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Everything posted by Polraudio

  1. Is there any scripts or any way i can start another song right after a song is done playing? Im going to have a song with an epic opening and once that opening is over the song will end and go to the other song seamless and start to loop so the player dont even know the song changed. It needs to work across 6 different maps(Airship and all the maps inside of the airship).
  2. Actually mine worked perfect. Without making commands when the player moves. It tracks and stays exactly centered no matter where the player is. You dont need all that extra stuff you put in there. Its a nice way but the way i did gets the same exact results with 100% less work. Mine dont need to detect if you hit Left, Up, etc.. It auto follows the player. With Parallel Process on this event. http://i.imgur.com/qkc7f.png Its tracking the player all the time and showing the picture directly center on the player. It tracks the player instead of button presses. Try my way and you will see how much less work and effort it takes to get the same effect. EDIT: I used this same exact method for my Airship Event.
  3. Take this image. http://i.imgur.com/rPHnE.png and name it whatever you want. EDIT: The reason the picture is double the size of 640x480 is so that when you are on the edge of a map the full image is still shown and it keeps the rest of the screen black. Do this for the event on the map you want to have a flashlight. http://i.imgur.com/qkc7f.png Simple huh? And there no worries about going to the edge of the map. EDIT: Please do not give credit. This was way to simple to do. If you need more info on how to do it just ask
  4. MY vote goes for Jon Bon
  5. Please vote for the person who you think deserves Member of the Month. People to vote for: -Jon Bon -Moonpearl -ForeverZer0 -Herectic86 -bigace
  6. Its when you post in an old topic. As you can see the last post in this topic before you posted was over 5 years old. http://www.rmxpunlim...=207&Itemid=215 Please read through all them rules. Some reason you cant click on the links so just scroll down. If you have any questions PM me.
  7. Working on an airship system for RMXP. Going to be a huge part in my open world game.

    1. Polraudio


      I have little nodes around the rooms that you can add/remove things you buy. Things like a juke box that plays music, a special shop, more item storage. There is going to be an item limit for inventory and chests.

    2. Bigace360


      @Jon Bon: Ya it's great since you had other to play with. I didn't so the feature only look cool to a certen extent. They should definitly put it in a new pokemon game as it has wifi and not that crappy verision from Pokemon Pearl and Diamon.

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      The most recent versus option is pretty cool. I was actually running around in my ol ladies world we were playing pokemon two playes. The next one will likely be almost entirely co-op story. @Pol, perfect that's kinda what I was thinking.

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  8. Would be if you have a keyboard input script. Should be able to find one by Cybersam and edit this one easily enough. Next time please dont necro post. Instead PM the author or make a new topic and link this one in that topic. We like to keep our dead(topics) buried as much as we can. So no more grave digging .
  9. Polraudio

    Class Name

    ~Topic Moved~ Please pay attention where you post a topic next time :)
  10. That comes tomorrow once i get out of class :D
  11. Just tested it and that will only work for the older version of rmxp. It dont work for the current. Will you still have the 30 day trial with this way or does it make the trial end?
    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Best tip ever, never go first, never be last, it'll double your skill.

    2. forcebreaker


      Ehhhhhhh....i like some shooters, like RE...but this this dosent look like my kinda thing. Dose it have a story to it?.... Or is it just a plain shooter?

    3. Polraudio
    4. Show next comments  162 more
  12. Trying Tribes Ascend

    1. Polraudio


      Its very fun. Much like battlefield but 10x better.

    2. Polraudio


      Its more like MAG if you ever played that for PS3.

    3. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      You just named my two favorite First Person Shooters. I'm sold, I'll probably grab it later this summer.

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  13. Sure, please share :D Would be useful for my small maps.
  14. You will have to make your maps bigger as explained above. Leave room on the sides so light will stay on the character. Make sure to read the tutorial.
  15. Pleaase dont necro post.
  16. The reason filesize is an issue is because some people dont want to take the time to download a huge file or dont have the bandwidth(me) or stable enough internet(me). I would have to download a project 300mb like 40 times before it actually gets downloades. My internet cuts out every 1-10min because of low bandwidth so its very very hard to download big files. So filesize dont = quality.
  17. I would try to keep it under 500mb if you can. I have no clue what jon bon is talking about 10g. if he means 10gb thats way way to huge. No RMXP game should be more than 1gb. If you want more people to play your game i would include the RTP or link them to the rtp they need.
  18. Thinking about making an open world rpg.

    1. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      Omg yes, the crazy traits system that allowed, skills I wanna call them, and the awesome instruments, the ability to enter towns separate as each party member and find your other party and talk to them, that game had so many amazing features, star ocean.

    2. Jon Bon

      Jon Bon

      I heard Suikoden got better as it progressed, but I only played the first one. I think one had a ship of some kind, first one is a castle. I would say start with the first one as I believe it's all one story. First game to have that many characters at the time, definitely get some amazing inspiration from it.

    3. Polraudio


      I will have to try it out and maybe steal some ideas from it hehehe.

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  19. April Nominating Thats right its time for Nominating. Read the Rules to see how to Nominate. Don't use this topic for saying who your going to vote for. Congratulate the person if you would like. Nominated: -Jon Bon -Moonpearl -ForeverZer0 -Herectic86 -bigace ------ I would like to nominate someone who has been very kind and been there for anyone who needs help. My nomination goes to Jon Bon.
  20. I could personally care less if they use the RTP. The only thing i cant stand is a game that does a bad job using the RTP. EX: Bad mapping(Big Part), Using complete defaults(Monsters, items, classes, etc...), Mainly no creativity. If you take the time to make the game look and feel like a game i will take the time to play it even if its RTP. You can do some great things with the RTP if you know what your doing.
  21. Home from break and ready to do some work :D

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