D
  24. Thanks for the compliment on the window skin. I actually edited that one a little bit from a website I got it off of. I actually like the map being displayed in battle. I've heard mixed feelings about that all around the board, also. Perhaps I will make a release with both. I didn't think about the text color in the Menu. And now that you mention it, it really does look a bit off. I'll be changing that part shortly. Thanks for bringing it to mind. :)
  25. Sorry for the DP. I didn't mean to overshadow Kiriashi's map post, so I thought I'd make a separate reply for it. hehe ;) Anyway, the structure of the map is really good. Is this part of a larger map? I'm sure it's very extensive, if so. There's plenty to look at so the eyes don't get bored, too.
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