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Everything posted by madanchi

  1. Thank you :) There will be colour and textures but the primary focus is black and white. I'm just trying to find a good balance between colour and texure.
  2. It's just been brought back from the dead :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
  3. If I where to do a Let's Play of Minecraft it would be a a Builders Guide to Minecraft where each episode would teach you how to build starting from the basics to the advanced, but it's almost guaranteed I won't do a LP. Tekkit also compiled some of those mods without permission just to note :P
  4. Hey you had the right idea bang on, so don't feel bad.
  5. Cast my vote! Good luck everyone.
  6. What the absolute hell.... I now have that issue, before I could swear it was in the correct position. How strange, maybe I just never took any notice until now. My eyes are truely blind sometimes, sometimes I can't find even the most obvious button on websites to click.
  7. Against the official forums? What official forums. Eventually GDU will have a lot of unique resources, mainly games when the Game profile/ System thingy is made.
  8. I do love a big challenge, that's also one of my biggest down falls, I give up after a certain time. But it shouldn't be that hard, a built a massive medievil 1:3 scaled city by myself, 30% done roughly. Oh and that 30% was one section and it just was in sight with render distance on the furthest.
  9. I'm using Firefox 16.2 and don't have this problem.
  10. 2nd place is pretty good! Congrats :)
  11. @Joey now that's something that we could try out or maybe just build an exact 1:1 replica of the game. Though that would take some time which soon I probabaly won't have. @albertibay Mods don't take my fancy and that's one of the main reasons why I've become bored of it.
  12. Well, this is a surprise... Got offered an aprenticeship to be a Team LEader of a fish factory. Though today my back kills randomly, can't even walk propperly :( Just my lock.

    1. madanchi


      luck* wish there was an edit for status'

    2. Marked


      Congratulations on the apprenticeship!

  13. madanchi

    Import Help

    Just save the piece with a 100% (opacity) transparent background colour.
  14. Maybe that's what I'm remembering. Pol get in here and update the first post :)
  15. I'm wondering if anyone here can help me with macro keys. I'm using Cyborg V5 Gaming Keyboard, that aside I've set up all macros to working order but with one issue. The Enter key does not function as an Enter key and essentially ignores it. One example is: I have a macro set up for a game (crossfire) when pressed to open the Chat Window, say (as an example) "Hello this is an example sentence" and then Enter again to send the message. Enter isn't functioning so I have to manually press Enter at start and end to send the message.
  16. Yeah I would of like a couple more to enter but never mind, all is good. Also I've PMed you the downlaod link instead so it's only available to you.
  17. I've done a tone more on the game's graphics so I'm aiming to get a new demo out before Christmas. In this demo it was really slow like I said, but it was more of a test to see what I could do.
  18. I think being winner twice is allowed and even a third but that's the furthest that I've ever seen someone get in a row. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
  19. Close the doors, I've finished mine and just waiting for it to upload. I'll come back soon and edit the download in. Screenshot: Edit: Okay since I'm having trouble uploading to GDU I've uploaded it with MediaFire. Link below :) All credit goes to myself baring the music which was composed by M'aidez titles Space Ambient. Link: http://soundcloud.com/maydayz
  20. Pretty good :) I'll state one majour factor however, it sounds like it's in 'chunks' merged together, if that makes sense. The choir procastination could use a little more power as could the ending so there's a defined accomplishment. The quiet soothing choir at end was a nice touch, it made the piece. I'd suggest adding some powerful but simple drum beats mid-way through then maybe subtle but deep chanting and finally at the pinackle a fluent clash of instruments! :D
  21. I would like to nominate Diagostimo for helping me and others with scripting, he's been a great help and I think that should be recognised.
  22. I'm right in the middle of making a map :D But the 24 hour limit is unfair for people in different time zones. I for one will lose a few hours as you posted this at 4am, where as someone else it would have been 8am as an example. A suggestion might be to start the competition at 8am to your time zone so we all have equal hours. Obviously we would have to say what time zone we're in, I'm GMT.
  23. Marked isn't the only member who can clean GDU up, there's Mods too. So hopefully they can log in some time soon and kick this shit out.
  24. #i really wish the forum was replaced with a massive singular image of BOMBFACE!!!! If anyone remembers that. On topic: Voted, and 3 solid votes for B! Haha.
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