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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Welcome to RMXPU. Need any help don't be afraid to ask.If you ever need a windowskin, recolor, or a simple script edit just ask me and i will be glad to help.
  2. Wow this sucks. But its always nice to visit family. Hope you have a great time over there. Well see ya when ever you get back or can get on.
  3. Joey what he means is. Look in my sig in the very top you see how it says what im doing like at home, school or sleeping. then to the right of it, it says if im offline or online. It looks like this. Status: Home(Online) Chat Status: Off It would be a nice system instead of me always editing my sig all the time. But having it with a drop down menu and a custom saying on the side of it would be a good idea. It will save me lots of time. Might be kind of hard to make but Marked and Emily can do almost anything over time.
  4. So are you still leaving? Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware is a good one. It got rid of the april 1st virus i had.
  5. That sounds like a great name. :B): I like it.
  6. Find a name for her yet?
  7. Yea. After you select the network just keep hitting next then it will ask for a password then type it in. You have a PS3? Wouldn't mind adding you.
  8. On the PS3 on the menu to the right of users.
  9. This is a nice program but i don't understand anything about it cause im not good at math.
  10. You can set it for wireless(Router) or Ethernet(Cord). Go in your network settings and set up a new connection -> Select Advanced(Not easy) -> Wireless -> Scan. If there's a wireless spot near by it will show up and you can connect to it if it has no password. The other way is by plugging in an Ethernet cord. Cant wait to see you on if it works for you.
  11. I use 1280x800(Laptop) Like the animation Marked The VX one fits perfectly but the xp one is very stretched. http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/7348/screenstreched.png
  12. The name you use for online for PS3. Mine is Polraudio fell free to add me. If you ever want to play GTA4 let me know and you will win every match i go on with you(Most of the time. 95%)
  13. I hope nothing bad has happened to him

  14. Hey where did you go?

    I'm getting kind of lonely.

  15. Cloning a human wouldn't be so bad. Sure we have enough humans around. Just think of this tho less aids and other diseases to go around. Instead of having a kid clone your self and kind of make them look different some how. I would have to agree. It would be nice to do it to animals to eat. I dont think you can do it with a plant tho. Actually they would be a totally different person. The only thing alike is that you look the same and sound the same. Cloning a human wouldn't be so bad. Sure we have enough humans around. Just think of this tho less aids and other diseases to go around. Instead of having a kid clone your self and kind of make them look different some how.
  16. Yea like Nisage said. At first they might. Making userbars sounds like a nice idea. If you need a little help i might be able to help. I made the friends userbars you see in some of out sigs.
  17. -GBA/PS1 - Final Fantasy VI. Very good game if you like classic games(Remade 2 times cause it was good)
  18. Looks good to me, but i would have to say blue and a little gray for the color.
  19. Welcome to RMXPU. Need any help or got any questions don't be afraid to ask.
  20. I forgot to announce this has been fixed. I found a diffrent battle system that works just fine and it uses characters instead so it fits the game way better. Thanks for your help tho Nisage.
  21. Finally its here. I might have to come over one of these days and play it. lol
  22. Way more interesting. Battle system looks cool. Good mapping. I might have to make you a title screen if you don't mind.
  23. Yup it Sounds worthwhile. Nice little story. Cant wait to try this game out. Can you put up a few screenshots if you can? Cant wait to see this battle system.
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