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Everything posted by Kitsuki

  1. Once you go pirate, you don't go back... I dub you the Culinary Pirate, Omar ;D Pirating is cool for me because I can't bother paying like $300 for Sony Vegas. I'm an amateur, I can't see myself actually doing anything useful/decent in there. Pirating is "bad" because by not paying you don't support the creators... but I only pay for things I want to support :P Like Outlast. That's the only game I've legit bought in a long while. You don't see me paying for games like HuniePop...
  2. omg you guys all get gold medals XD Didn't realise that until now. Wow, it was a whole year ago O.o Imagine how many quotes have piled into there by now. Are you going to go and take the spam-ish ones out or leave them there, Marked?
  3. I understand this 100% :) but I actually really want to know why a post about XP RTP flags were funny... XD
  4. I am actually still very confused as to what we are looking for :sweat: since there seem to be a lot of mixed opinions, and I haven't seen a general consensus for exactly what new features we're looking for. If I'm just half-blind, can someone write a condensed version of what exactly we want? That won't take 20+ minutes of scrolling and reading to figure out. Let's make sure everyone agrees on a single set of not-too-complicated features before we get something done and suddenly decide that not everyone wants it, or it's not as good for the community as we thought. Mark can't spend 30+ minutes reading through the posts and then assuming that we need something that not everyone has agreed or supports. If we want something, we could at least make it easy on the person making them. ;)
  5. Sorry, Mark. You're too late, I had "I LOVE BALLS!!" tattooed professionally on my back yesterday. :thumbsup: Thanks but no thanks. On the serious side, thanks for making this news post! Now I actually understand what the quotes system is for. I'll keep this in mind if I decide to submit a quote in the future! EDIT: I went romping through the quotes section to find blackmail on Germany (that's what our relationship is 99% of the time) and found this... :huh2:... care to explain, Mark? But clever retorts aside, I am actually genuinely curious as to why this got into the Quotes section.
  6. I can safely say that I understand none of that. :grin: But you used that code to get a job? That's amazing. Definitely shows all the hard work you put into it. And holy crap, 5,000+ lines. I can't even--wow. You got mad skills, Mark ;D which would explain why GDU is the prettiest game dev site I've seen around!
  7. exactly what I though when I saw the word "Prophet", Dusty. ;D I haven't heard of any of those others except Bandicam. O.o Bandicam has a nice interface and is easy-to-use, especially the new version. If you're going to get it, get the new one because it looks hella nice. Shiny, dark grey, attractive and everything. I personally didn't really like Camtasia :P But if I remember, and I just recalled this now... it gives you the option to edit it right in its studio when you finish recording? I use Sony Vegas to edit my video after I record, so the Bandicam thing works out for me. But for those who don't have advanced video editing software I'd say Camtasia's pretty good. But I'd say even Windows Movie Maker will fulfill your needs for editing a game video, especially if you're just recording for a gameplay trailer or something and sticking music in, lol
  8. How long did the system we have now take you, anyway? Seems complicated :P
  9. I'm going to tell you guys a secret... ... ... I pirated Bandicam XD which is exactly what Bob said to do. And it works pretty well. The LPer I know uses Camtasia, though I don't know if she pirated or not. I wouldn't use most trials, they'll add their watermark and I hate when they do that. I know this is probably me being judgemental, but when I see watermarks I think "Shoddy." Yeah... Judgemental. Also, Prophet? O.o what did I do to deserve to be called a Prophet? Lol
  10. O.o Ohh, were you talking about incorporating the new content slider but not redoing the actual game pages themselves? Sorry, then I misunderstood that XD I thought you were going to revamp the whole system or something.
  11. That's not a bad idea! I'm always for avoiding walls of text (which comes off... slightly hypocritical as I tend to post them :>). I haven't been on Steam in ages, not to buy games at least... On Steam, if you click on the game you'll get a description, right? The only pages of the current system I'd really like to see kept are the blog page and a section for a description of the game and its features. Characters shouldn't have their profiles written out blatantly; the joy of a game is learning about these characters, so a simple mention in the description might be all you need, and it cuts the necessity to have a whole other page. And if there are comments at the bottom of the page, I don't see the need for a "comments" section. What I envision is when you click on the game, you get a single page with a description, the content slider that you saw in the home page, and maybe a place to read reviews. I don't know how a blog would be incorporated, but I like to see updates from the creator themselves, and the progress they're making. In a blog, the developer can tell the player about future promising features without spoiling too much with, say, and image or video. And it's a neat touch for the developer to keep in touch with the community :D If a game has no demo or material to show, I believe there was an "Established Games" or "Early in Development" section somewhere in the forum? I agree 100% that the game pages should be approved before they're posted publicly--if the game isn't ripe enough, it can go to the previously mentioned sections. Steam themselves have a Greenlight system, right? Or at least I think that's what it's called, after reading tons of Steam articles about RPG Maker. :P
