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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Thursday is the last day to vote, so vote if you havent yet.
  2. This looks neat. What did you use to make it?
  3. Vote in member of the month. We only got 2 votes and i seen at least 7 different people on who didnt vote.

    1. drago2308


      can those who are nominated vote? if I were vote I would be forced to vote for myself then someone else in kind and helpful?

    2. Polraudio


      Anyone can vote. you can even vote for yourself if you think you deserve it lol

    3. zahraa


      I've voted before, Huraay!

  4. July Voting Kind/Helpful: @Tigurus @drago2308 @black mage Contributor: @drago2308 Misc.: --- Good luck everyone and forumspeed :D
  5. About 1 more day to nominate. If you want to nominate someone now would be the time.
  6. Lizzie hasnt been online since "Jun 24 2014 08:55 PM" and hasnt posted anything since "27 April 2014 - 02:24 PM"
  7. July Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like Kind/Helpful: @Tigurus @drago2308 @black mage Contributor: @drago2308 Misc.: --- *Sings the nomination song*(idk what it is so dont ask :P)
  8. Welcome to GDU. you might want to lower the size of your avatar by 25% cause its kind of overlapping your text.
  9. Will be in chat for the next 7 hours if anyone wants to get help in unity and get started. I know most of the basics so i should be able to help you get started at least.

    1. Marked


      did u help anyone


    2. Polraudio


      Helped Tigurus a little

    3. Tigurus


      I now can make terrain and let the player walk lol hurray for progress

    4. Show next comments  72 more
    1. Bob423


      If it were me, I'd spend like 5 more hours on that trying to get everything to look right. The tiniest things with where the text is, how big it is, etc. bother me.

    2. Marked


      I'm impressed. You skinned the keyboard right? That's what I'm looking at?

    3. Polraudio


      Yup. Made it in 3dsmax. Designing levels in 3dsmax then exporting it to unity.

  10. Working on a Unity3D game. I wont go into detail but its a simulation game that has never been done before. If you know what it is dont spoil it.

    1. Bob423


      Was the name of it in the screenshot you sent me? Because from what I saw I don't can't tell...unless...

      I would check, but steam chat got rid of the message >.>

  11. I forgot to bookmark it. was trying to find it when i made the topic. All added now.
  12. Unity Download: http://unity3d.com/unity/download For easily finding the download. Unity Wiki: http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php/Main_Page Very useful site with many scripts, and tutorials. Unity Documentation: http://docs.unity3d.com/ Especially useful for if doing coding. Unity Videos/Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/Unity3D/playlists Plenty of useful tutorial videos to help you get started. I would suggest checking out the live training playlist. http://www.reddit.com/r/unity_tutorials https://www.youtube.com/user/Brackeys/playlists Unity Answers: http://answers.unity3d.com/ Great place to ask questions about unity for help. Make sure to search for the question your asking first encase someone else already asked it. Unity Asset Store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/ Has some useful free assets. Textures: http://seamless-pixels.blogspot.com/ Found those textures very helpful at times. As i find more useful things i will update this topic. If you have any links feel free to post them and i will add them.
  13. Congrats to zahraa and Tigurus for getting MOTM :thumbsup:
  14. Scripts is the only thing i see for unity in any of those areas. Right now you cant make a topic in the unity section for some reason. It needs all the same sections as the rpg maker engines have. General Discussion, Support and Requests. The reason for wanting a graphics section is because graphics in unity can take up so much space and it could easily go over the limit for 1 graphic. Looking at some of the graphics in my project 1 alone takes up 95mb(max i seen so far PSD). PSD files are common for unity and those are the ones that take up lots of space. Theres also more to unity than just graphics and audio. If everyone started doing unity and uploading stuff the disk space and bandwidth on the server will go through the roof unless you can add an external host for larger files. If i want to release a Assets pack that i made that could easily topple 100mb. I just want to prepared for the worse case scenario. As for models theres lots of file types that need to be added to the resources. Theres a list of the supported file types near the bottom of this page. http://unity3d.com/unity/workflow/asset-workflow Theres also .unitypackage thats like a .zip but it directly works with unity and can auto extract files into your project.
    1. Polraudio


      The good thing about unity is its free.

    2. zahraa


      what do u mean? I thought you have to pay $1,500 to get it.

    3. Polraudio


      no its free. the pro version is what you need to pay for. but the pro has stuff you wont really need unless your a pro at unity or want to develop for ios/mobile. Heres a list of the differences https://unity3d.com/unity/licenses

    4. Show next comments  72 more
  15. Today is the last day to vote. If you havent voted now would be the time.
  16. Forum sections under engines since theres nothing under unity.
  17. Could you add a few sections to unity? General Graphics Models Scripts Tutorials I been slowly getting into unity and making a few resources people may find useful to begin with
  18. Hey Noob long time no see. Hope you pass all your classes :)
  19. Latest posts are not working. Would have made a topic but i doubt it would get read since latest posts are not working. "Fatal error: Class 'gdu\models\ipsRegistry' not found in /home/marked/public_html/lib/gdu/models/MemberModel.php on line 209"

    1. Tigurus


      Homepage is also not working :O

    2. Marked


      It was an error in my code not supporting gravatars... the first member to use one broke everything lol. Also Pol.... the sidebar's only been around a few years, there was a time ppl actually read the forums.

  20. Welcome to GDU. If you need any help at all just ask :thumbsup:
  21. Dont give up. The only way to learn is by trying and trying again. Sure you will fail at doing some things but as humans we learn from those fails. If you need any kind of help all you need to do is just ask. We all started by asking questions and not giving up. I have failed many times in my past but i kept chugging along slowly till i learned how to get past those fails. Many members came here not knowing much and left knowing alot(most of them still around). Look at bob for a very good example. He was very bad at making games. But with a little push and him asking questions he became a very good game designer. I see you starting a game and need custom resources. Starting a big project with custom resources can be ultra hard to do as a beginner and can turn most beginners away from making games. I would start making a simple game with the default resources and try to tell a story just so you can get use to how to go about making a game and get your name out there. You can do alot of neat things with the default resources. If you need any guidance along the way just ask anyone on these forums and we will be there to help with any issues. I been helping guide people on this site for 8 years now and dont plan on stopping.
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