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Everything posted by drago2308

  1. My thoughts, The 'AAA' games that are produced by larger company are largely based on someone else's idea. The developers are paid to work to a certain plan, This Limits the creativity with the products that they produce. The marketing company is paid to do what they do and they do it exceptionally well to over-hype the game so well. However with indie games the developers have freedom of changing their product to their liking, whenever they want because they have the final decision on the product they produce, indie games are often open to the public from an early age (minecraft alpha, which i took part of) and receive feedback quite early on in development. Also many indie games don't have a dead line, and even if they do they don't need to oblige to it, (minecrafts Halloween Update(portals didn't work in multiplier on release) ). Overall indie games have alot more freedom than AAA games. PC MasterRace.
  2. No Omar that would be way too easy :P you should know by now that I'm not the one to do things the easy way ;) Edit: Although I will have use my deviant art page to upload my finished works
  3. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned because the throne is rightfully mine!
  4. Thanks Omar! glad to see that you liked it, I'll get to the background color's and shading a soon as i can. I have One more night to work and One test tomorrow so I swear by tomorrow (maybe even tonight) that image will be finished and out of the road! < It's getting on my nerves how long this one has taken me due to all the bloody interruptions this week. Next image to do is the next sketch (which in my opinion looks better cus its a action shot :P) With the time i get free at school, (other than the time spent on revising for tests ect.) I am trying to put together a website that will host all of these images as a blog, have a home page for any other projects i have, contacts (for if anyone wants to add me as a friend to chat ?) and a commissions/suggestions page where you can suggest me to draw anything (commissions are only for when I get really good... ). So I'm looking forward to getting that up and running by the end of this month. But most likely due to things as they are (being busy and all) It might be later than that, for now everything will be updated here until that time arivives
  5. Day 28 woo 4 weeks into learning, sorry for not getting a full picture out this week has just been stupidly hectic and I'm sorry to say but next week will be even worse! (my birthday and all) hope you like the development images so far, I'm thinking about recording the development of these pieces and putting them up as speed art. (probs 10x speed cus i'm slow) but It'll look really cool IMO. Tell me what you think! Thanks for the encouragement zahraa! and also the suggestion. My answer for this is that the art style I'm going for is very much close to anime style. so the lips are nearly non existent, (however i noticed that i need to fix up the mouth line in my latest art :S) also I had a go at drawing lips once but i deleted them soon after due to them 'not fitting' < this is only my judgment. The style that I'm drawings is also a fair bit away from reality, as realism gets tossed out the window so does facial features shape and priority, smaller mouth and nose and larger eyes and forehead. However I do see where you got that preference from, your avatar. If you notice that you avatar has a more prominent nose and realistic eyes than what other styles have, there for to keep with the realistic tone of the image they had to draw the mouth with lips as well. Overall it looks like an amazing drawing. However if i was to integrate full lips into my drawings they wouldn't 'fit', especially with the character that i'm working with now. However in the future i plan to do a drawing with somewhat realistic features, so that will be the time that I will draw full lips. If you are wondering who I base my drawings off of I like these ones. http://sonnyaws.deviantart.com/ However those are really really hard to do but i hope to make art as well as her in due time! Thanks again for the suggestion and interest in my drawings! :D
  6. um, any name with the intention of calling yourself the best and the brightest is a generic or "casual" name as omar would put it, especially if it has 2 sayings, "1337" and "Gamer". there are (as Omar stated *and put my name in :P) many names that follow a trend of those to excerpts. I have seen "1337Gamer" and "UlitimateGamer" before as usernames...
  7. You forgot : Omar510, I think he should be number 1 on that list
  8. God dagm it Omar. Better implement some copyright system into my images eh? ;) (P.S If you have stolen my work you are dead to me, However I'm sure that the images that you draw would be better? Am i Wrong?)
  9. Personally something like RPG XP Ace would be stupid for such a company to do, I Like XP the way it is with rgss1, rgss4 will most likely be a pain to learn, Mapping is already great in XP and it doesn't need a change, XP Ace also seems like a stupid name. I'd much rather them come up with a new rpgmaker that doesn't rely on tiling (somewhat free movement). Inbuilt quest systems, and a more fleshed out material base for users that don't know scripting won't have to rely as much on others to get their desired results. Events could be upgraded to a radius of pixels rather than a grid radius. That is i can think of all.
  10. Don't you have a blog? That would be a better place to post updates daily. Since these are finished "arts" (which by the way the first image is only a font with a gradient, other words you didn't draw it you created it (just a small bit of terminology)) Why not post them in the resource section? Instead of a forum post since all of these will be "Title Screens,Gameovers & Logos.". I wish you luck in getting more works completed. This might not be the best place for these assets.
  11. This is great! Congrats to the site!
  12. Alright, I might try some background drawings for my next image, (It won't be natural though), And I'd Really like to practice an hair drawing technique. So today I will Sketch out the character first then work on sketching out the background, and maybe adding some colour to it. Just some thoughts, this whole project will most likely take me the whole week to draw completely, including the Background, and new hair style. also the clothing and body shape will be an absolute pain in the arse but it will be done.
  13. Thank you marked! I'm really glad you like it. It really encourages me to do better Thanks Omar for giving some encouragement, Hehe yea I kind of got lazy with the lineart on the last one, It was getting so annoying due to if i deleted the line it would leave just white, so if i wanted to colour that too i would need a perfect gradient, and since i do gradients with the water tool it merges the white with the other colors which is really bad. In the next drawing I will devote a lot more time to getting the lineart correct and finished.
  14. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for not showing me your avatars full picture
  15. Day 21 Already?! Time moves so quickly lately, OH well As Promised another 7 images and guess what, I managed to get one out every day, not like last time :P. Hope you guys enjoy view my progress. Never Hesitate to ask questions on how i go about learning and stuff like that, I would be more than happy to share.
  16. Um so if I Reply right now do I get a sum of 4 entries? I have an active account, linked to steam, In steam group, submitted a script, and have a game page :D Oh wait does the script have to be made after this topic D:
  17. Why do people join the chat when i'm afk for 3 min then leave! why not wait for a reply... I have been waiting for them or someone to join for hours..

    1. ShinkuAura


      For instance me. Which did on purpose.

    2. drago2308


      god dagm it omar

  18. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    banned for being sexy. and I ban marked for not updating this from may!
  19. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    banned for changing your avatar :P
  20. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for reaching 300 points (it was only suspicion)
  21. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for suspicion of not reading the light novels
  22. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for turning of the ethic code ;)
  23. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for not being my friend yet (or are you a solo Player)
  24. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for not mentioning lizbeth silica and the rest of them. (I can list them off) (like yuriel)
  25. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for not using a more epic pose of kirito.
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