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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. They look great. Not sure about the Burning Toxic Angel03. I like the Polraudio one.
  2. Nisages way is better but i put together a little demo for you. http://www.box.net/shared/rn7yynuvls
  3. Doing it through eventing would be your best idea. Make it before you go to the world map it puts it in your inventory and when you enter a place it removes it.
  4. Thats how i started but it didn't work out to well for me.
  5. lol We don't want to scare him Joey Welcome to RMXPU. IF you need help with RMXP or VX just ask. Were always glad to help out. If you need a custom windowskin, recolor, or even a simple script edit just ask.
  6. Polraudio

    Help us!!!!!

    The old Kiriashi made this forum more active and made people like coming here more. Sure its a little spam here and there but who don't spam a little. Its in the right section and its not to bad, so no rules broken.
  7. Thanks. The old banner got deleted so i had to remake it.

  8. Polraudio

    Member Titles

    Play nicely everyone. Exactly as said.
  9. I would have to say it sucks but please make a new topic next time.
  10. The demo has been released. you can download it from here. http://files.filefront.com/Umaro+Tondaro+D...;/fileinfo.html Sorry for the big size. I made it so people without RTP can play it.
  11. Welcome back Marked. Glad to see you back. Sorry is i was apart of anything. How did everything go for you?
  12. Could be. I haven't gotten anything yet. and i actually had no protection till 5min ago and all scans are clean.
  13. lots of people told me If you cant get to microsoft.com your infected.
  14. People without lives. But this is crazy. I'm never worried about viruses.
  15. *Updated* Added Blue Baby Added Evil Imp Added Nice Imp Added Blue Haired Fighter 4
  16. Welcome If you need anything i mean it anything at all just ask. If its help with a computer problem or RMXP/VX definitely ask. VX is better for starters i would say. Then go try XP out.
  17. **Comment...** Like the Ganaondorf card. Darknut looks like my kind of card. Nice potions and weapons. I wish these cards were real. I would so use them. They should make fan packs for people who like other things.
  18. Sounds good. Sounds better than the original. Ending gets quiet a little early tho.(Cut the last few sec off) Other than that very very great super job.
  19. Polraudio

    Member Titles

    That was kind of my first guess.
  20. Polraudio

    Member Titles

    Nice way to spell it. Didnt see that lol. Lol 37sec. Takes me 30min to get lonely. So my title is like acting serious in a funny way? EDIT: 900posts wow!
  21. Only about 6 months. Like i say. Better late than never. Or something along them lines.
  22. Polraudio

    Member Titles

    Cool Sarge. Aint that like a leader of a platoon?
  23. ~Closed~ Leon PM me regarding your Prize as soon as you can.
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