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Everything posted by Dragon324

  1. I some how totally missed this lol. Anyway welcome bak, and dont you hate that about the training? I guess it's kinda needed though.
  2. Dragon324


    Make sure the database is set correctly, Also make sure through is not checked in the event. What I mean by database is if its a custom tilset you added, you have to set all the stuff like priority, walkable or not, and direction movements.
  3. So sick of this, first was a tiring week at camp but everyone had fun. I finally got to go home and then had to work some for my parents. Now I learn my mom is doing something that you could consider illegal. Why me?

    1. Dragon324


      That's because I'm busy trying to fix things,

    2. kellessdee


      Is she harming anyone else?

    3. Dragon324


      no just aiding a criminal (her brother)

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  4. This was nicer, it's definitely a lot better than your last one. It's just a little hard to see such a zoomed out image :D Key: Blue Spaces are empty needs some stuff there Yellow: Tall grass is a little small mostly my opinion but I would make them bigger Red: The path is to straight and extends in one direction for a while. Add some variation to paths. Also I like paths that are 2 spaces wide better than the 1 space wide you are currently using. Purple: Variation needed. What I mean by this is make some houses wider than others, make others taller, not every house is built exactly the same unless that is what ur going for, in a strict neighborhood or something. Black: Just a mistake, you either missed it or you need to bring it down more. Maybe add a little pond somewhere, or have some kind of body of water close to that village, people wont just go making villages in the middle of no where unless there is food and water. For your flowers and plants I like to add them on top of the tall grass like so Hope this helps you.
  5. First off I dont want you to seem like this is rude I know what you are about to see is kinda horrifying, but all I want to do is help you. Key: Blue: There is not enough cover objects and you left spots empty that need to be filled. This means adding more trees, water, tall grass, flowers, houses, ect. Red: You have used it incorrectly or the way it is shaped and or size is wrong. Yellow: It is to small for the size map you have. Please make this stuff bigger/wider Purple: Stuff is shaped to evenly and /or you have to many of the same type on map. The Map: More info. below The cliff on the lower left, the top has no clear edges this makes it look wrong because it blends with the rest of the map. Your water shapes are so small, enlarge them make lakes, ponds not random splats of water. You need a lot more object on your map than that, it took me a while to get used to this but for what you have everything is just to bland. You made cliffs but on top did not add anything on them, there should be something up there :B): I know this is a lot and if you need help I'm willing to help you, if you want send me a PM with that map unencrypted and I can show you what I would do. Another option is if you have team viewer we can hop on and I can show you. Either way best of luck to you. :alright:
  6. Not necessarily brave lol. I think though the first thing we should do *as a community* is see how many people is still willing to work on this. With activity being down I think we need to see how many people still have time and are willing to do it. Then we need to get a new list with who can do what and when and after that set a steady pace at which everyone is happy working at. Like I also mentioned having more than 1 person in charge might also help have 5 or so different ones that keep track of all different aspects of the game, that then reports it all to each other on here. It's just an idea :sweatdrop:. Either way I know I cant still do events here and there and maybe even some other things for it, if it picks back up.
  7. That is exactly the point :P. In theory there are no limits to the rpg maker program, as in events, and scripting you can do anything if you know how. However in reality were we must live with lag, this is not the case. Yes you can do anything, but some of it would cause the program to lag so bad that your game wouldn't be playable. As Pol. said 2 there is limits to event lines, just as there is to number of maps= 999, and the max stats you can give to actors =9,999 Hp,MP; 999 for rest. Course with the maps and stats limit can be broken with scripts, those scripts also have limits though.
  8. :o omg why do I always try to make things more complicated lol. Its fine 2 that just went completely over my head lol, then when I saw it I was like :o :shok: :blink:. How did I.. anyway lol yes this is the easiest most efficient way thanks kell!
  9. No problems if you ever need anything or have any questions just let me know. I'm glade I could help out. :alright:
  10. The best way I cant tell you to do this is to make a common event. Name it something like auto-revive or whatever, set it to run parallel and set the switch to one that gets turned on as soon as the game starts( or any switch that takes place before a battle). Then put in a conditional branch that when a certain actor is in state: knockout inflicted. Make one for every actor. Then under them simply put change state: actor remove knockout for the corresponding actor. Then I think you should be able to figure out the rest. If you need any help or want me to upload a little demo for you just let me know. Hope this helps
  11. The video does not seem to show a problem unless I'm blind and totally missed it. However if your having problems try adding a self switch after that wait for moves completion. You can also try adding in the ignore if cant move command again. But without seeing your problem or knowing for sure what it is I cant help you much sorry :( .
  12. I like the central idea here. I also like how you are changing it up with the wands. I'm also very found of the mid-evil period. I personally don't like the ABS and would suggest SVBS. However I kinda wonder where you are gonna go storyline wise with this.You have to be careful with this, especially in a sensitive area, story lines are one of the most important area. Also imo adding wierd looking names to spells makes it no more better imo, sometimes it frustrates me because who the hell yells out what there gonna do before doing it :P. It's like just a heads up enemy I'm gonna fireball you now :D. It also does not make much sense to me since the magic is bein drawn inward but its your stuff, its whatever you wanna do either way best of luck to ya.
  13. Hello do you ever get tired of being able to control only one party of 4? Maybe you have more than 4 actors but you don't know how to make it so you can get all of them on the field. Well then this might be for you. Note- this system has added extras that don't necessarily need to be in there, however don't remove them unless you know what you are doing. Description Features Requirements How to Set it Up Get the demo here: Party Switch Event Open and play push the D button when you want to switch parties. Carefully duplicate the process into your own game (if you need any help I'm on rmxpu like at least 30 hours a week and would be more than happy to help.). The game is not encrypted. Authors note: You might want to extend the flash screen since the direction facing is not saved to make it so the event has enough time to turn without the player seeing it :biggrin_002: .
  14. Why does like 10 guests just keep appearing and disappearing in chat?