  12. Welcome to GDU, bro! Hope you have fun ;D I started with RPG Maker 2 years ago and have learnt a lot since then. So I recommend to you to have fun with the project you create and love your game! That way you'll definitely have a lot more fun doing what you're doing, and you'll pick up things a lot faster as well uvu That being said, feel free to approach the community whenever you need help or would like to share something! We love to see your work :D Have fun! ;)
  13. I would say Outlast is a great example of this, but I'm biased and think that Outlast is a great example of everything (except hygiene and hospital management). But it's definitely the most gorgeous and nicely-done horror I last played, and they did that very cliffhanger method in their demo. And damn did I want to play that game. I bought it with money (something I... don't often do, if I'm honest with myself) because I wanted to support that beautiful work of art. and then I got Whistleblower DLC and now I will pay for anything they next come out with :P Now there's a proper way to hook an audience with a demo.
  14. Whoa, whoa there D: I go through all these posts since I last read them and suddenly I see things about cutting off XP--now, VX I wouldn't mind, because it's the most useless update the RPG Maker series has gotten, imo. It's more like a patch to XP than a stand-alone release of its own. VX I would gladly cut off. But you still see people coming in with XP games and XP requests, tutorials, resources. Why would you want to cut off something that has a decent amount of users, even compared to VX Ace? I just can't see it as a good step to take. I wouldn't use the "necrosed limb" analogy for this, because in this case people who use XP will always exist, even if it's in fewer numbers. And XP users means potential members, regardless of the numbers. When your limb rots, it rots, it ain't coming back. But if people come to this site for XP help and don't find any, that'll be a real turn-off. I for one definitely wouldn't have stayed if XP support wasn't available. While I definitely still don't agree with cutting XP (cut VX all you'd like though ;D), I agree that we should focus on VX Ace if it's the one getting the most traffic. While others may bring in some users, VX Ace will be the one with most appeal uvu Yeah, I could go far to say it's neutral, but definitely not positive. And while we're on the subject of tutorials... scripts and such are program-specific, but a lot of tutorials for simple things (like the most recent here, the thunderstorm tutorial for XP) are established through events. And these tutorials can be used throughout the engines. They all have relatively similar event-systems, after all. How would you suggest building a feedback system, Marked? I see a lot of posts from people here like development blogs, which seems like a nice way to get feedback--posting a map or something and receiving feedback. But only few of those blogs get comments. Although I recently saw a map critique thread that had a lot of posts... why are some of these projects/works getting more feedback than others? Is it just that members of the community don't have interest in one project more than another? Or something else? (Again I'm just asking a lot of questions because I have no idea how these things work and would like to know :D) And what is it about sites like other sites that bring in views and members? On some others I see a large number of active members--scripters, eventers, people like Blizzard who create unique and advanced scripts/systems. And also people who can help out with problems immediately. And that's huge for me, to get the problem I want fixed done so as soon as possible. I'm a member on other sites like Chaos Project as well (not as active) but I post there occasionally for help when I'm at my wit's end--and often their members will come and give input and feedback quickly. Whereas, in the past, some posts I put on GDU didn't get as quick as response or as useful feedback. And Chaos' layout imo doesn't have as much appeal as GDU, which Mark puts a lot of time into making look so great. I notice that the most useful help I've had here on this site comes from scripters like Black Mage, whom Germany and I remember easily because he gave us amazing responses to posts for help on our game before. His replies were quick, detailed, and he clearly knows his field. So I agree with the points Sal's been making above--we need more skilled people and developers, scripters and people who can contribute to the community. I also just looked at the bottom of the forum page to see this: 8 members, 148 guests I checked Chaos Project to compare, and they've had 44 guests and one member on in their last fifteen minutes. So we're obviously getting more traffic. But 148 guests and only eight members in the last 15 minutes? So Mark is right, there are definitely a lot of people checking out GDU. So why aren't they starying? O.o We have the material and everything we need to gain viewers. So what's the next step? Also Ardi has some points, but I can't be half-assed to quote everything and say what I think, so I'm just going to say that he has points. One thing I will say to what he talked about is I found way more resources like scripts on Chaos. A whole database of them with things that I wanted and liked. That's what was tempting me to settle down there rather than at GDU, but I got attached to the community here and was like "eh whatever, I'm not going to go learn more names and personalities at this point".
  15. I'm back after (what feels like) a long absence. I am ready to start posting again......... and I got braces. >8{

