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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Yes you are right so im moving it now All moved to the right section.
  2. Polraudio

    Umaro Tondaro

    Yea im not to good at coming up with things. When my ideas have to be written im blank. But when its telling someone by voice i can come up with a whole lot.
  3. Watch your Language around here. Did you even read the rules? Well it don't look that way. I told you to do this many times. Please read them cause is your last warning form me! Then i consult the Admin's. Yes 2 which means more trouble. So im telling you to watch your tone around this forum and read the DAMN! rules for the last time.
  4. Polraudio

    [XP]saving spots

    Let me know if this is what your looking for. Its a very amazing script. My favorite one i made. ^_^
  5. Polraudio

    [XP]saving spots

    May i sujest my Personal Save Files. They allow you to have up to unlimited save files. and as many save spots as you want. you can have a name you enter to get to your save file. Try it. lots of people like it and use it. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=1634 Use the top script for XP and the bottom script if your using VX. Note Joey: You can set how many slots it has. Note: Nisage. thats an old one i think Edit: This one is more organized than the other one.
  6. You have to use the default Skin not Unlimited Pro. Its at the top of every page. I dont think it matters anyways. I mean the pictures i found were in the gallery. And the pictures never left the site. I work on our school site and the teacher finds images on google to use on the site also.
  7. ^_^ Dont matter to me. Surprise me.
  8. Good prices there. Next time thats where im stoping.
  9. I had Air for breakfast. Mmmm..... Nothing.
  10. Cool all 100% custom. Thats very good. I wish i was good with graphics.
  11. I have contributed lots to the forums and theres a whole bunch more coming from me. I plan on staying till the end. I will do what ever it takes to keep everything going. I have 720 posts. 72% of the way there. This forum better last till i get 2000 posts. I'm starting to research more on scripting by going over Leon's Scripts so theres lots stuff going to come from me. EDIT: I just realized i have 1,448 profile views. Im #1 for that. so we should celebrate that to.
  12. I know its a little late for breakfast but i had 3 burritos with cheese and ranch. Yummy in my tummy........ I voted for Waffles.
  13. Im going to use it as a backup for my system restore. Back up my big DVD collection. Backup my game disks with power iso. So its mostly going to be used as a backup. I makes watching movies easier. Just RIP DVD to drive. Plug drive to PS3 and wala. Then i can put DVD's into storage. Well worth the 144$ Im constantly running out of my memory on my laptop. 120gb lol not much there. Think i should write a list of all my DVD's and games?
  14. Looks good but whats up with the naked dude?
  15. Polraudio

    My signature

    Looking better Leon Its not that great. I just threw things in there without even thinking. Here is how messy the code is for it. Good luck finding your way around. Im [url="http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/index.php?showuser=104"]Zeriab's[/url] 1st Fan What but im my friend. I have to put up with me all day and i get along with me. [img=http://img113.imageshack.us/img113/9384/cantaddfriendwb9.png][img=http://www.pricemyname.net/polraudio.jpg] [img=http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/7785/polraudioerrorya5.png] [spoiler=Funny Quotes(Warning: Long! and Funny! If you dont want to fall over on how funny and long this is please don't read this and look away)Oops! didnt use all the space][quote]damn it pol you're too fast[/quote] [quote]EDIT: I started writing my post before you, polraudio :P[/quote] [quote]Who wants to sing the polraudio song? who is that guy the guy I wanna buy because he is really cool when he was three he was in 12th grade in school polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! Oh OH OH polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! OH OH! I really wanna do him Oh my gosh did I just say that? all the girls wanna woo him cause he really is not fat polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! Oh OH OH polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! polraudio! OH OH![/quote] [quote]And I stole Nisage's book :P[/quote] [quote post='15612' date='Feb 19 2009, 07:41 AM']Yes Kiriashi, you're awesome. We got it. We always like exclusives :D[/quote] [quote name='Kiriashi' post='15666' date='Feb 20 2009, 12:06 AM']more places for me to excrete my awesome-sauce[/quote] [quote name='Joey' post='16027' date='Feb 26 2009, 06:43 PM']*...Bans Pol....* ...I'm not taking out my stick...(that sounded so wrong. XD)[/quote] More to come keep cheking[/spoiler] [url="http://www.rmxpunlimited.net"][img=http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/01.png][/url] [url="http://www.rpgrevolution.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25715"][img=http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j114/ratty165/tinaofthestars_userbar.png][/url] [img=http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/4213/umarotondarolf2.png] Told ya its a mess.
  16. Well its not up to 1 person. Its up to the whole forum. That would be nice if it worked that way tho.
  17. If it does then i guess were stuck with 2 this month.
  18. Never knew google was limited. I only typed this in http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=This+is+going+to+...inally+its+done. To bad it doesn't scroll. You have to highlight it and keep the mouse to the right of it.
  19. Polraudio and Kiriashi has tied so now its a tie breaker. Get your fingers and your keyboard ready for the final vote. Who will win? Find out as voting will be held till the 4th.
  20. Never thought of it. Well here we go then. Make your way to the Tie Breaker
  21. Thankyou Nisage for your voting and nominating. :D Thankyou OverlordMao for your voting. Keep at your game. Cant wait for the demo. ;)
  22. Well voting is finished and the winners have been announced. Congrats polraudio and Kiriashi. Kiriashi your windowskin has been sent. Let me know how ya like it. Show it if you wish. Now i told everyone i will say who i voted for after it was over so here is who it is. I voted for Nisage. Wow you must be thinking. Well i say if you vote for your self it don't count. Feel free to say who you voted for if you wish.
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