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Everything posted by violentpurge09

  1. CANCELLED... This project started off as a valid Idea in my mind. but after only a short break i have lost interest. im sorry for getting everyones hopes up. but i am still working on something. it is a short project... total top secret. Thank you. Violentpurge09
  2. strangely i also am going to be taking some down time... relationship issues and stuff i need to work out in my head. Thinking of it like a Pilgrimage.
  3. If i can concentrate this project should get a lot more work done on it. here is a rough dialog sample from the opening scene.
  4. Thank you that works out perfectly and there is only ever gonna be one PC. so bug 2 shouldn't come into play and we will call bug 1 "luck"
  5. Thank you for the advice. i have done as asked. the link is now in my previous post.
  6. This is in relation to the "Untitled" Project. I Have an ISSUE... the RPGMAKER XP's Battle System. i want to remove the "fight or escape" option and the regular attack option. If anyone can do an edit to the battle system that would be amazing. :) this will mean that you will receive scripting credit if you can help me out.
  7. Entry Moved to [battle System Edit Needed]
  8. a mario game has been the pilot game for almost every Nintendo system hasn't it?
  9. you can use Magic Set Editor for the card frame basis. it is customizable and comes with more than just magic the gathering frames.
  10. The cat starts out understanding english, then learns spanish so they can understand the people in the Spanish quarter. for example
  11. Silent Shout (William Mix) - The Knife (My GF is controlling the music atm.)
  12. 1. "1. what is your view on languages barriers in video games?" meaning characters having to learn a certain language so they can understand certain people. who only speak that language. 2. "why would anyone talk to a cat? if the sprite is simply what the cat see's itself as" No one is going to directly talk to the cat. this will force us to translate the game in a different way from other games. 3. truce, i needed a tough critic, i think i found one. thank you Thank you. i will more than likely be calling on your Scripting Knowledge.
  13. Now that that is over. im still looking for answers to question 1 & 2...
  14. But do we have any answers about question 1 & 2... This part is important to the creation of the intro scene
  15. Attached Image - Map of The Inner Circle - Slums This area is the heart of all things. This map is subject to change at anytime. I realized something. this world needs a rich geography so i have sectioned off the demo area to level 5 so that i can properly create the flora and fauna of the Inner circle. These are my next two questions... 1. what is your view on languages barriers in video games? 2. why would anyone talk to a cat? if the sprite is simply what the cat see's itself as. Violentpurge09 of The "Untitled" Team PS Which reminds me of question 3 3. Does it seem like a spoof now?
  16. Im thinking that this might go in the Snow levels of Untitled.
  17. Sterling Silver Lab-Created Sapphire Ring
  18. Looks awesome, i also would like to see an english version... but if thats not in its future it stills seems like its gonna be amazing, keep up the good work. :)
  19. violentpurge09


    I'm Banning you for being Walrus.
  20. violentpurge09


    Im banning you both for this...
  21. This is what we were trying to explain, its not a comedy. i would classify it more as a Mind F*ck. Thank you Ark. i will keep you in mind for the protobeta.
  22. here are some new screens... the maps from the others no longer exist anymore... Title Screen.bmp 1.bmp 2.bmp 3.bmp Game Over Screen.bmp
  23. Resource request... TO ANYONE THATS INTERESTED Do you have a tileset that was just for the fun of it? or one you found on the net that looked amazing but you haven't been able to use it? reply with it here and will feature our favs in the game with both credits for the original creator and yourself? :) The "Untitled" Team
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