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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Salty be salty :P Dont mind him hes always like that. Welcome to GDU :thumbsup:
  2. June Voting Kind/Helpful: @zahraa @Tigurus Contributor: @Tigurus @Moonpearl Good luck everyone :thumbsup:
  3. Added. Lets try to get one more for Kind/Helpful from someone who hasnt nominated in this topic yet. I will leave nominations open till i get up in the morning. so tack on about another 12 hours to the time left.
  4. 1 Hour and 15min left before nominations close. If you haven't nominated and wanted to now would be the time to do so.
  5. If anyone is interested in pokemon theres one that was made in RMXP and boy is it damn good. http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemonzetaomicron/comments/286u2s/pokemon_zetaomicron_148/

  6. Welcome to GDU Michael :) If you need anything dont be afraid to ask for help :thumbsup:
  7. Nominations end Saturday at midnight(EST+1) so nominate before its to late.
  8. Hey there welcome to GDU :) . If you need anything at all dont be afraid to ask :thumbsup: .
  9. June Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: @zahraa @Tigurus Contributor: @Tigurus @Moonpearl Misc.: --- Yes i remembered this time.
  10. Neat that unity has controller support. Having fun making a ball move and jump with spinning things and moving platforms(cant get platforms to move correctly).

  11. This is neat. You can even drag to scroll :D
  12. Out of curiosity how much bandwidth does this site use on average every month?

    1. Marked


      62gb so far this month so that's like 10gb a day.

    2. Polraudio


      Wow thats quite a bit of usage. Hard to believe the first month is more bandwidth than all the other months combined.

    3. Marked


      That is a bit strange.. maybe coz its cold outside 4 u ppl and everyone on holiday? -shrugs- even I wasn't online at all coz I was overseas chillin' 'n' stuff. But yeah, we burn through bandwidth.

    4. Show next comments  75 more
  13. Dont reply to this status update.

    1. Bob423


      I'll reply to whatever I want, thank you very much.

    2. Polraudio


      Then reply to this :P

      But not this....


      ohhh got you there :P

    3. Bob423


      Don't tell me what to do :P

  14. 1. If you could kill only one person in the world, Who would you choose? Does not compute... 2. If you could be an animal, Which animal would you choose? None, dont really like animals. 3. If you could change your name when you were born, What would you choose? I like my current name. 4. Do you choose family or career? Career cause im not the father of a family(and dont really like kids). 5. Name something that you love but many people hate? Being different. 6. Name something that you like to eat right now? Burritos 7. Would you like to change your genre? Dont know what kind of question this is. 8. Tell a good/bad memory from past year? Not really sure to be honest(my life is kind of dull). 9. What are you planning to do this week? Try to get a job. 10. Name something that you really want to have but you can't? The ability to play games for a living(cant cause i dont know how).
  15. Polraudio

    May Voting!

    Very hard choice to make. To answer your question, yes.
  16. Mega, aka new megaupload. https://mega.co.nz/
  17. All sounds good. Like the idea of comments on every page. Will help get better feedback on the site...hopefully. As for 3rd party hosts i got a few i cant live witout. Mega, Google Drive, and Mediafire.
  18. I find it kind of funny that RMXP is worth more than VXA in that humble pack.
  19. Bought watchdogs and cant play it because of DRM. Pirates are able to play no problem. I should make a blog called Dear Developers. Dear Developers, Get rid of DRM cause it only hurts the legit customers.

    1. Bigace360


      I hate DRM with a passion, but why can't you play?

    2. Polraudio


      it requires me to login to even launch the game and offline mode wont work even knowing i was online and played at least once like it requires. so i had to wait 3 hours before i could finally play. It was on their end. It sucked cause i bought the game on steam but it requires uplay to play it. If you try to play it with just using uplay it has to launch steam in order to play. both are required. Why couldnt they just use steam and ditch the crappy uplay.

  20. Note To Developers: If your going to have a trailer at least have some gameplay or im just going skip buying it when i could have bought it. I may not be the only one who skipped buying it cause of that reason. Its also the reason people pirate your game.....gameplay and/or a demo should be required for any game store(mainly PC since there 1000x more games).

    1. ShinkuAura


      This is how i will promote CyberDrive. From the Fake studio that brought you the same jacksh*t and bullsh*t brings you a new entry to the series. Which raised more conspiarcy theories then 911. and fucked more minds then microsoft fucked gamers this past month...ok that's a little exagerated...

  21. *SCOLDS MARKED HARSHLY WITH A WHIP!! XD I completely forgot about it this month. Not sure who to nominate since its been a slow month.
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