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Everything posted by Kitsuki

  1. jesus christ Mark is trying to kill me with pictures of food Still no food for the last 15 hours, I am slowly wasting away
  2. Damn, reading Pol's list of foods while at school w/o breakfast or lunch makes me hungry. I'd kill for a burrito right now.
  3. http://images.fatsecret.com/food/b2a9d9bc-9a60-403c-b053-00a9c076b0e3.jpg Basically sausages with little bits of pineapple in it. Sweet and savoury at the same time--my favourite <3 It tastes really good once you get used to how odd it is.
  4. Kitsuki

    Your Pics

    dropping into months-old topics and flooding the activity box bc that's what I do :oops: Anywho, here's a recent me! I'm ashamed to admit that this is one of my (rare) better days :sweat: every other day I just tug on my old red hoodie, loose sweats, leave my shoes untied all the time, and don't even comb my hair... I just pull my hood over my head all the time. My excuse is "i'm gangsta", so the rare days when I show up to school dressed up decently everyone's like "Whoa, dang, why you so feminine today" :laugh2: all i want is just to be as pretty as loki
  5. I was reading up on staying up recently, thanks to some obsession I've developed with sleeplessness (which I entirely blame on my AP classes). And of course, I've heard the strange stories about auditory and visual hallucinations that come with a couple days of no sleep. I'm interested in experimenting with myself on sleeplessness over the summer holidays. The longest a person has stayed awake, according to Google, is 264.4 hours. 11 days and 24 minutes of sleeplessness. Anyway, I'm like "dang, I want to beat that". So what I plan to do with part of my summer is set aside a two-week period for screwing around with my sleep schedule and pushing past those 11 days and 24 minutes. I think I'll record video logs every two hours during those time periods starting after the 24 hour mark--keeping track of my time spent awake and what symptons I experience after a certain amount of time. Now, my question for you guys: What's the longest you've ever stayed awake? And what symptoms did you experience? Got any halluciation stories you wanna share? My personal record is 36 hours. That's when I started tipping over while standing in one place for too long. P: Lemme know your stories! I've become fascinated with sleeplessness, so I need to research and plan this summer thing to get it out of my system. TToTT ~Kitsuki
  6. The other day I had this dream in which I was a six-years-old boy. I remember he/I was really cute, had brown hair and freckles and this bright little smile. The boy/I was pretty adorable and smart, too, just this perfect little angel. But his/my father was the CEO of a big company or something, and he never had time to spend with his son/me. So, the little six-years-old boy that I was liked to watch PBS and Sesame Street, which is probably the only thing we had in common. In the dream, he/I was watching Elmo's World, then decided to pen a letter to Elmo. And this little boy in my dream wrote to Elmo to ask if "Elmo is always alone on the TV because his father never has any time to spend with him, either". And Elmo never replied, even after months of waiting. It was heartbreaking D:
  7. omg a food thread, I have been summoned What I like is: -Instant noodles (usually the Korean kind) -Microwavable tacquitos -Pineapple sausages Basically, anything that I can pop into a microwave or just pour hot water on and it will automatically be edible and tasty. My diet consists mainly of canned and packaged foods, which is kind of sad. (And meanwhile, Ardaceus posted a whole feast...)
  8. Once more, I bump topics while hoping to escape Mark and the mods' noticing my breaking the rules... Have any games been submitted yet? Or is this still ongoing? I feel like this has been being planned for a while, but it hasn't started. (Unless I'm wrong and people have been submitting games all along, in that case feel free to roast me on that P:)
  9. I've become unhealthily obsessed with Loki

    1. JRolik


      I've been obsessed with Loki for over a decade...but not the Avenger's related one. Nope. The original mythology one.

    2. Kitsuki


      I can't find much info on Norse mythology Loki, so I lost interest. My liking for Loki started with the 2011 Thor movie.

