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Everything posted by formlesstree4

  1. If North Korea actually did nuke us, they'd spark World War 3 as a Nuclear War. If they were seriously that stupid to probably kill us all, then we're all screwed. If they even fired a nuke, its not to say we couldn't stop it. Not to mention what would happen to N. Korea. And frankly, right now, I don't see us being taken easily. We may have our troops spread out, but we have a draft and a lot of potential soldiers here. We could literally spring up an army over night.
  2. restarting chain...(again!) Bands blackbound for banning joey for getting lost in the chain of bans
  3. Man...I feel lame, I did a Riolu...oh well, he's still tight.
  4. I prefer the word 'special' thank you :D
  5. Why only 2000? Let's go for over 9000!
  6. (sorry aya, you musta slipped through when i was posting) Bands Joey for banning Aya for banning Blackbound for banning BloodQueen for banning Joey for banning Blackbound for banning Joey for not banning himself. (Jesus, this is getting insane..)
  7. Quite the opposite. It's more patriotic than you think. In fact, it's how this country was started. We seceded from the British to become what we are. Not true. It is in an Amendment when Texas was added to the Union that we had the right to secede. Again, doubtful. The USA, based on the constitution, cannot force us to stay in because of our secession right.
  8. Bands Joey for Banning Blackbound for breaking the chain.
  9. I had an idea blackbound...I'll send you a PM on it.
  10. Will do, I'll start writing my first tutorial now!
  11. What are your thoughts on the possibility of Texas Seceding? I'm all for it actually. 1. We have a better economy than the USA 2. We can easily support ourselves 3. We've done it in the past, though we didn't have an easy job due to Mexico still wanting us 4. Supposedly, our world economy level is ranked 12th (So I've heard). Granted, I love the United States, but right now, it's being driven into the ground. Texas is one of the few states with a really stable economy and can actually support itself (sorry Michigan). I mean, we control the cattle, farming/ranching, not all the fishing, and we have oil here that Washington D.C. won't let us get to. So now, what are your opinions?
  12. Bands aya for banning blackbound for agreeing to the truth.
  13. I'd like to do the same thing, but with Visual Basic .net
  14. I toyed with the idea of making it 1.5, but was like....na, I probably won't be releasing many more unless its for colors.
  15. Bands aya for banning blackbound for banning me for thinking I'm crazy!
  16. Imma beat Nisage, cause I'm bored.
  17. Bands aya for banning Joey who banned both of us because we banned him twice in a row.
  18. Bands aya for hating her friend, and bands joey for being a pervert.
  19. If you choose to have a scripting system inside it, I can probably create a section for you in Scrive. If you can convert from vb.net to VC++, I'd be more than happy to help!
  20. Bands Blackbound because he's sleepy! Get some more sleep!
  21. Simple Menu System Version 1.4.5 Changelog: Added the following colors: [gold] - Gold [midblue] - Midnight Blue [cadblue1] - Cadet Blue [deepskyblue] - Deep Sky Blue [slateblue] - Slate Blue [aquamarine] - Aquamarine [chocolate] - Chocolate More colors in the future New Feature: You can now change the font faces of all text besides buttons! Supported Font Faces: [impact] - Impact [cournew] - Courier New [arial] - Arial [tms] - Times New Roman [tahoma] - Tahoma [verdana] - Verdana More font faces to come in the future. Controls that support this: Game Name Game Description Author Name Finished On/Creation Date Removed need to have the File Encryptor. Just edit the text file, program will automatically encrypt it on first run. Delete the text file when you're done though! Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?nfzgtygmtzz
  22. Bands Grim for using a different font than the rest of us.
  23. Bands TheRexion for having a big link in his signature.
  24. Bans Joey for being member number 2721
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