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Everything posted by Dragon324

  1. Dragon324

    Some Questions

    I'll explain how to do each of your points just keep in mind some of them can be done different ways. Also I might be wrong on some manners just send me a message if you still cant get it to work. 1. The reason your shop keeper isn't working is because you have the shop processing then the move route I'm guessing. One way to do what you want is to get rid of the shop processing all together and just do something like this: Show Text Show Choice: to show choices of different things they can buy Conditional Branch: for gold the actor needs to have for a specific item Set Move Route for the shop keeper to go back and get the item then back to you Change Item,weapon,armor: to give them what they bought And set the event for this on the counter so when you talk to the counter it just makes it look like the shopkeeper. 2.You can have a total of 999 switches from what I believe also it is easier if you just use self switches for chests because you can have unlimited basically 3. Under conditional branches on the last page there is a button is pressed feature. 4. Use the Compress game data under file 5. Item Retrieval: Change items on a certain event. Killing a certain amount of monsters: Use a variable for the certain monster and set an event so when you have the variable at a certain number it triggers the event. Leading someone through a dangerous place: have the person set to follow the player. Item deliver: Set a conditional branch for when the actor has the item it triggers the event. Hope That Helps!
  2. Sorry did not realize anyone was making this or I wouldn't have bothered. I just thought it would be nice to help newer people unfamiliar with the program; wish I would have looked at this forum earlier now I feel like I did all that work for nothing oh well :P. Good luck with your school if you need or want any help with events or maybe a scripting section I might be able to help otherwise like I said gl I was mainly just wanted something to do since my project wasn't working out to good for multiple reasons.
  3. Opps never mind I think I see the problem first of all you have nothing to read the variables second, your next question should be after the branch end but inside the conditional branch if you look at mine it should work that way. Just if they screw up after the 1st question you could use switches to keep their place just put it right before the next question.
  4. Looks right to me here I'll edit this post and post a pic using the rainbow/sky example just in case. Make sure that if you have a separate event reading the variable that it is on parallel process.
  5. If you post a picture or 2 it might help.
  6. There is really a bunch of different ways you can do it. For example Show choice: To show the different answers they can give Variables: So when they choose the right answer the set number goes up by one Conditional branch: So when the number in the variable is equal to the required to get right something happens with a switch. That is just one way to do it. This is good for mini games with questions.
  7. K I will do one and get it up as soon as I can; shouldn't take to long.
  8. Oh didn't even realize ty in that case I might just do one for xp unless one already exists for that 2.
  9. Np it was confusing but I will try to have it up by this weekend perhaps? But I'm just kind of curious were would I post it?
  10. I meant a quick section or I guess more or less tips to help people get started/come up with ideas for a storyline and I will probably do an xp and vx version seeing how I have both if I can get it to work out.
  11. So I was talking with a friend of mine the other day and we talked about making a game that teaches people how to use the rpg maker program. I thought that would not be to hard and it might be useful. So I was wondering if anyone thought that this might be a good idea and maybe some tips on what should be included in the rpg maker game. So basically the game would start up and you would choose which area you would like to learn more about. Also there would be 3 levels of lessons to go through on each area maybe more for more complex things. Also I would need ideas to get me started with the eventing section. So I thought if anyone had anything that is kinda hard to do with events or would like to see if something is do able with events to post here. Things already thought off: Mapping, Eventing, Storyline, and General Concepts. So again would this be a good idea, bad idea, comments?
  12. Those statistics might be wrong idk you would have to take it up with the authors who wrote my speech college book. Did you know that they are saying they screwed up the Mayan calendar and their not %100 percent sure when but one site predicts 2220( In my opinion its just a bunch of bull and they are just doing it for publicity and other non important activities)
  13. Did you know: Nearly %12 of US children have no health insurance A child dies from neglect about every 6 hours A child is killed by gunfire every 3 hours The number of neglected children each year could fill up Detroit One out of every three woman will be sexually assaulted during their life time in the US
  14. just let me know wut u need I'm pretty good with scripts anyway :P.
  15. Looks like your using the same SVBS that I'm using. I would be glade to help you with your scripting problem if I can.
  16. Actually it depends on what state and country you live in for the legal sex age. I think in the US it ranges from 14-16. Also for pedophiles in the US and at least in WV they have a website that shows you the location of the pedophiles so people can keep their kids safe. I don't know what it is off the top of my head but I will modify this post later once I find out.
  17. I could so use your help I'm terrible at mapping. What I would like if you would join our team is to look at maps I have already made and tell me whats wrong and make some new maps. I have looked at 4 different mapping tutorials and they have not helped much I just cant learn it. I was gonna make a request for a mapper until I saw this. About the game: Medieval style like game with some futuristic stuff involved. Link for the game http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6304-warriors-a-kingdom-divided/ If you could help out that would be great!
  18. K I added a few more objects and showed a pic with the fog on so is it okay. Also I think I'm a go to the tutorial for mapping section since I'm having problems
  19. Did you know as of 2003 7.3 million people were under some kind of correctional supervision That about 90% of all criminals enter a guilty plea 80% of all cases end up not resulting in an arrest 90% of crimes are never prosecuted A case where a family member is abducted there's a very high probability that the kidnapper especially in children is someone in the family Almost all murders are committed by someone the victim knows While under probation/Parole you waver your 4th amendment right I could go on but I think that's enough for now
  20. You are completely right about sex offenders and how they do what they do just for power. Its actually quite scary indeed according to one of my college professors the chance that one of your neighbors (if you have any) being a sex offender or a suspected sex offender is quite high. I think that there is like an average of 1 sex offender at least on any street. Although the statistic could be quite wrong as many rapes go unreported. I also believe the chance for a recurrence in a sex offender is around %50. To them its like smoking/drinking its almost impossible for them to stop.
  21. Okay modified the pub does that look any better?
  22. Ok I added some cover objects to the maps was wandering what you thought now.
  23. Background Characters I Believe revealing anymore will ruin the game Features Demo link: In Alpha testing Teaser Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnNqJfUSTt8. Credits: Here is the credits: Title Screen: Polraudio Scripts: Blizzard, game_guy, Leon_Westbrooke, Enu, Atoa, Kylock, Mr. Bubble, cairn, Polraudio, ForeverZer0. Battlers: Lora Character Sprites: kboom Music: Dragons Age, Legend of the Seeker Warriors Team: Dragon324, Zach, kboom, Lora
  24. Hello everyone I currently live in the United States. I'm sort of new to using rpg maker but I feel that I have made lots of progress. I had been posting on another site on a new project I'm currently working on however it received no attention so I decided to pick a new site to get active in. Right now I go to college where I'm majoring in Criminal Justice. I hope to offer any aid I can to anyone who is struggling with any events or scripts as I can offer aid in both. I also hope to be a active member in this community. Well farewell for now hope to see you guys on the site!
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