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Everything posted by Ardaceus

  1. I will vote for RPG maker. Due to the reason being that you can create a pretty horrifying experience using this program, and it is relatively easier. Think of the games like Mad Father and Ib, they were completely amazing and could scare you whenever they felt like it. While in Unity, I'll be honest, they aren't as amazing visually, but can create great scares just the same. Games like those two SCP creations (the stairway and containment breach) didn't have that great graphics like amnesia, but still could create some memorable scares. The main reason however why I say to use RPG maker is because of the common audience of a game. Think of the gaming channels on YouTube like Pewdiepie and Markiplier, from watching them play you can tell that they got a lot more enjoyment from playing a simple 2d game with good visuals compared to a Unity game with not stellar visuals. There also tends to be a larger judgement towards games that have 3d graphics. When it comes to 2d games, you are more likely to be amazed from the type of graphics. Just my opinion.
  2. I say that there needs to be more detail around the oasis, like maybe barrels or rocks. I would also maybe suggest putting more interactive events in the area if there are houses, like people and animals. If not, then maybe the oasis could be a deserted outpost, and maybe make it seem abandoned by adding holes in the walls of the buildings. Another thing I would suggest is for there to be a top half of the oasis, because it just looks incomplete and prohibits the player from exploring the full oasis. Like you could make a top half of the pool, then add a temple or secret dungeon of some sort, or just anything to make it look not incomplete. One more thing I would suggest is to make the houses not lined up, looking at the two lined up on the right and left side, and two spot on in the middle perfectly, spacing it all out evenly. It would add for a less bland environment if you more randomly spaced out the housing, and you could create maybe some cool path between the houses.
  3. Ardaceus


    Just a little bug I drew, feel free to use in any game, no credit needed, just don't claim that you drew it.

    © Ardaceus

  4. Wow, you are really good at making music in such a wide spectrum. I tip my hat to you. ;)
  5. I just don't like the idea of taking live action with a turn based system, like I said, Final Fantasy 12 did it right with an ATB system, allowing you to selectively choose an ability out of many during the midst of a battle, without using the idea of turns and relying more on concentrated thinking on how you'll want to progress the battle, made for some pretty awesome boss battles. Or alternatively in this game, you can use the Gambit system, so that instead of what happened in Final fantasy 13 where you have no control over your entire party, you can selectively construct how they'll battle, and even how your lead attacks. When it comes down to it, I really dislike it how you can look for a way in some of these Rpgs to put yourself at a better position in a fight if you are losing, and it doesn't rely on your ability to quickly dodge out of the way and heal like in DMC, or figure out how to save yourself for another turn in the turn based system. Cause in the ATB system, there is really no way to predict what you're opponent will do next unless if there is a timer or a warning signal. Though I can understand how it seems like a good system, and if you want to make a game using it, by all means. I would never judge a whole game just because I dislike its battle system. It's just my opinion that it's my least favorite format of play style.
  6. Let me say this once, I flipping dislike the ATB system! I very much dislike systems that use ATB as a way to flow the game, it doesn't ruin the whole game for me though, like if I were to say that I hated Final Fantasy 7, 6, or 13 because of it, I really love those games (Yeah, I liked Final Fantasy 13). The only game I think that got it right was Final Fantasy 10, and I don't think it was ATB. Reasons why I dislike it are because of how much rushed and relaxed it makes me feel. Like it feels like a turn based system, but really it is not, because the enemy can constantly attack you, while you sit there thinking of your next move. Like I was playing my 2nd favorite Final Fantasy game, #6, and I had to go and eat lunch during a battle. I thought I put the turn based system option that waits for your move to go, but no. That was the day I almost got beaten up by a flipping Jellyfish. And I hate how the other characters ATB gauges run while you're busy dealing with one character's choice, like going through a mage's supremely wide variety of spells, or a physical ability guy's heap of abilities. But the worst offender is Cyan's Bushido techniques, while you're sitting there while all your other party members are not on guard, waiting to get whatever that 9 technique is, that stupid fossil dino is wrecking your party. Oh my, Cyan is finally at 8- and then the fossil dino kills Cyan, meaning that that waiting time wasn't worth anything. When it comes to games, I prefer it when it has a battle system that is meant to be action paced like what we have seen already of FFXV, vs FF13's ATB fast paced ATB system which doesn't work well since you are pretty much clicking auto the whole battle and switching paradigms and hoping that your lead party member doesn't die. Or like a system that is rather relaxing where you get to constructively and selectively pick everyone's next move, like Pokemon, not where you can select the moves for your 4 or something characters and the enemies have already hit twice. But the one that I find that has done the best at making a battle system is Final Fantasy 12's battle system. I like how you can play the game in two ways, either selecting your party's moves, or using the gambit system, check it out. Or the other good one is the FF Tactics game or anything like it. These are the reasons why I dislike the ATB system.
  7. Hi, my name is Ardaceus (aka Ardi for short), I am working on a game called Wonder's War on the Rpg VX Ace game maker platform. I've been able to find most resources for my game by either purchasing or making them, and I've been whizzing by in the production area for it because of it. But I'll be honest, drawing something that is not cartoonish is outside of my comfort zone when it comes to drawing things. I've asked my friends who are amazing artists to help me with making the character's faces, even if it was just on paper, I do have experience recoloring things. But after the first drawing I've gotten, they've been not a lot of help when it comes to it. So I'm relying on myself and kind people on the internet for help with my game. So I'm here to ask of this if anyone is willing to be so kind, if they would draw faces for exactly 28 characters in my game. There are far more characters in my game, but far more, and not as important as these 28. The thing that has to resemble about all of them is that they all need to be in the same art style, I must like them all, and I would prefer it if they had a white background. If I were to receive the faces from you, you must accept that they will be used in a commercial game for profit. I will give out a reward to the one who completes this task, which will be special credits in the game files and on the site page for it, a free copy of the completed game once it is completed, and a 50$ gift card of your choosing (Canadian only). If you are interested in this, comment below, and send down a sample of your style of art drawing, and if I like it, I'll message you. Ardi out.
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