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Everything posted by Dragon324

  1. This is not related to piracy, this is related to using "others" materials in your games. Sorry that should have been made more clear. Again this is just from what I was told/ read :P. And everyplace has a diffrent take on it, I listed the elments of theft and by wut standards I'm taught if you can match the elments then you have the crime.
  2. I know there has been a lot of debate about piracy, and what exactly constitues as "Copy Right Infrigiment" so let me take you down the road from a law side as it applies to the United States of America. So as I have said this only applies to the United States: Copy Right Infirigment is actually a form of theft. Theft is simply 1. The unlawful taking. 2. Of anothers property. 3. with the intent to permantly deprive the person. Those are the three main elments of theft and for those of you who are confused by unlawful taking I mean the taking without permission. So lets see if by using music or video of a companies if its theft. 1. The unlawful taking. ( well this is pretty easy to establish most of us are taking and most of the time without permission, and we are obiously taking it to use.) 2. Of Anothers Property (another that is easy to establish, you are using someone elses music or video in terms of applying it to a game in rpg maker.) 3. With the intent to permantly deprive the person ( Yes whether you realise it or not [ and I know a lot of people are going to argue this because if your not making any money if your not selling your game] you are depriving the company wether you paid for the music or you pirated it or if your game is free or not free because people are still hearing their work.) The point on number 3 is the reason I say that is because you are using their music in your game for example but they are not getting any money from it which they made so they are being deprived. Now. I'm actually going to break this down even more to a crime called Larceny which has 5 elments. "1. The wrongful taking (again wthout permission) 2. And the carrying away 3. Of Personal property 4. Of another 5. With the intent to permantly deprive." Ok a closer look at this one, we can already say from the previous example we meet elment 1, 3, 4, and 5. So now what about 2? The carrying away, well your not physically carrying anything away. This could get a little troublesome to answer while my personal opinion would be no your not carrying away anything physically. The only way I could see someone even trying to charge you with this is if your music or movie was pirated. Anyway now that we have taken a closer look let me sum up real fast. Yes you can be charged in the United States of America with theft for using someone elses music in your game. It does not matter if you purchesed the music or pirated it, it also does not matter if you plan on commercially selling your game or not making any profit from it. The elments have been met and so you can be charged with theft. So I do warn you for those who live in the US. Personally I dont think you will ever be charged or even found with it, but I'm here to let you know it could happen and you could be held criminaly responsible. Disclamer: This information was found in Pearsons Criminal Justice book by Professor Roy and Criminal Justice Today an introuductory text for the 21st century elventh edition by frank schmalleger. I'm also not an attorny and therefore cannot be held responsible for any legal advice, and any advice above is for your personal benfit only. I therefore do not claim that anyone is breaking the law, only offering my opinion on this matter and what I know as a Criminal Justice Student.
  3. So like it says I'm actually having trouble getting the SBS to actually animate and show in side view mode soz.... I set the stuff in the battlers folder to [anim] on the end of the name. That made the enimies look really weird. If someone could at least help me get started in the right direction that would be much appreciated. Here is the link to the code: http://pastebin.com/s4WFgkVa. This also comes with a manual which I've read like three times to try for help: http://victorscripts...le/user-manual/ Any help would be appreciated. (If posting a demo would help, please let me know.)
  4. Needs help with a Ace Script god I feel so stupid, cuz I cant get this to work....

    1. Polraudio


      What script and make a topic? :P

    2. Dragon324


      lol I will now wanted 2 make sure I couldnt get it soz its prob gonna be somn simple 2.

  5. Is Converting Current Project to Rpg Maker VXA :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bigace360


      Dragon I have no clue what you're talking about???

    3. Dragon324


      I mean should I do it in ACE instead it looks like I could do so much more with it but all that time in XP...

    4. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I hear ya, weigh the pros and cons. I think speed shouldn't be a big enough factor to sacrifice options. But that's my opinion. If you can achieve your goal in VX Ace faster, then do it up.

    5. Show next comments  3 more
  6. The character that the player moves around as is whoever is the first one on the menu. So you can judge with that, with using the change party member feature I think it is.
  7. I'm back hopefully this time for good?

    1. Bob423


      i agree with pol...

      also wb. you were gone when i needed eventing help, but i got some anyway lol

    2. Dragon324


      Dang it, always happens then ppl need eventing help lolz, na j/k glade u was able 2 get it done.

    3. Joey
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  8. Went Back to Working on My Event System. Looks Like Gibberish to Me lol

  9. Which 1? Anyway even if you are not talking to me Lizzie . Feels like I'm spamming now ><
  10. Me? :P. Anyway Welcome back and I know how u feel I'm sorta on my own rebellion against RMXP. Sadly I think someohow its winning with that staring little box with the dragon it just sitting there all innocent like...... *Creepy* Anyways *Back to Lurking*
  11. 1. This can be done with events. This can be done by linking the skill to a common event. Have the common event set to if there is a certain item in the invetory. (That might work). If it doesnt u could have it flipp a battle event for each troop and have it deal damage that way instead of the skill. 3. This is already in the database. Dex-F works for dexterity and so fourth.
  12. Well it looks like I got my Internship at the Sheiffs Department yay!!. Now I'm kinda nervous lol.

    1. RageMage


      Nice good luck, don't shoot anyone.

