To get this working as intended i had to make a little edit to the script in frame update.
When it was.
self.z = $game_player.screen_z - 1 if (@picture.number >=
it was only tracking the player.
I changed it to.
self.z = 1 if (@picture.number >=
So now instead of it showing it just under the player and hiding events(if using 640x480 pic) it shows it under all events and right above the tileset.
Might want to change that or make a mode for people who want it this way.
If using it for mapping you can only have the default map size and nothing bigger.
Picture Below Characters XP
by Woratana
Port by PK8
Created: 2/22/2009
Ported: 4/25/2012
Modified: 4/25/2012
■ Table of Contents
○ Introduction & Description - Line 17-18
○ Features - Line 20-22
○ Methods Aliased - Line 24-26
○ Thanks - Line 28-29
○ Changelog - Line 31-33
■ Introduction & Description
Show pictures above the tiles but underneath the characters on the map.
■ Features
o Set which pictures would appear under the characters.
o The selected pictures will appear above tiles but below characters.
■ Methods Aliased
o Spriteset_Map.initialize
o Sprite_Picture.update
■ Thanks
Woratana for making the script this was ported from.
■ Changelog (MM/DD/YYYY)
v1 (2/22/2009) - Initial release.
v1 XP (4/25/2012) - Ported to XP.
# * Configuration
module Picture_Below
ID_From = 15 # Set from which picture IDs will appear under the characters.
ID_To = 20 # Set which picture ID this stops at.
# ** Spriteset_Map
# This class brings together map screen sprites, tilemaps, etc.
# It's used within the Scene_Map class.
class Spriteset_Map
# * Alias Listings
unless method_defined?(:wora_picbelow_initialize)
alias_method(:wora_picbelow_initialize, :initialize)
# * Create Picture Sprite
def initialize
for i in Picture_Below::ID_From..Picture_Below::ID_To
# Create picture below player in viewport1.
@picture_sprites[i-1] =,
# ** Sprite_Picture
# This sprite is used to display the picture.It observes the Game_Character
# class and automatically changes sprite conditions.
class Sprite_Picture < Sprite
# * Alias Listings
unless method_defined?(:wora_picbelow_update)
alias_method(:wora_picbelow_update, :update)
# * Frame Update
def update
self.z = 1 if (@picture.number >=
Picture_Below::ID_From and @picture.number <= Picture_Below::ID_To)
Thanks for the script . This really helped me make my maps look better.