    3. JRolik


      I own a copy of the Poetic Edda. THat's how obsessed I became xD

    4. Show next comments  6 more
  10. I haven't played this game yet, but Flowey is super cute. <3
  11. That was odd. Last night when I checked, certain pages told me "This page is for admins only... awkward". It probably bugged out for a while there, but I can get onto the pages now. Thanks anyway! EDIT: I was checking the wrong page. I think I'm an admin of Insanitalia, but not Shinsou Lullaby. Still can't view the stuff on the latter. :(
  12. That would actually be great, Mark. If you can do that, then thanks so much! :)
  13. Hi, Noob! Feel like I've seen you around the forums before, but I've never spoken to you. Anyway, welcome back to GDU! Glad to see you're back. :D
  14. Whoa, there. Seems like you're feeling a little down about your skills in making games. Instead of feeling down, go and learn the coding skills you need to do this stuff! Plenty of tutorials afoot on the internet. Don't feel down, go out and figure out ways to succeed and get those bad feelings out of your system. :)
  15. Ah, well. Thanks anyway, Bob! :)
  16. Oh dang. The page told me it's only for admins. Time to see if Germany ever changed to password to his account after I gave it to him, or I'm stuck with the description the way it is now that he's left.
  17. duuuuude come back to the internet someday i miss you

  18. This looks very nice! But I have a question about the black box with the game description to the right of the top image. Is there a word limit for descriptions now? I decided to check how it looked on Germany's and my page and this is what I got: Hmm, come to think of it... "Is there a word limit" is probably a dumb question. More like: "What's the word limit?" :)
  19. I actually looked at the Latest Activity section earlier and did a flip because damn, that's a lot of scripts inundating the updates. I figure, new scripts are already posted in the Scripts section--would it be possible to filter out the newly-posted scripts from the Latest Activity section? Maybe the scripts should show up in Latest Activity only when there's a comment on it or something, because to me it seems repetitive to have the same posts flooding both update sections. Sounds like you're working hard, Mark. Keep it up! (Btw, it's been at the back of my mind. But I never heard if you got that job you interviewed for some months ago--I remember you just said the interview went well. But I hope you got the job and some more rest nowadays. Especially if you're making all these design changes.)
  20. Whoops, I know double-posting is taboo, but I can't think of any other way to let people know that it didn't work. P: I may pick through the script for a while more, but your snippet of code didn't work, Bob. I'm pretty sure it's not my other scripts either, because I tried it in a new project as well, so I'm not sure what the problem is.
  21. i've been in my RMXP script editor for three hours, my brain hurts, I can't even read code why do i do this to myself

  22. Thanks, Bob! This was exactly what I was looking for. I'll test it when I get home, but I thought that might be the reason it was disabled... Not sure though, I'll see later if it does anything screwy. That would be ideal if the message were still on screen when the player exits the menu! I'm not sure if something like that exists, though D: Thanks, Bob!
  23. I'm interested in if there's a way to get the menu to open anytime in an RMXP game, whether or not messages are being displayed on screen. I've been using the engine for ages, and this is the one thing I've been wondering ever since I started using it. It seems annoying that you're unable to do that... or would a function to open the menu at the same time as a message somehow screw up the system? If there is no way currently, can someone direct me to the parts in the script editor that might have something to do with menu access? So I can toy around with it :) Thanks for any help in advance! ~Kitsuki
  24. ovo Am I late too? I haven't had time to check GDU recently, so I'm not sure what the dates for this thing is.
  25. After all the time I've spent on this site, I'm still not sure if this should go in Support or Requests. Will leave it here for now. If I'm in the wrong section, let me know and... well, I can't do anything about it, so if you're a mod just move it :> That'd be appreciated. The script: It seems to be in Portugese or something, but it should be self-explanatory. The script is supposed to play a letter-by-letter SFX when a switch is activated (I think the author made it so the number of characters written before SFX is played is adjustable). I can't read/script RGSS or any computer languages at all, RIP. Any help would be greatly appreciated! ~Kitsuki
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