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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. If your my friend put this in your sig.
  2. Actually i have been helping him with other things for his game also. So the credits should go for something else. Like script editor or in the special thanks.
  3. I remember this game. Old times. I have a SNES that is older than me and it works like its brand new.
  4. Very nice Nisage. I remember "Robin's Clutch Doesn't Work On Luffy" the 2nd funniest one you have there.
  5. If your my friend put this in your sig.
  6. Polraudio

    Princess Zion

    Can this image be removed? There are 2 of them.
  7. No problem (Dont know if you want me to use your name)
  8. WOW these are funny. But also annoying. I hate chuck jokes. But its better with him telling it.
  9. Im downloading Safari now. If i figure anything i will let you know. EDIT: Found it open the Preferences -> General Tab ->Save downloaded files to -> select arrow on the side of it and select other. And set it for your account.
  10. My 2 favorite web browsers are Google Chrome and Opera. I never used Safari. But there had to be a place you can change the download location in the options.
  11. First of all. What web browser are you using? I personally use Google Crome
  12. Wow around $108. Might be worth it. Cant wait to try it. Bad connection + big file = Not getting done for a while.
  13. True. But good thing i make my own cursor's. I should make a few RPG Maker ones.
  14. yup it was made with fotoshawp(Photoshop). Maybe I should upload the template i made for it and explain. Congrats on winning man. EDIT: this topic will be closed in about 10 hours so make use of this time for comments.
  15. Polraudio


    17Character uploads. Must be 1 per resourse.
  16. That is so sad poor girls. Sorry this kind of stuff makes me speechless.
  17. the map is made by Inquisitor too. EDIT: Also it could be on a different planet so there dont have to be ice and snow on it.
  18. Polraudio


    Sked you gotten SP from your Characters in the gallery. Dont know how much it is per character. Marked should make a chart.
  19. Polraudio


    *Follows Nisage with a bloody stick*
  20. These are great. your great. So generous. Thank you and welcome to the forums. If it use these i will still give credit.
  21. You don't have (are we playing?)
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