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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. I completely agree with you 100%. I love the classics way better than the modern games. I rather play FF1-3 than any other FF game out there. Classic games had so much put into them. Back then they wanted to make the best game they could. Now days they just slap anything together that they think people will play(COD) just to make money. The only good developers are indie games. At least they put the time dedication into their games to make them good.
  2. Welcome back after years lol :D. If you need anything at all feel free to ask :).
  3. @kell good points. Im trying to get use to the new way of doing things in RGSS3.
  4. Still like RGSS1 better than RGSS2 and RGSS3. They make RGSS3 to simple to use which makes it harder.To many scripts relying on other scripts.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Hmm, good to know.

    2. Moonpearl


      Never taken a look at RGSS2, neither at RGSS3, but when I saw how crappy RMVX was, I didn't even considering looking any further anyways.

    3. Bigace360


      Moonpearl, download Forever0's Gemini program. From there you can see what RGSS2 & RGSS3 looks like for free.

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  5. VXA is good so far.

    1. Polraudio


      The only thing i really hate is still the mapping.

  6. I use it every day at work when it was working. It was great to check my email to see if someone sent me a PM or replied to my post without loading up the site and risk getting caught at work. I could live without it, its just something thats nice to have when your at work.
  7. Wow 217mb. Better be worth it lol. Thats huge compared to XP. Cant wait to try it. Hopefully its better than VX. OMG $90 to buy.
  8. Random mysql errors everywhere XD.

  9. Sorry i didnt reply sooner but v2.0 is AWESOME AS HELL! I love the title screen.
  10. Polraudio

    Installation problems.

    Sounds like you dont have the RTP installed. rgss104e.dll comes with the rtp. Install order: RTP->RMXP.
  11. That game looks interesting. I tried a game called Dark Eternal for a bit and it was very fun.
  12. If my mic wasnt broken i would do it for you. Im going to order one soon and it should be in monday(19th). Then i will give it a go. As for voices you need more information that just name age gender. Most people dont know who that is or what resident evil is. I would do something like Name: Ark Age: 22 Gender: Male Pic: Show pic of what the character looks like Voice type: Dark? Light? Evil? Good? Maybe link to a youtube video so people can hear what he sounds like. But send me a PM with the line and the information i just added and i will give it a go with my broken headset. I love voice acting(Mainly evil chracters).
  13. Welcome to RMXPU Bimy :). RGSS is very fun once you learn the basics. Hope you enjoy your stay anf if you need anything feel free to ask .
  14. Long time no see Cjboy. Welcome back :). Cant wait to see your project.
  15. Something im working on. Pic1: http://i.imgur.com/PG4cW.png an Pic 2: http://i.imgur.com/0aNnI.png

    1. Polraudio


      Stable version almost done. Doing it in events right now but may go scripts once i get the concept down.

    2. Bob423


      ...what is it?

      if it's what i think it might be, then it's awesome

  16. Working on a mining/smithing/crafting system.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      That's sweet, I look forward to it.

    2. Polraudio


      Also working on a world map selector. You get a pixel based cursor to select where to go.

  17. Any assassins for hire?

  18. Works perfectly fine for me on Win 7 64bit. I didnt have to do anything at all for it to work. I just launched it and it worked. I would try compatibility mode(windows xp sp2 or 3) and run as administrator. That usually works to solve problems.
  19. Mass Effect 3 Tuesday :)

  20. I was wondering why there was guests posting. Very good idea :).
  21. If your ever looking for awesome music try this guy out. You will regret it if you dont. http://www.rmxpunlimited.net/forums/topic/8373-ackleys-music-shoppe-3/

  22. Welcome my good friend. Glad you could join us. You know i will be requesting songs like how i requested camp. Camp is a very good song :)
  23. Sorry i havent been active T.T. I been swamped with homework lately :(.

    1. Bob423
    2. ShinkuAura


      Lol i thought you never had homework

  24. Very nice. I bet those cost a fortune.
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