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Everything posted by drago2308

  1. Status update! I got a job as a website designer/graphics artist! I admit i had a stroke of luck there :P Extremely exited to get a job that involves doing what I like to do (programming and designing). A weeks worth of hard work and no pay = full time job = right place at the right time

    1. Polraudio


      Wish i got that lucky lol. I had to take the plunge and work at walmart while i SLOWLY do game design.

    2. Marked
  2. Finished with school, now comes the hard part of landing a job and actually dealing with adult stuff (also more time to work on the game, I guess)

    1. Tigurus


      Congratz on finishing school!

    2. Polraudio


      GL with finally starting your life. Funny when teens go like omg you ruined my life....when really life doesn't start till you get out of school.

    3. JRolik


      Ew adulting. I hate adulting. You have my condolences, while I mail you some heavy duty luck and hugs.

  3. Finally finished school (official lessons), time to get the exams out the way and that is all :)

  4. JAVASCRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPT MY LOVE <3 Real talk now I know javascript isn't super "gamer" friendly but I understand that the change will make it a hell of a lot easier for people who code for other reasons, think about unity. it doesn't have ruby, it has javascript boo and c#. two of which are popular and are used more widely. If a unity developer wanted to code in something like this, it would really be beneficial with this feature. So yea UNITY FTW. That is all, i shall move on now
  5. I hate colds, I hate being cold, cold is my enemy!

    1. Kitsuki


      Count me in, I hate them too.


      Doesn't everyone?

    2. Marked


      It's probably even colder down here, plus I live in a very very flat city that's beside the ocean. We were hitting -5 celcius.

  6. He's on to us! ahaha nah, there are some great programs out there that offer free trials. such as camtasia which is super easy to record things, however the program that I use is called DxTory, however that is a difficult program to get running efficiently it runs fine with default settings. It is very customize-able and well worth a look. Good Luck!
  7. Windows 10 Cortana understands the main characters of "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" therefore it must be downloaded. (names like Kyubey it can decipher!), No other search engine can (voice to text) :P
  8. Sup I have been running windows 10 for a while now, possibly over a month, yes it is good, yes it is stable, and it has only crashed on me once due to playing a game that was not meant to be played on a laptop XD (video memory ran out/ leaked) All my programs worked, unity, photoshop, code editors. ect. and this is only the preview! I am definitely upgrading from the technical preview and from windows 8.1 on my desktop. :3
  9. From this http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/test-drawing-26643.png to this http://www.gdunlimited.net/media/uploads/manager/experimentation-outcome-26643.jpg , I call it dedication and everyone has it, nothing is impossible :3 you want to draw you draw, start "bad" and end up good. Same goes with everything in life, talent is only a small part of skill and people with skill far surpass those with natural talent. I hope everyone takes this as an great inspiration to do w...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marked


      Omg. Pro bro.

    3. Kitsuki


      I've already said this, but--daaaaaamn, that's some improvement there.

      Soon, you'll be a regular El Greco! ;D

    4. Tigurus


      Looks great!

