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Everything posted by Dragon324

  1. First of all I believe the default allows the player to see the difference. Secondly this can also possibly be evented. It largely depends on how much adjusting to prices you want, and how many coupon type things you will have in game to how long the event will be. So if your interested when I'm not busy I can probably try to whip one up for you.Again not to sound mean but kell is busy and idk when or if he could get around to it but its up to you, I'm just trying to help.
  2. Dragon324

    Summon Gems

    Depending on how you want this exactly this actually could be evented, first of I need to know the following: 1. As access to a summon ability to you want a whole menu for it or would you be okay with the player going into items then using the item to summon. 2. As to remove the summon you could have the player go into items again and click the item again to remove it. 3. How many party members does the player have compared to the maximum that's allowed? 4. Do you want a summon as in an attack that could happen at the start of each turn or do you want to be able to control the summoned creature as in tell it what skills to use, attacks, ect. If you answer all those I might be able to whip up an event system for you. The reason is your requesting a script and hardly no one knows you, not only that scripting can take time and I know kell is really busy lately. So not to be mean but if it can be done evented you might have faster and better luck doing it that way.
  3. I think that this is a great idea, but it seems to kinda have died out? I think the video in marks link would be fine as far as an intro goes just cut off some of it to make it more appropriate and also to shorten it since you don't want to long of a one since there is a limit to the size of each video. However I do think it is a good idea and I know a few members that are still making trailers like kevin and some who are posting demos or updates to them. I myself would be willing to post trailers, demos, and possibly eventing tutorials. I'm going to be free this weekend and it may be the first time I'm free in a long time so if this is still going on I would like to know so maybe I can start something. Thanks.
  4. Dragon324

    Amount of Exp

    Event wise just make a variable that subtracts the actors level then when u set the xp I guess it would just be change xp by a constant= whatever the original is than another that goes by that variable. For actual in game use your going to either A need a script or B find where it shows the XP and Money earned remove that script and set an events up to record and show the numbers. I would suggest scripting 4 this 1 if you can find someone to do it other wise..... lets just say that's going to be a lot of events lol.
  5. Dragon324

    Map Sizes

    You should always have maps of different size it gives a nicer look to your game. As far as big maps go I always cut them down, because if they are 2 big the player gets bored and its so much harder to have nice big maps as far as mapping. I usually never make anything bigger than 50x50 but its really up to your own judgment there. Hope that answers your questions :sweatdrop:. Cheers :alright:
  6. Thinking about quiting rpg maker and just sticking to a support role for anyone who needs help.

    1. Polraudio


      that's mainly what im doing.

    2. ProjectTrinity


      Excellent, excellent you three. The ProjectTrinity team is always in need of RMXP help. Not to mention we actually have a 100% reliability record of releasing what we start. CARE TO JOIN THE CUL-I MEAN GROUP?! =d

    3. Dragon324


      lol majorly for me it depends on what you need and the time span seeing as how I'm pretty busy atm.

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  7. I really think you should continue this one :P. If you need any story ideas or help you can always PM me and I can see what I can do. I think this would be good through for you just because it's not a fan game on anything just my thoughts though. Anyway I like the title screen and starting idea just needs some elaborating. Good luck with whatever you choose. Cheers :alright:
  8. It really depends on what your trying to do. I'm assuming you have it set to constants. Instead you should set it to variables. But I'm getting ahead of myself ok here is what I think you need to do. 1. Go to the screen where you can make a variable. Here if you go down to character you will see things like player then you will see map x, location and map y location. 2. Make 2 variables under the common event where 1 reads an x position and 1 reads a y position 3. Then I suppose with your switch that reads the light is on, either try putting on parallel processing or looping. I never tried this so idk if that would work it seems to me it might lag some but you can try it. I also know my explanations a little sloppy but I'm hoping you can figure it our if you cant and if I have time sometime I'll post step by step screenies and try to do it myself. Well hope this helps. Cheers :alright:
  9. Kevin as always you put my rpg making skills to tears when I watch your videos lol. It was really nice and it looks like your game is coming along really well :D cant wait to play it. However for some reason you always do this watch what color of text your using with your background. Around 2:26 you have this red text with this redish kind of scene, it makes it very hard to read and I could read hardly anything there. Fix that though and your set mate good job and as always... Cheers :alright:
  10. As you said you stated there is not much here, so there is not really much I can say. However I can give you some tips, although idk if there any good coming from me but I'll do my best. First of your story has some cliche to it from the characters but not to cliche depending on how your going to take it with the story. So you need to post a little synopsis of what you have, and then maybe me or someone else can help you progress it. Next you probably should have more before asking for help, people want to see how much you have done and the looks of it before joining. They basically don't want to help someone who is not going to be that dedicated to their game. Also imo you need to spice your post up with screenshots and different colored text, this will make people more interested because honestly it can be boring reading a block of text. In general if you do those things it should help, trust me I was in the same spot you was like 4 months ago, so you will get the hang of it if you stick around. Well hope this helps some and gl :alright:.
  11. I know you have good intentions with posting here but I think this belongs more under game development discussion. Also if you are talking specifically about your game you offer no details as to what your game involves and to be blunt I doubt you will get very many people if any to email you with no information available. The rules for posting here are found here. Also many people are already working on their own project and tbh your never going to come up with something that is 100% cliche free. In the end it sounds promising but unlikely will ever become promising no offense though.
  12. Great my average posts per day has officially went below 1.00