    1. ShinkuAura
    2. drago2308


      IA. is strong with this one

    3. Kitsuki


      *plays Lost Time Memory in the background in response to Drago*



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  16. hmm but what happens to these new unique accounts after people join? They just randomly become inactive? That'll probably set off a few people. O.o Although it was really easy for me to find this site, since a lot of the RPG Maker research I did brought it up... so I think people know it's here. (And for me, the small community was the appeal, but that's just me and I'm weird :P) ... the only subforum I ever went into for RMXP is support. I never knew there were so many omg. Why are there two for RGSS scripts though? Seems to me they should be combined, at the very least. Unless there's something I don't know about it. :P
  17. Yeah, sadly I didn't know what filler was before watching Bleach... I went through the whole Bount filler season (the very first filler one) without knowing it had absolutely nothing to do with the plot. I kept expecting them to somehow be tied to Aizen or something. Needless to say, when the filler season ended and nothing came of it, I felt kind of betrayed. :P I heard about that. I was recommended it :> I still need to find time to watch it but my interest is piqued. Can't be any more screwed up than that one anime video Me!Me!Me!... please don't watch that.
  18. That's a beautiful map! I love it <3 It looks extremely detailed, nice! The only complaint I would have is with the character. He seems a bit saturated and simplistic compared to the map--just look at the texture and fine detail on that grass, holy cow! Other than that I have nothing to say. Awesome work >u<
  19. back from Las Vegas... them ladies in skirts tho

    1. Bob423


      I was going to reference a rule of the internet, but Rule 30.1 states that rule 30 only applies to the deep web.

    2. Marked


      I've heard about the deep web so many times this last week O.o

    3. Kitsuki


      maaan all these people questioning my sexuality

      all I ever wanted is for senpai to notice me ;;o;;

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  20. Damn you and your memes, Ardi... damn you....!! But yeah, looks like you've got something awesome going there, Mage! The summary in your post looks a little cliche, but all stories start somewhere. I have no doubt you'll diverge from the "cliche" into something different soon ;) That map looks great, too <3 those skills. I downloaded the Calcu-Late demo, too, hoping to play that soon!
  21. Welcome to GDU! We have an awesome community here, you're bound to have fun here with us! Enjoy yourself. Everyone has a long way to go when they start out, but keep steady and you'll get there. ;) omg someone knows about the minigame page that once ate hours out of my life. Thanks so much for the minigame page, Marked. *sarcasm metre explodes*
  22. Yuuup. The whole demo deal is pretty important, not only to see if the game will work for your players, but it also gets your game increased hype if it's good. Then you get feedback as well--there's things people don't like about the game? They'll probably comment on your page or something, and you'll know to change that in the future. Feedback from the audience is one of the #1 priorities for a developer. If you're making a game that isn't liked, then what are you doing? Exceptions, of course, being indie games and personal experiments. This is mostly for big game companies with a large audience to appeal to, but it's still good to practice that. Not to say you should stop working on what you enjoy. But it's always twice as rewarding to have people like your game as well. :P
  23. Find people with skills? That's a good place to start as any, but the question is how many of them have the time and patience to be doing stuff without anything in return. (True, I have artists and musicians, but their time is scarce as it is, and I'm dishing out quite a bit of money.) Coders and writers, imo, are the most important. Maybe pixel artists as well, because most of the requests I see here are "Write a script for me" or "I need a spriter/sprites". But yeah, there are nice people out there who'd like to spend time doing stuff for people for free, but most of them need an incentive. We can't all thrive off the internet ;) We have a recruitment subforum? O.o Joking aside (although I really didn't know that) that's a neat idea--at least developers will know that someone is keeping up-to-date with their project. A lot of people here don't get attention to their games. I know that in order to be added to the list of featured games, your game has to be played--are the staff keeping up with the playable games coming in? They may or might not be, might be nice to know though. I recently played "Listen" here on GDU and thought it was a nice game, but for some reason or other it doesn't appear to have been added to Featured. Staff may have their reasons, but I think it's a pretty good game and at least deserves a couple more comments. If you're going to take up that responsibility, go ahead, by all means. Good to see initiative and ideas. Be nice to new devs. ;)
  24. on GDU at 03:45... not a single regret (yet)

  25. Niiiiice, Zahraa! I'm already getting some inspiration from that as well. Yeah, I definitely agree with the XP. I'm never one to prefer Ace when there's good ol' XP. But 100% agreed that there can be so much more done with both of the maps. The desert tileset has never been one of my favourites, but when you put your mind to it you can make quite a few decent things... try to add more variety, maybe some hilly area and different levelling, like dolarmak suggested. All of his advice is good, I'd definitely take it all into consideration when you map in the future.
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