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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. MOTM voting will start once i wake up in the morning(3pm).

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I agree. In my opinion, I do not bring anything to this forum that any other human being could also bring. I personally believe there are others who bring expertise and talent I do not have to the table and are there for more deserving of the accolade and public acknowledgement. I would think in the very least someone would agree and nominated them instead. Especially if I have already been nominated.

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I pulled back my efforts by 50% this month. I expect someone else to get nominated. Next month I plan to remove myself from the running, forcing others to be nominated.

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I missed the nomination cut off because I focused on the wrong part.

    4. Show next comments  156 more
  2. May Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: ------
  3. Prepare for MOTM in a few min.

  4. For a standard web server i would suggest 2-5mbits. Anything else i would suggest 6mbits and up. File sharing is going to eat up a huge chunk of your bandwidth. Think of it this way in terms of download/upload. 1mbits = 100kb/s so lets say you have file sharing server and you have 2mbits of upload.If you have 2 people downloading that will allow for each person to get 100kb/s download speed which is very slow to today's standards. But that's perfect for a webpage since it don't take much to download to begin with. I think most web hosting services have 10-100mbits upload already. If you plan on hosting others you would need at least 10mbits upload and 10mbits download. Servers them selves dont cost much but getting the web for them is a pain in the pocket. EDIT: also most ISP's have a bandwidth cap per month. Charter usually has 250gb upload or download a month(combined, so 125gb uploaded and 125gb downloaded would max it). Not sure about any others. In the end i would suggest a web host.
  5. That should be fine for a general web server. Don't need much power to display/handle web pages(Use linux for the server). Unless you start getting in to the thousands of members. If your hosting it yourself the main thing you need to worry is bandwidth. Your going to need some good upload speed. I would go to http://speedtest.net/ and report here with your speed. Another thing to keep in mind is that some ISP's block all ports and dont allow you to run a server of any kind(mine). You can scan how secure you are and if there's any ports open using this https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 Click all service ports for the scan after you proceed. As you setup your server(if your isp allows you to run a server) you will be using that site TONS. I left my server insecure for 30min in my networking class and i was taken over by a email spam bot. If you decide to run it from your home i might be able to help set it up. Costs might be a little higher($20-50 higher) than a web service but it might be worth it since you can have as much space as you want and do what you want without limitations like most web services have.
  6. Feels good to be home from college. More RMXPU time :D

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Nice, yeah it must rock. Do you get your old room back?

    2. Polraudio


      My mom is giving me her room since she likes sleeping in the livingroom. Said she hasnt been in her room in 3 months.

  7. My favorite one would have to be. 14. "Laziness is not an excuse for ignorance. The information is there, you just have to pay attention." Remindes me of many people from my area.
  8. Wow. i wonder why i never seen this project before today? I will try this out once i get home.
  9. Polraudio

    Show Picture issues

    Your opacity is set to 0 in the show pic. Change it to 255 and it will work lol.
  10. Packing and getting ready to move out of the dorms. Cya all sunday or monday :D

  11. The RTP is perfect for me. It does everything i want it to do and i can easily edit it to do more. If something does what you want it to do then theres no point in changing it. I seen some AWESOME rpg maker games with the RTP.
  12. Finally done with all my classes and i can enjoy summer once i pack up and go home saturday.

    1. Marked


      yay! more time 4 rmxpu'in :D

    2. Polraudio
  13. I would say go with iPhone. Sure you can do more with android but your not getting the quality you pay for. The apps for android suck imo. The quality of the apps on android are very very poor. But android is good if you are cheep. You cant do much with the iPhone. Thats why you jailbreak it. The quality of the apps are very good and you get the quality you pay for. I own both an android and an ios device and i must say ios hands down(and i hate apple more than most people). EDIT: I had my android device crash 80% more than my ipod touch. Compatibility is not very good on android.
  14. I think Blonde hair and Blue eyes would look good. Those red eyes look very scary.
  15. Coding Coding Coding. Coding for class and coding for my game during breaks. :D

    1. kellessdee


      sounds like my kind of day

  16. Could this add the possibility of modding? If so that would be awesome. People could write scripts to mod the game and just insert them.
  17. Grilled cheese 3 days in a row 5 days left :(

  18. To get this working as intended i had to make a little edit to the script in frame update. When it was. self.z = $game_player.screen_z - 1 if (@picture.number >= it was only tracking the player. I changed it to. self.z = 1 if (@picture.number >= So now instead of it showing it just under the player and hiding events(if using 640x480 pic) it shows it under all events and right above the tileset. Might want to change that or make a mode for people who want it this way. If using it for mapping you can only have the default map size and nothing bigger. =begin Picture Below Characters XP by Woratana Port by PK8 Created: 2/22/2009 Ported: 4/25/2012 Modified: 4/25/2012 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ■ Table of Contents ○ Introduction & Description - Line 17-18 ○ Features - Line 20-22 ○ Methods Aliased - Line 24-26 ○ Thanks - Line 28-29 ○ Changelog - Line 31-33 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ■ Introduction & Description Show pictures above the tiles but underneath the characters on the map. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ■ Features o Set which pictures would appear under the characters. o The selected pictures will appear above tiles but below characters. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ■ Methods Aliased o Spriteset_Map.initialize o Sprite_Picture.update ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ■ Thanks Woratana for making the script this was ported from. ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ■ Changelog (MM/DD/YYYY) v1 (2/22/2009) - Initial release. v1 XP (4/25/2012) - Ported to XP. =end #===============================================================================​ # * Configuration #===============================================================================​ module Picture_Below ID_From = 15 # Set from which picture IDs will appear under the characters. ID_To = 20 # Set which picture ID this stops at. end #============================================================================== # ** Spriteset_Map #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This class brings together map screen sprites, tilemaps, etc. # It's used within the Scene_Map class. #============================================================================== class Spriteset_Map #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias Listings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- unless method_defined?(:wora_picbelow_initialize) alias_method(:wora_picbelow_initialize, :initialize) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Create Picture Sprite #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def initialize wora_picbelow_initialize for i in Picture_Below::ID_From..Picture_Below::ID_To @picture_sprites[i-1].dispose # Create picture below player in viewport1. @picture_sprites[i-1] = Sprite_Picture.new(@viewport1, $game_screen.pictures[i]) end end end #============================================================================== # ** Sprite_Picture #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This sprite is used to display the picture.It observes the Game_Character # class and automatically changes sprite conditions. #============================================================================== class Sprite_Picture < Sprite #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Alias Listings #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- unless method_defined?(:wora_picbelow_update) alias_method(:wora_picbelow_update, :update) end #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # * Frame Update #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- def update wora_picbelow_update self.z = 1 if (@picture.number >= Picture_Below::ID_From and @picture.number <= Picture_Below::ID_To) end end Thanks for the script . This really helped me make my maps look better.
  19. Only if its your backup. If i was a game company and you already purchased the game from me i would say download it. I see no reason to purchase another copy when you have one. But only if you have the game already and didn't give it away or are letting someone else use it(1 bought game per person). If you don't already have the game don't download the rom.
  20. 1 more exam on Monday and im done with college :D

  21. I think as long as you get permission from the creators you are allowed. If theres a way you can prevent others from getting the songs for free ie: encrypting the audio i dont see an issue. As far as i know you cant encrypt the audio. I wouldnt take my word for it. i would wait for others to reply to see there view.
  22. Polraudio

    PC Gamers

    No problem. Let me know when you buy it and get it all setup :D
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