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Everything posted by violentpurge09

  1. Thank you, and as for the sprites i found them on the net... not my creation. and we will keep you in mind if we need help, but all questions we cannot figure out between us will be posted here. might PM you if we need something specific. Thank you, i'm glad that people do disagree with those posts on the first page. but the first page is behind us now. I am planning on updating the main post at sometime in the future but i have been busy working on lighting effects.
  2. thank you for the suggestion. there is stuff, The darkness just needs to be lightened. And yes that is "Unnamed Cat"
  3. Untitled Slums the dark is darker in the screenshot for some reason...
  4. Thank you, expect some other faces, from the future... Oracles from Untitled Mythos have suggested that in Cycle VX (Which equals 5) The All Mother will return bringing with her two consorts from the edge of reality.
  5. I wanted it to be there on regular message boxs, is there script part i can edit, like i did to get rid of the blue filler?
  6. I agree with point 1... There will be other characters right now im working on one called The Vipergaurd (Hot Tempered Xenophobic Bastard child of The All Mother and a wandering swordsman). All enemies will be subvertable to your cause for a cost. Now for a question... how do i remove the box around the text box in the title screen?
  7. As stated this is week 1 of production.
  8. When the time comes we will see.
  9. My View on this whole Spoof thing is... We are not making a parody of anything because there has been nothing like this before, so it cannot be a spoof. and on a side note I noticed under Services that you Beta Test, we would like to extend an invitation to you for a protobeta test version of the game.
  10. NOT A SPOOF GAME. "alternative" is the word your looking for
  11. Can you undouble post??? and yes this is a real game. The main hero is a cat with mental issues... have you ever seen an obsessive compulsive cat before? they lick themselves until they bleed. why cant the cat have multipersonalities. and any thing with a brain can acquire an addiction. and as far as storyline goes, we are thinking very sandbox. There will be multipliable storyline some complete some not so much. What if everyone in the world had their own agenda... every person you fought was actual a being not a part of the nameless horde.
  12. UNTITLED (Yes thats the actual title) Join Cat as it travels through different planes of reality. Hero - Unnamed drug addicted Multi-personality cat with delusions of being human. Scripts Full Screen (isaacsol) Ring Menu (Enhanced By Dubealex) Battle System Edit (Broken Messiah) TEAM Violentpurge Screenshots
  13. Condition Picks up item Turn on switch X NPC set the NPC's event to a blank square on page 1 Condition switch x on set page 2 to the NPC sprite.
  14. Sounds like it could be good. let me contemplate things. i recently introduced a friend of mine to XP so we might be doing an XP game. which i would still like to involve a massive library.
  15. Thanks Crym your answer was very helpful. i will take all your suggestion under consideration :)
  16. I still sorta wanted an answer to this question.
  17. I have dropped more projects than i have finished normally due to jumping into something that is beyond my capabilities. but at times it is becuz i lose interest or realize that the only reason i started was to figure out how to do something specific (which leaves me with a tech demo with no story or purpose....).
  18. http://www.mediafire.com/file/cjfcrbt55kf6v3y/Warlock.zip I redowned it, fixed the few bugs i could and reuploaded it. feel free to check it out.
  19. True Story... Warlock: Escape from exile Google it. there is a timing bug that doesn't let you get past the first island... which cuts out like 90% of the game... do lets say that version is a demo. and there are glitches with battles. in 2k3. every game i start with XP i seem to get sidetracked. or figure out something major then lose interest.
  20. What do you think of Game world history... if you walked into a library in a game and there was over a dozen books about the game world. most of which has no actual game value. Would you see this as a waste of the makers time or interesting fluff? would you read the books?
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