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Everything posted by Dragon324

  1. I can help with writing for whenever/ if you ever need help doing so. As far as stories written in word I don't have any right now because most of the time I write them on paper. If you wanna see a little bit of a story for my game which I haven't worked on in forever here is the link http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/6304-warriors-a-kingdom-divided/. If you need more than that I'm currently working on writing it up on word to send it to a friend and I don't mind giving a little sneak peak if necessary. :alright:
  2. Welcome to the forums. Yea like he said all of us have been noobs at some us like me still really haven't found our way out in some areas of RPG Maker. Also like they said don't be afraid 2 post if u need any help. Hope 2 cya around.
  3. I see you point and you backed up your opinion nicely. I know no matter what we say we wont change each others views so after this I'm not gonna post in this topic :P. But I just wanted to say I have no problem with people changing the OS to some degree its when they use it for illegitimate process. Therefore it is soly my opinion that no one should be allowed to do it until there is a way to fully prevent the people from doing all the illegal and unfair things.
  4. I think I'm going to side with sony myself. For one I dont like hackers or moders because it does ruin the fun for other players. The way I see it if you cant play fair why even play at all. Even though we do end up paying good money for their systems there is that user agreement that comes with it that applies to everyone. Now if you build your own system then you can do what you wish but imo if you didn't make it you have no right to tweak it. Its like a book just because you buy it doesn't mean you can break the copyright laws and that applies to movies and games as well.
  5. I'm from a small town in west Virginia called Parkersburg. I don't know what the population is but if I would have to take a guess maybe 1,000. Also I guess another reason I haven't heard of it is because I'm not that active in online games MMO or MMORPGS. Even if I do play them its just with friends or family.
  6. That is disturbing but seeing as what people do these days it doesn't much surprise me.
  7. Its pretty much the same just like you said underwater fighting. Theres less weapon types and less monsters 2 fight but I like that because in unite I got lost trying to remember what paths in weapon creation I had already done. I also like the better graphics and imo the combat system for hunters and monsters is improved. Your combat cat has some improvements, the moga forest is nice since there you have unlimited time 2 do whatever you want and monsters that appear change. The fact that you get resources from the moga forest to get materials from farming, fishing ect. is nice. Also the day 2 night is nice as well.Also tri has somewhat of a storyline. In conclusion I like tri a little better because improved combat and graphics and you don't need another console 2 go online :P. Also check out the new monster hunter hopefully comming soon http://monsterhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Hunter_Portable_3rd
  8. It was just what exactly do you mean by online sex?
  9. Dragon324


    Banned because you copied my class title: Also banned because I referd you to this site :P. I know it makes no sense and that's the beauty of it. :lol:
  10. Dragon324


    Banned because you restarted this topic after about 6 days. Dang I have to ban myself to :biggrin_002:
  11. That is odd. Though you have kinda picked at my curiosity but I wont ask because its inappropriate. It's also not just online just like after my victomology class and sitting here reading this sociology book its horrible how us- the US used to treat women and how we still treat women pretty bad. I mean the stuff the police ask women when they get raped its like they have no emotions at all. Questions like well what kind of cloths were you wearing, ect. I'm not saying its all the mans fault but still its horrible. And the amount of women who still get raped even to this day is horrible.
  12. So I'm playing this game online then all of a sudden this guy comes over and asks this girl character to go out with him. He starts asking her is she hot and her age and all of that. I was thinking buddy you don't even know if this person is really a girl. So I thought it was kinda funny because she was replying with cynical questions. Though eventually I could tell it got on her nerves because she finally told him that she was already taken. He said that he would wait until she was available and then ask her again. Then the unbelievable happened he asked her if she wasn't hot then what size where her breast. Long story short we ended up booting the guy and blocking him. I just want to know why do people bother to try that I mean where there to play game not ask people out on a date :nono4: And no offense to anyone here if you do that it's just the fact that he wouldn't leave her alone it was like cyberstalking.
  13. I have never been a fan of that game. Course my reasons are my own and its just the general setting/theme of the game I don't like but other than that its okay.
  14. It is only adhoc unless you have a ps3 then you can go online with it. And same I would love to play but no ps3 so right now I'm playing tri for the wii.
  15. That title screen is really nice gj with it. It also fits at least in my opinion with the setting of the game. Also if you need anything with eventing or want to run your story by someone I'm game. I can also help with balancing database work. For mine I just replaced physics constants with status and used a piece of a physics equation so everything is roughly balanced. Just Pm me if you need or want any help. I would like to see more of a story posted though as that gives us a feeling for the game. Good luck with your project :clap:
  16. Dragon324


    Have you tried using it with common events in the database? If not you should try it there with switches and branches just make sure the common event is set to run on parallel.
  17. Dragon324


    I was just saying I didn't mean to imply there wasn't any just from the video I couldn't see none. Like I said though unfortunately I cant use this because my graphics card played it at 2FPS.
  18. Dragon324


    This looks great however there are a few problems that I had with the video and website. 1st. The battle scene looked lagged. 2nd None of the heroes in the battle scene from what I could tell had any weapons. 3rd It says it uses modern graphics and I'm no expert but those to my eyes were no modern graphics. Other than that it seems excellent I'm downloading right now to give it a spin just I'm on campus so this will take a while. Well unfortunately my computer took a big dump while trying to play test one of the demo game things. Playing it at a whopping 2FPS I wasn't getting anywhere. Be warned that this maker requires a pretty hefty graphics card. ( Thought mine was better than what it was I just now realized this thing is junk).
  19. Well this event is closed. Unfortunately the results turned out a big bust. Anyway the winner of this project in a week is joman195 for being the only person to post anything. Congrats joman195 :king: Anyway I need ideas to help with motivation for next time if anyone has any ideas please post them as long as they have nothing to do with money since idk what my budget is going to look like come summer. And thus concludes this contest cya around.
  20. There was sort of a prize just not money. One reason was because not everyone is old enough to use paypal. The 2nd reason is just last week I had to put $300 in a vehicle which screwed me over money wise. So even if I would have offered money I would have had to cancel the event all together. I would have quickly became the most hated member on rmxpu :P
  21. Project in a week has been extended by 24 hours so please post your project in the next 24 hours

    1. rgangsta


      i guess no one wants the cool badge i made :'(

    2. Dragon324


      Lol I guess if no one else posts give it to joman195 for at least posting something :P

    3. rgangsta
  22. Well time is over but since no one posted their project Ill accept any in the next 24 hours without penalty of any kind. Just please even if your not done post by tomorrow or today.
  23. Less than a half hour remains. Is no one finished? Do you guys need more time?
  24. Just to make sure you know I also need the link to the project when your ready to post it.
  25. Everyone that enterd Project in a Week and did not drop out. You only have about 5 hours to post your project.

    1. rgangsta


      and remeber is you win, you get that really cool badge with your name on it!

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