  13. Yes but there are multitude of facts that you have to take into account and frankly the list is 2 long that I don't see a point in posting them and not only that, many of them no one could tell from simply playing the game. Yes there should be some sort of reality I'm not saying there should not be, however weapons don't have to fall into that category. And why argue this point over a game anyway there have been plenty of games that have done things like this, Dark Cloud, Monster Hunter has sharpness 4 blunted weapons, its just for the consistency of game play.
  14. :P knifes can break though not really to a point where it becomes useless ( but I suppose if the knife comes all the way out of the handle it could though that would be a bad knife). But besides that its just a part of the game, it was probably implemented to keep players from having huge inventory of items to choose from if they never broke. Also just because it looks like real life does not mean it is real life, for example there is no one out there that you could consider a true "Zombie" as it applies to these games. Still though I don't see a point of arguing over this just wanted to give some input.
  15. No Including color variances or that all the missing weapons r coming bak shame :nono4: lol I'm j/k :D gj :alright: Also the peco thing seems suspicious but I thought I remembered seeing 2 comrades Cha-Cha and somthin else hmm..
  16. Good job! :D well at least the problem was that and that makes a lot more sense :P. Just goes to show you that you learn something new all the time :P
  17. Hmm that's not really how it works that is for bosses that are really tough. In that you basically choose which party hits first you deal so much damage than another party takes over and you keep going like that until the boss dies. The way the invasion works is that multiple parties are on the field and you switch back in forth during the fight but now that I mention that it makes no sense for another party to gain hp because even though you are not actively controlling them theoretically they should still be fighting thanks kell!!.
  18. I face another dilemma that I hope you guys can help me out with. In my game there is a pretty cool feature which allows the player to transfer to another party during enemy invasion or when they are invading the enemy. When they switch however I thought the resting party could restore HP and MP (by a limited amount though) but then I realized people could just switch back and fourth and get maxed out on HP, and MP before fighting. So I thought about putting a limit on this so the player then has to strategically switch when the time is right. However this kind of feels that I'm taking some freedom away from the player, I hate it myself when games do this. So this means making it so there is limit number of switches or remove the healing neither which I really like. So I need help or if someone has a 3rd option thanks :P.
  19. You should put ur's 2 also the first letter of mine is capitalized opps :D.
  20. shafferrodney69 is mine, I'm not the best at this game since I dont play much but I would be happy 2 help just name where and when xD.
  21. Ok I know I said I was going to wait but after reading there responses I could not wait lol. 1. Is how you precieve yourself So kell thinks he is cute, cuddly, and fast lol, while totalsticks thinks he is fuzzy, hyper and loyal :D nice responses. 2. Is how you want other people to precieve you. So kell wants people to see him as cold, bright, and soft (Thats a little weird but ok), totalsticks wants people to see him as Calm, Happy, and Royal (yes ur majesty lol) 3. Is how you precieve death. kell thinks death is alone, dreamy, and void (wow kell thts prob pretty close lol), totalsticks sees it as Scary, Soft, and Lonely (lol soft :P) 4. Rated Mature please open spoiler kell sees it as wet, refreshing, and cold ( :haha: rofl I'm like dying of laughter, cold rofl,, totalsticks sees it as Wet, Persistent, Nurturing ( o wow :rofl: dying of laughter again, I guess you hit the bulls-eye rofl). Thank you guys for replying lol, I hope you get some laughs out of that lol, feel free to use it on anyone you like, but in all seriousness it is a real test :P and hopefully your responses were close to how you actually feel thanks :D.
  22. Lol to bad I'm 2 lazy rofl, besides maybe the picture was a part of my quote it's just invisible so you cant see it :biggrin_002:. Age of Kings hmmm never played.
  23. This game is not bad but I feel as an experienced rts player that the campaign, or story offers very little challenge. Other than that it kinda angers me that you have to pay for use of the better stuff when you can still get it on the free. I still say AOMT rules of all the games that was released in the serious. I also think this type of game play hinders on the fairness of the PVP sense you can have completely diff. stuff, you may not think 8% bonus to something is a big deal if my opponent has it but I don't, but trust me to someone like me its a huge issue. So I guess if you like rts style games or love AOE anyway, try it, it's worth a play but I myself;f don't but much in it :D.
  24. Hello what I'm about to ask of you is a psychological test. This test is about 80 percent correct but only if you put down the first three things that come to your mind. So whats gonna happen is I'm going to ask some questions and I want you to put down the first three adjectives that come to your mind. Adjectives are words that describe something such as pretty, dull, bright, or red. 1. Write down the first three adjectives that come to your mind about your favorite animal. 2. Write down the first three adjectives that come to your mind about your favorite color. 3. You are in a white empty room with no windows. This room can be big or small. Put down the first three adjectives that come to your mind. 4. Write down the first three adjectives that come to your mind about water. Note none of this should offend anyone, this is just a simple test. This could also benfit yourself. Anyway please reply to this post your format should look something like. 1.A B C 2.A B C 3.A B C 4.A B C If you have taken this test before you can take it again but please do not tell anyone else. Thanks :clap:. I'll reply in about a week or two with results and answers.
  25. Welcome to RMXPU (I cant think of anything else sorry.) Oh wait hope you enjoy your stay :P
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