    2. Marked


      awesome :D Good luck

  13. I think I'm losing some of my eventing skillz :(.

    1. kellessdee


      I don't think you are losing your eventing skills, i think you just might be trying to tackle something that events just can't do efficiently/easily. IMO.

    2. kellessdee


      That's my theory anyways

    3. Dragon324


      Maybe but this was kinda somthn I done before a day and night cycle. But I think I found a way to improve it :D.

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  14. I assure you this is all you really need: This is an event in my game and I assure you I have gotten game overs from it :D. Hope this solves your issue.
  15. Lurking.... just checking on anyone that needs help. Hopes to release my project soon.

  16. If the box is about the same size as the switch why not just completely change the graphic to the box or if you dont mind doing a little editing, make a new sprite that would look right and change it to that?
  17. The reason why its like that is because of the fact that the common event call is in the event with the action button. *Pounds Head* lets see I'm assuming you want the shine there until the player picks up the weapon.The only way I'm seeing this happening is by setting two separate events on the map with the weapon. The first event being the weapon itself with what u have besides the call common event. The second Event being blank and then using the animation u have on a parallel process (idk y u dont want to use this it's about the only was ur going to get it to work.) In the second event set the animation and it should loop just make sure in your first event to add a switch for when the player picks it up and then when that switch comes on, have the animation stop playing. ~Hope this helps.
  18. Is there still a problem or is it fixed lol? You said you got it but then posted the screens so I'm confused :?. Anyway never though about that screwing up with the player lol, anyway if u need any more puzzle ideas just lemme know.
  19. Yay no more working for me! However the family problem has gotten worse :O. I dont know why they let an outsider anger them so much.....

  20. Good luck with your problem :D if the event is still being a pain just please give me some screenshots I do so much better with visuals and actually seeing everything rather than someone trying to explain. From what your telling me it could be a number of things xD. Also why are you using turn away from player? Notice the word turn in your statement lolz. I would just set four conditional branches tbh, one for each player direction. Also why not just set the block to "On top?". For the x and y make sure its set for the switch I think that would be more easier than if your trying to set it for the block :D. Lemme know anything I should be free more often now due to no more work .
  21. Idk my brain isn't working atm however u wish to use any my ideas lemme know and I'll see what I can do from an event side of view xD.
  22. I know you said your tired of using a sliding ice floor but what about mixing it up a little? Have the player have to move objects around on an icey floor until they clear a path xD. I always love how in most games there is a frozen barrier that u end up burning through. You could mix it up and make it require a certain force to break it open, or require them to find a hidden entrance. Other puzzles could be reflecting lasers puzzles with a twist that if the beam hits a black of ice to long it melts. Or you can do it refracting and reflecting images of the player and get a puzzle out of that (Would be tricky). That is all I can think of now I will add more if more come to my mind.
  23. Your ok kell and even though I'm reading this at the time I feel like passing out I'll try to keep my head straight here lol. @kell: 1st of all I agree that other substances such as alcohol are potentially a lot more dangerous. Here in the U.S we tried to ban alcohol I believe around the 1930's known as Prohibition. However this just made things a lot worse. For one bootleggers as they were called were making a ridiculous amount of money off of it and a lot of people were upset with the government. This has also led to the reason why were are potentially looking at legalizing marijuana (which they would hurry up then I would have no worries). As far as bad stuff I've heard rumors of knifes being pulled and of guns being shot near proximity to a residents. The knife was a marijuana instance and the guns were alcohol related. @ Marked: Ok I was just kind of curious were you stood on that. Personally I think I would just because its still against the rules and the way I see it they put themselves in jail for doing the illegal activity anyway its only a matter of time before they are caught. However I hold it to a lower standard than distributing. Also your right we learn that the point of the police is to prevent someone from doing harm to themselves or others. I'm pretty sure we all agree that marijuana will not hurt anyone else but the user. Why we should give a crap about someones own health? Idk I agree to a point that it shouldn't matter as long as they r only hurting themselves but only if they are sane capable human beings. @ Kell again: While you are right our morals dont necessarily mean the same as society's. However I assure you that I would feel very little guilt just because of my Aunt's general outlook towards life. She always claims she is the victim or w/e and they everyone else is the bad guy. While yes I do want to make sure there are no repercussions to myself I also would like to teach her a lesson that she is not special and can get away with breaking society's rules. You know I would if I had the money lol :P. My hypothetical decision: So after looking at this as what would I do or say if it was not family involved, and I did not know the case. To me at this point I have no physical evidence to support that either are using marijuana. Therefore as far as I'm concerned its just a case of "he said she said" which is not enough to prosecute someone in a court of law. Therefore I have decided that I will not peruse this any further. However I will tell my Aunt when I see her again that idk and idc if she is using marijuana, but if her or her kid is smart enough to let me see any of it, smell any of it, or let me catch them while they are high on god knows what then there will be hell to pay. However you all can continue to discuss this matter its kind of interesting as a Criminal Justice student to hear responses from others on legal matters.
  24. But why not? Breaking the law is breaking the law :P. Would it change your opinion if I told you the aunt has been staying at my place for almost 6 years and never bothers 2 help with anything but bitches if the internet goes off. I'm just curious why you wouldn't. Btw just to cover myself from any laws/ what not I'm claiming this as a hypothetical situation which I'm a add to the main post.
    1. Dragon324


      Hypothetical life that is :D

    2. Bob423


      i dont hate my life, i hate other people's lives. my life isnt to great either tho XD

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