  10. Muahaha VOCALOIDS!! well something to do with that :3 I wish you luck with finishing all of these :3, just for my ease of mind, why do you only draw only one eye :P None the less all of these are really good, better than me :P back into my vocaloid corner i go :P
  11. Wellll, I literally have used up all of mine, (mainly due to all my downloads (I need to clean that so bad)) with about 10gb left. I think it may impact its performance a little. I store my games on a separate 500gb hd (should have had an 1tb one :3) which is now full XD (surprise) And lastly i have a 2tb external hdd that i use for backups and things. I would post my pc spec's however I don't know them all. I'll Rattle off the top of my head what I remember that I have. CPU: AMD FX8150 8 core 4ghz processor (beauty for the price) GPU: AMD radeon r9 270x (upgrade from a friend who i built a computer for :)) Motherboard: AsRock 970 Extreme 4 (ordered a extreme 3 and got a 4 accidentally(from the sender), no complaints XD) RAM: 8gb of ram (2x crucial (company) 4gb) HDD: 500gb (unknown type) SSD: 256gb Crucial MX100 (Explained before) Operating system: Windows 8.1 (with windows 8 and 7 installed side by side in other HDD (will remove soon for space)) Many addons Oh, AND OLD ASS CASE I think i did a good job of remembering what I have :P Hope it helps ya mark :3
  12. Haii I built my own computer, however I really didn't go completely bang for buck over. (I tried but it's really hard). Possibly the best piece of hardware that i have invested in though is an SSD (I have a Crucial MX100 256gb) Why i think its so amazing, well its like giving your computer steroids. People are too busy investing in new CPU's or GPU's that they forget that the real thing they need is speed and that lies in the disk drive. Other than that I don't have much to say :3 good luck in building the computer, its a very interesting hobby to have for a little while. P.S custom fan coolers hurt to install, many cuts (or maybe I'm just really clumsy) Have Fun :3
  13. Finally! The almighty Omar has begun to document his journey on the forum :3 Good luck mate, I hope your persistence will continue until you become pro :P (If you were to model a gun, you would model Sinons sniper right? :3)
  14. Hai! I myself have little to no clue on how to work with C++ or C since I primarily work with Java based codes, however a quick search online resulted in this. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7868936/read-file-line-by-line or if that is not what you are looking for http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13035674/how-to-read-line-by-line-or-a-whole-text-file-at-once this should be what you are looking for. If you are unable to use sites like these for your schooling, that is unfortunate :(. Stack overflow is one of the best question answer sites for any coding language. Things to check, Did it store all of the string to the file? 'fifty shades of grey' Can you please post a little bit of the processing code here so that we can analyze it? Does your loop cancel once it sees a space? so that it results with only 'Fifty' That is all I could think of to help you as of now, Good Luck!
  15. There is always room for consoles, cus gamers man, however pc will always win in the utility department, nothing compares. PC MASTER RACE :3
  16. There are many different game engines, free or paid, They all offer the best game for the least amount of effort, although many don't realize the effort it takes in order to make a game with such high prestige, hence why there are whole company's working on a single game. (many of them make their own engine XD) Cry engine offers amazing graphics, however when you think of it you need to be a professional in visual arts 3d modeling and effects before you can make your own assets to stress the game engine with awesome looking effects and models.(of course you can pay to get assets but what is the use of that :P) ahh sorry if i went of topic a tad :3
  17. I guess thats just the community of the game then? League of Legends has a community that just rages at everything, (this is depended on what type of person they are) but still you need to ignore it in order to have fun :3, haha Its not like you are going to listen to them right? :P combos are combos, everything is made in a game for a reason not like the developers were like NO YOU CANT USE THAT COMBO THAT WE SPECIFICALLY MADE FOR THE GAMES DIVERSITY XD.
  18. Yup of course I can tell which one is yours :P (the most in depth one :D) Thanks Marked And everyone else for helping me out :3 it is very much appreciated.
  19. Both of you guys had awesome answers to the survey, everything helps immensely :3 (even if you don't ever play mobile games the extra information helps :3)
  20. Hey guys, so I have been only semi present lately on the forum, however I have a reason for that, and that reason is school work XD, last year so its taking a large chunk of my life and effort with it. So why am I writing this post you ask? Well for me to pass this year every student needs to complete this thing called the Research Project, and to be honest its not the funnest thing ever. If we don't pass this we can pass the whole year XD. And so the reason i need your input in this guys is that i need some primary information, Sorry that this comes as an survey format, however portraying the results is much easier this way. Here is the survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XHRVC9H Every single response will be used to enhance my research project. So thank you for helping me out if you did :D If you want to add any more information or just ask a question comment below I'll gladly reply.
  21. It's An example of Unity JavaScript (which is a programming language) using the if statement. so really its both and example, and is programming XD. ps. programming is coding, coding is programming, whichever you you prefer. Can you understand this code?? var number = 10; if (number == 10){ print('hello'); } If you cannot I'll explain it in detail with a reply. ( I sure hope you know this)
  22. Well, Although learning though your own accord is by far the best way to learn, I do understand why you would want this service. This forum tries to offer the best learning assets (though tutorials and resources) but this is the best we as a community can provide. Ultimately none of us are "qualified" to teach others, hence why we help each other, learning a skill is picked up along the way. I would offer my assistance to assist you and your learning of a program, although, I am not skilled to a point of qualified teaching, (This is the case for lots of members). I think that teaching should be free, as paying for "in experienced" and "unqualified" people to teach you doesn't seem quite right. (I'm sure there is other services that would) If you do need help with unity/javascript don't hesitate to ask me for help, I'll gladly lend you my knowledge. :3 Never give up.
  23. I am currently using windows 10 Technical preview on my school laptop, so far, It runs amazing with no bugs, (except for the new stuff sometimes eg. cortana WHICH IS IN ALPHA so that's expected ) Aside from that it runs just like windows 8.1. The new search feature is by far the best, worth upgrading just for that ease of use XD. Upgrading to 10 is free, and its not likely that microsoft will get on your back about having a non legit version of 8.1 (if you install with the .iso) All of my programs work flawlessly on windows 10 as they did on windows 8.1. That i know (its been 3 weeks). One thing to take notice off is the constant updates (once per night sometimes) which can get annoying, you need to save every time you close your laptop screen. Also during the install process it took my computer 5 hours to completely download and install windows 10 (though the update system). And to say the least my computer is not low spec. Although I lost no data what so ever, (I did make backups just in case). So my verdict of trying it out is very much yes! From what i have experienced it is a great step forward by Microsoft I cannot wait until all the features of windows 10 slowly are released over time.
  24. Merry Christmas Everyone!

    1. Marked


      Merry xmas. This is the first time for me not doing xmas coz I'm still in Asia D: Instead going to climb a mountain (and possibly slay a dragon). I think it's still xmas eve for most members here, laggers.

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