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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Why didnt i think of that. I was searching gdu only. Didnt expect it on another site lol. He also said "The first person to post a link to the page(s) that contain the following treasure wins." So theres more than 1?
  2. Dynamic Lights and the Balloon Message System seem like it would be the ones. Try removing one of them then the other then both to see what one is exactly causing the problem. I will look more into it later today when i get more free time. Let me know what one is clashing if you figure it out.
  3. *Slaps self in face to remember MOTM Monday.*

    1. Bob423


      *slaps you* why are we doing this?

    2. Polraudio


      I need *slaps self* to *slaps self* remember MOTM *slaps self* Monday. *slaps self* *slaps self* *slaps self*

    3. Bob423


      well don't hurt yourself.

    4. Show next comments  141 more
  4. Thats odd. It should be following the player. Try a different picture ID like 50 or something. And try different variables. there's a chance those variables are used by a script or something. Try variable 50 and 51 to be safe. EDIT: Also try a new project to make sure it works out of your project.
  5. Please dont leave because of 1 rude member. Ignore all the changes he wanted made and continue as normal. If he dont like it dont put him in the contest. I dont want to sound rude but im starting to really get sick of your negative attitude all the time. Your dragging the whole forum down. You have officially been put on my watch list. I would suggest that you dont even join this contest since you seem to have a hard time following simple rules.
  6. Dont want to brag but this is 100x easier and requires way way less switches/variables and you get the same exact effect if not better. http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/8562-very-very-simple-flashlight-tutorial/
  7. I voted for both the no's. I think the US should just stay out of the internet. The US tries to control everything and pisses everyone off. Yes im from the US and even dislike everything they do. I dont see why they try to control piracy when its not really piracy. If you want to try to get rid of piracy arrest everyone in the world because we all tried it or done something like it at least once with or without knowing it. Kimdotcom didn't even upload those files. It was all the users, so go arrest all the users instead(that are in the US).
  8. Its been pinned since yesterday. few min after you made it. I was going to do it but i guess marked pinned it. This is worthy of a pin.
  9. Not really since it saves the full size. If you have a small map that can fit in the window on default zoom then yes its the same time. but a big map you will have to take screens and piece them together to get the full quality of the map without the program.
  10. Theres also UDK for really advanced game making. http://www.unrealengine.com/udk/ Its free/comercial I cant believe borderlands 2 was made with it. I was thinking about learning it and making a 2d RPG with it.
  11. How did i miss this awesome thing? This would have been so useful many times. I know what to recommend for a mapping contest now.
  12. I think it should still be a planet. It looks round to me, it has its own gravity or it wouldn't be round. Its obvious its orbiting the sun. #1 shouldn't matter imo. I don't see why its not considered a planet.
  13. Please dont double post. I would use variables and wait commands to track the time. with a variable you can track time instead of having the common event start over all the time. EX: wait 100 frames Variable1 + 1 [conditional branch]if variable == 1 [insert tone change or pic/whatever] dawn = false dusk = true end [conditional branch]if variable == 2 [insert tone change or pic/whatever] dusk = false dawn = true end Note: theres no elses After the wait is over the variable will be increased by 1 then check what time of day it is with the conditional branches. once its checked it will start over and do the increase variable and check time automatically. The variables will track what time of day it is and the conditional branches are used to set the lighting/pics to whatever time of day it is. Have as many conditional branches as you want. More you use the more accurate your time will be kept. Play with it and if you dont get it just ask and i will make a little tutorial.
  14. At least we dont have to worry about it anymore since were a dev forum and not a rpg maker forum. I been slowly looking around into other makers to use and hopefully teach others here once i find a good one.
  15. 11 more posts and marked passes me up for 2nd place.

  16. Yes. The one you had the E3 reviews on.
  17. Welcome back, long time no see. Why did you take your youtube account down? I loved watching your vids.
  18. It still lacks mapping wise, lacks good graphics(feels to chibby), its to simple to use to do anything really advanced with, and the scripting is more confusing and annoying to script for. RGSS1 was way way better IMO. XP seems like the best still. Mapping is really advanced and makes for way better games. Mapping is what makes the game good.
  19. No way from what i know. All RM like games you see on mobile devices only use the graphics of RM and not the actual engine.
  20. Polraudio


    I think he wants something like pokemon? So you can turn in place before actually going. Like if im facing up and i want to go left once i press left my character will turn left and a 2nd left press will make the character actually go left. That what your looking for?
  21. Works perfectly :D Thank you very very much :D I will be sure to add you to the credits :D And i cant forget this Rep + 1
  22. When i try to start a new game after placing things in a shared chest i get this error. When i try to load after placing things in the shared chest i get this error. My testing setup is chest #1 with id 1 no limit and its shared. chest #2 with id 2 no limit and its not shared. The only id in the shares array is 1. Im also using nothing but the default scripts. This is a brand new project started to test/learn the script before i put it in the actual game.
  23. I want at least 10 chests to be able to be shared and the rest not shared. so yes.
  24. Space...

    1. Bob423


      space...im in space...spaaaaaaaaace

    2. Foxkit


      my latest addiction >//>

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