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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. On way home. Vacation Over :(

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Bummer (sad face).

  2. Wow! This sounds like its going to be AWESOME! I like the story lots :D. I know lots about the other members to help also.
  3. Leaving till Monday or Tuesday. Take care of my home while im gone guys :D.

    1. Bigace360


      Ya, lets trash the place while he's gone.

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Happy holiday!

    3. Bob423


      he's lurking, that place has internet lol

      he's been in chat. :P

  4. I will see if i can get it to work if you don't mind waiting till Monday or Tuesday. Going on a trip tomorrow and wont get back till Monday evening. If you figure it out please post because this would be nice to add to my Ace game.
  5. Had to refresh to get it to load. Bugs: When i got disconnected from the internet for a sec the chat completely stops working and i have to refresh the page. With my internet that's every few sec-10min so the chat is almost completely unusable for me. Not sure if it just bugs out and doesn't show me messages after that happens and my messages are actually getting through. Check the logs for the message "This is a test after i get disconnected" Suggestions: Text wrapping All the standard stuff like Bold, Underline, Code tags, and etc... A button to toggle chat scrolling. Its a pain to view images people posted before when people are talking and the chat keeps moving you to the bottom. Chat history for maybe the last 10-20 messages(Would solve my disconnect problem). Auto blue text for mods/admins. Click on username on the chat part brings you to their profile in a new tab. Chat filter? All i can think of at the moment.
  6. Very nice. I like how it all sounds. This will work out great :D. I like the idea of exclusive resources. That we dont get people complaining that their resources are here without there permission.
  7. Sorry I completely forgot about this with my busy life. You should have made a post saying it started to remind people. Then posted every week to remind people how much time they had left. Then the last 3 days post every day. People now days have to be reminded constantly. I need to be reminded to do something constantly. My plate is 200% more full than the average plate. Thats usually how contests are ran.
  8. Nope you dont need RGSS knowledge to do this because it has great comments. All you really need to do is open the script editor on the demo for the script and copy them scripts into your game exactly how they have it then copy over all the graphics from them demo to your game. It should work perfectly. Theres a script called * SBS Config, and * SBS Config - XP. I would suggest only messing with * SBS Config - XP. The comments in the script will help you what each thing does. Make sure you read all the green text before messing with anything. I would also make a copy of your project before messing with this incase you dont like it or mess up on the config some how. or just mess with the demo then make the changes on your project. Hope this was helpful
  9. Having a blast with VX Ace :D

    1. Polraudio


      Besides the mapping limitations its a little better than XP

    2. Bigace360


      Other then the small thing in the database thats pissing me off, its way better then VX.

    3. Dragon324


      A new Eventing system for myuah? u shouldn't have :P

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  10. No problem. Need anything else just ask :)
  11. Being a guest in chat is not so bad. We can wait and post in the forums more .
  12. Thats because EXP Share is turned on. Go to * SBS Config - XP on Line 53 and change EXP_SHARE = true To EXP_SHARE = false
  13. cant access main site but can access forums. Might want a redirect till fixed.

  14. I would have to agree. And then you switch editing modes you can see the codes and such but cant use tools like Bold, Underline. Well you cant use anything at all except type text. Not sure if that's an error or its like that. I know in the past it wasnt like that.
  15. There both 4 for me. Page takes forever to load sometimes then returns a Cloudflare error or a database error. Usualy 90% of the time its been slow.
  16. Take your time. It give me something to do XD. I must ban like 3-6 a day.
  17. Working on a system in VX Ace that you can enter your ship by pressing Q. Then you can talk to your crew and maybe upgrade your ship, store items, change members, etc...

    1. Bigace360
    2. Polraudio


      This is when my motivation drops. Everything i try to invent is already out there :(

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Bah, don't be discouraged. Grab that one, test it out, figure out it's flaws, and 'build a better mouse trap' so to speak.

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  18. Spam bots are back marked. This time in the status update. Must have banned 15 this week.

    1. Joey


      ...Didn't see any last night?...When did this happened? Only saw one status...

  19. Its a tough one. I installed RMXP over 100 times on 64bit and 32bit with no problems.
  20. I would say superman would lose every fight no matter what. Goku would win no doubt.
  21. Interesting. Got to love shadow's in games.
  22. Curse you super class crazy RGSS3. Can someone please bring RGSS1 to RMVXA?

    1. Polraudio


      trying to add stuff to existing scripts but there not in the script they should be and are in another script then the parts for that one are in another script. so you have to modify 5 scripts to modify 1.

    2. Polraudio


      Its so annoying.

  23. My vote goes for Moonpearl since he is nice and contributed scripts to the community
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