    1. Bob423


      spam bots and clones(same ip) most likely

    2. Joey


      Kiriashi, lol

  15. I agree and even if someone wanted to take over the project they would have to read over everything and keep up with everything doubling the stress and all. Also getting enough members would be almost impossible. I mean you would have to find someone who is experienced but not currently to busy at this time and has no plans on starting anything on their own which is impossible almost in itself.
  16. Hello welcome to the forums, whats the name of your project or are you just practicing mapping? Also yea there are a lot of friendly people here who will help with anything you need. Good luck and hope to see you around. :alright:
  17. There was a lot of bad cirtism about Last Remnant. However once you fully understand how the battle system works and get past not being able to level up (your stats do increase though) its not that bad. I thought the storyline was pretty good and the units thing was a nice touch. The walking kinda looks weird but overall it's a long game that kept me entertained for I think around 30-40 hours not sure on this though.
  18. Yes this way people have stuff that they could reference to your work. Also I know I would never join someone who is first starting their project, I would want them to do a little bit because it shows how motivated they are. You would not believe how many people I have decided to help, and then they just go quite and I never hear from them again. It's annoying because I put time to help them and then they just disappear. I would suggest creating a demo, have people play test it, then make changes, and then after your demo is completed and people have played it then make a recruitment topic.
  19. Depending on how many party members you have and how much eventing you want to do this can easily be set up by event.However I don't feel like posting it here because it is a long process, and would take to much of my time if you already plan to use the script. However if you don't want to use the script or if your just interested in seeing how it would work just PM me and I'll either PM you back or post it here and under the eventing systems. Let me know :alright:.
  20. To be honest there are a lot of members on here, however most members either don't use rpg maker xp, they have a xp project that is taking up 10-90% of their time, or for others have no interest whats so ever. With all these attributes in my opinion it is impossible to get a full team, that has the time to work on the forum project. I also think that if this is to be continued there should be more than 1 person that is in charge: kinda like a checks and balance sort of thing, but also to reduce the amount of stress and pressure that is put on the leader. All of this is just my opinion though so yea idk. Kinda set up like this: Leader of Events and Story that persons team Leader of Maps and Visuals that persons team Leader of Scripts and Database that persons team. Course this is only an example and is kinda already set up the same except all leaders will be in charge of piecing all finished parts together and they would have to be active enough to communicate.
  21. Ok just idk if I will finish it tonight most likely it will be tomorrow because as of right now I'm getting tired of doing this grass patches lol.
  22. That's what I thought lol, I was thinking with his permission of doing one 30x40 and another that is 20x60. However I already tried mapping the whole thing and its turning out okay but its much easier and looks nicer when you have smaller maps to deal with.
  23. I could do some maps if you want but it would be more of an odd job. Like a map here and there but not like 10 in a week. If you need any examples of my work you can find them here on the site or if you want tell me a map you need done and I will do it as an example. Things I need to know: Where are the exit/entrance Size Any other details that would be helpful Also a time limit is nice for this one if you reply in the next few hours I can do the example today. Cheers :alright:
  24. Also my friend suggests you could turn the turnip plants onto through. That way it looks like the player is reaching down to grab them. In my opinion this might work but I could see other problems rising. As far as my eventing knowledge goes I think the best think for you is to have separate rows for the plants so that cant happen sorry I cant help you more.
  25. ugh ur right that would create the same problem... agh srry fail on my part. The only thing I can suggest to you atm is keeping it the way its set. You might wanna look up how other people do theirs I'm sure you can find some as I have no experience in this kind of system. I'll go back to the drawing bored xD. To the other part I just mean make sure you set them to lose seed when they plant them and gain turnips when they are done. Edit: Or just make separate rows for plants that way your problem cant exist anymore xD.
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