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Everything posted by drago2308

  1. The moment when you realize that the reason that your code doesn't work is due to one spelling mistake in a variable.. (all that rage and confusion)

    1. Marked


      Lol. That happened to me today although it only took about 5mins to find it. It was a string in php for mysql, so it looks like this: $var = 'member_id = ' . $member_id . ' AND day = "' . $today . '"'; So it's a quote, inside a quote that breaks the overall quote to insert a variable. Easy to get lost.

    2. zahraa


      Though it usually makes me happy to see that the problem is something that I can solve. But I can't ignore the confusion part lol

    3. Polraudio


      I dont know how many times i had a little case problem. 1 little letter wasnt the right case and it took me an hour or more to find the problem.

  2. Hey, Today as i was snooping around the site as you do. I noticed a weird bug with the User Menu button. whenever i click on the user menu once to open it and again to close it. It seems to break and become not visible. Here is a gif of it. This bug was produced on the torch browser (chromium based), Windows 8.1. (not sure what other information i should give). Thanks for having a look at it.
  3. hehe Lets make my list eh... Marked: Da Boss, The Admin. I'll never forget that day in the chat with him and some others. (P.S extremely handsome deduced from the post above) Omar510: The guy who I blew his cover as kirito :P, Have a love hate relationship with me. Enjoys the act of trolling however he might not succeed all the time. Motivational and of course is a great writer. Is popular with Google. Bob423: A penguin who likes to get in the way of a friendly conversation in the ban thread. Other than that hes a great mod Tigurus: A guy who is usually in the chat when that indicator says 1, helps out with ruby coding when he can, likes playing civ. Zahraa: A girl that has a bubbly personality and a great drive to work on her game. Polraudio: I don't chat with him much but hes very nice, holds giveaways, has a quirky quote and loves to learn unity. (if you need help i'll try and support you :D) Dolarmak: We share the same thought pattern, Self motivated to get things done. Extremely creative. I hope this will suffice.
  4. 2 (what 24 notifications I have a smart watch and that thing was going off all night on my arm keeping me awake. Thanks guys...)
  5. Ahh! its week 6 already (day 42)! Yes yes i know sorry for missing out on yesterdays image, I was a tad busy. However I think i made up for it with today's progress on the image, Thats over a month of drawing! So if any one is wondering on the blogs progress its getting there, i still have alot to do with it, i think once i reach the magical character limit that omar has told me about that will be crunch time to really pump out the blog. until then all i can do is hope that that character limit is not near... Thanks for the criticism, I know i can do much better its just a matter of time that keeps it from being from what it is now to professional made. both in practice and in the time spent working on each piece. No, Omar just no..
  6. The way i got it to work in my game was hard, download the demo, then copy all of the scripts (yes there is a lot) into your game... Also you need the files from his demo as well so don't forget them. The way that is suggested to be installed there is by his script importer. which i cant wrap my head around yet. So i went the old route of coping from the demo given, also i can learn all the presets that needed to be called by an event to start it as well. good luck. MP scripts are insanely hard to install period. (but they are awesome!)
  7. That's Day 35! 5 weeks into drawing, Still loving it :D. Speed art recording of my next drawing will be a must! Also that blog is coming along however its very slow progress, (having to copy and past all the old content onto it). I'm thinking of integrating my skills from 3d modeling/animation and use them in a drawing, eg. creating a mode to then draw over. (some of the artwork that i see online turn out amazing using this technique) If you guys want to suggest for me to draw something that you guys would like now is the time so speak up! Looking forward to it! Again thanks to the community for the continued support!
  8. http://gyazo.com/931ca9bb706ddac10202a2bb1803f9e3 click mp4 format. Somehow a fully functional gdu website appeared in the reply box :D
  9. I think if this is adapted to Drago's Experimental Drawing Journal, That would suit just fine :D Thanks omar!
  10. um, could you give a bit more information than just hi i need this, IF we were to help you with what you need it would really help us if you would explain what the animation includes, colour, ect. I can't help you sorry D: but to be honest it wouldn't be to hard to make some animations yourself, Teaching yourself new things is always the best way to get the results you need. Good luck.
  11. Oh I'm working on it alright, Hopefully I don't hit the character limit before I finish it of D: Also if possible could you think of a better name than "dragos learning to draw journal" because I really don't think i thought much about the name of the topic before creating it... and I'm currently stuck for names for the moment.... As for getting that image done, that should be done today as it only needs 1 or 2 more layers to be complete. Then i'll work on defining the lines of the other sketch, after 7 though due to homework....
  12. drago2308

    Ban 2.0

    Banned for it being an accident, (and banished)
  13. Well where i live I don't even get 3g thought my providers connection (even though i pay for it) :( However with another network, the 3g coverage is completely fine. However the point remains that yes they are throttling the 3g connection so that they get more people to join the 4g network plans. I heard somewhere that 4g was cheaper to run by the company but is considerably faster than 3g networks (I'm not entirely sure if this is correct or not). So if this is true, the company that gets people to upgrade will gain a larger profit than ones that allow them to stay on the 3g network.
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