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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Try firefox and see if its any different http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/upgrade.html
  2. Thats odd. Did you set your time zone correctly in My Controls?
  3. Net Tools looks interesting. Hard to believe its free.
  4. Looking good so far. Lots of people left.
  5. Best Computer Tools Feel free to add Anti Virus, Malware, Adware Tools Ad-Aware - http://www.lavasoft.com/ Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - http://www.malwarebytes.org/mbam.php Spybot-S&D - http://www.safer-networking.org/en/index.html Avast! AntiVirus - http://www.avast.com/ AVG - http://free.avg.com/ Web Browsers SRWare Iron - http://www.srware.net/en/software_srware_iron.php Firefox - http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/upgrade.html Opera - http://www.opera.com/ Video Recorder Programs CamStudio - http://camstudio.org/ Video and Music Players VLC Player - http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ Winamp - http://www.winamp.com/ Graphic's Tools Paint .net - http://www.getpaint.net/ Gimp - http://www.gimp.org Other Tools Net Tools - http://users.telenet.be/ahmadi/nettools.htm CCleaner - http://www.ccleaner.com/ 7-zip - http://www.7zip.com/ Open Office - http://www.openoffice.org/ (Flash Drives) Portable Apps - http://portableapps.com Foxit PDF Reader - http://www.foxitsoftware.com/pdf/reader/ TuxGuitar - http://www.tuxguitar.com.ar/ Deamon Tools - http://www.daemon-tools.cc/eng/home Picasa - http://dl.google.com/picasa/picasa3-setup.exe
  6. That sucks. Hope things go well.
  7. What version of Vista are you using? When i had basic i had tons of errors. But now that i have Ultimate everything runs perfectly fine. No errors and it runs a little faster for me. Also you can set the background to play video files(wmv's).
  8. If i knew more about Naruto i would help but i have never watched it. I wouldn't mind being a Tester. But if you need to see some of my work check out my Umaro Tondaro Demo(Under banner). You will like my title screen and i can make you one too.(Fully Animated)
  9. Linux should be able to go right on the internet without any problems. Plug in and go, unless its wireless then there's a problem. When i tried Linux on my laptop it took me a very long time to get wireless. But i got it some how. Mac OS/X or Leopard(Dont know if there the same) is my last operating system to try and i have tried every OS.
  10. Looks a little cramped. Can you wait till we finish it to see how things go? I think we have plenty of space.
  11. Yea once its finished. Cant wait till Nisage gets back she he can do this.
  12. Looking better. Come on Joey, Nisage, Arky, Leon, Wyz, Emily, and anyone else i missed.
  13. This is also a Discussion I know lots of people like XP but im different. I actually like vista now(Past week) But my all time favorite has to be Windows 7. It runs better than Vista, Faster, Better look, Nice features. When it comes out im so getting it.
  14. Same here. Every forum. Dang this sucks. Wonder if everyone on every forum got it.
  15. I tried to keep mine like that but its like my room. You find so many good things that it gets messy. You just gave me an idea for the forum. Personal Pages(That you can share also).
  16. Dude your link didnt work. EDIT: You need to keep size the same also
  17. ok. Cant wait till everyone puts theirs on it. This is going to look nice.
  18. Were making a background of all the members signatures here. Take the image and put your name on it and upload it for the rest of us to see so the next person can put their signature on it. The picture is there with my signature on it for you to take if you want to add yours on it.
  19. EDIT: Keep image as a PNG that way the quality is kept. I seen this on a few forums and i thought we should do this. Here is what you do. 1.) Save the pic to your computer. 2.) Add your name somewhere. 2.) Upload it to imageshack.us. 3.) Give us the link. 4.) Next person will grab your image and repeat. Pic: Its 1024x768 so we can make a wallpaper(Please no image tags just use link) http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/9356/unlimitedmembers.png Edit: Keep the same size Edit: you may have an image next to it but it must be as big as your text and must be near your text.
  20. Wow big enough? You will need super large icons just to see them lol. My res wont even go that high on my monitor 1400x900 is as high as it can go. or was it 1600x900 cant remember.
  21. Joey Joey Joey what do we have do to you? Welcome to RMXPU. if you need to get better at any of your skills just ask and we will help you with anything you need help with. Also i make winodwskins, recolors and some scripting/editing. So if you need any of them just ask.
  22. For me i look at peoples sigs most of the time. Usually once per topic. I see Kiriashi has an online/offline thing like i do, so i look at his more often now.
  23. Nice. A few things i didnt know like. angle mirror bush_depth Thanks Leon.
  24. I used this way before and it didn't turn out so well. I for got to mention i need it to automatically. So when i use something like this $bgm.play.track[1] it will play the 1st music in the folder.
  25. I was just trying to make a new jukebox for my game and i ran into a problem. I want to be able to go through the music by index like $bgm.play.track[1] or something like that. The player in RMXP already has it in order from a-z. If you need more info just ask.
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