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Everything posted by violentpurge09

  1. That is the way it will be after i release an Alpha demo sometime in the near future.
  2. I edited the main to fit what was required.
  3. What if in one moment all the water on earth turned against man. But man is mostly made up of water... so those that survived have adapted to this through evolution. Which brings up the point of Skills. ATM there are 5 Base Skills and 15 Other skills * 51 Skills(All which level). With up to Six Skill at any one time as shown in the Image. This will cover all forms of special attacks. which both the player an enemies have... You will gain abilities from your surroundings also as you adapt to your surroundings. Level 1 and 2 abilities are safe from this. *EDIT NOV 29
  4. ATM this is the place to see stuff about it... What its about evolution. What happens when the giver of life poisons the world? very open ended classless skill based.
  5. Skill screen with filler... working on the system not making it pretty right now.
  6. RAIN, CYCLE 1 *EDIT NOV 29 1. The game storyline / The game synopsis - Nature is trying to take back the plane for itself. The elementals of water have finally came together. This has caused forced evolution in every living thing. 2. The game’s main characters - *INSERT YOUR NAME HERE* Will you side with Water, a different elemental or will it be fate that determines what abilities you gain. 3. The Script(s) and System(s) your game will be using - RPGMAKER 2K3... hhhmm no scripting credits. SWEET Custom level system - Classless, Skill based. 4. Full credits for anyone who was involved in your project or used content from SOUNDTRACK - Cant give that away yet... this is not a spoiler. Charas.EX for most sprites. 5. Some screenshots of your project (Not a necessity, but should be present) NONE AT THE MOMENT 6. The team making the game, if any Violentpurge & MAYBE YOU ORIGINAL POST It seems this would be the place for this. IDK how many of you have used it before. but there are certain things that you cannot do with XP without scripting (and i am so to lazy for that.) that you can do with 2K3. This has caused me to switch gears with RAIN which name has been changed to RAIN, Cycle 1. I will be posting images to this topic as they become available. Im believing i might have came across something big here. Stay in touch - ViolentPurge09
  7. I also have a netbook (an eeepc to be exact) and i can run RMXP perfectly fine. all you have to do is adjust your resolution to 1024x768.
  8. "Burning daylight... Burning the Midnight oil... seems like the world is always burning...

  9. violentpurge09 Been messing with XP for a while... Its the creation thing. And NO i don't know how to script.
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