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Everything posted by Tomo2000

  1. zaphires? is that a typo? but apart from that its a pretty cool screenshot :alright: 999th post
  2. Amazing drawings :D Looks like your gonna have a really awesome comic one day :alright:
  3. Epic DeJa Vu

    1. Polraudio


      Happens to all of us, some more than others. I sometimes get it daily. But sometimes its a vision and it usually ends up happening 1min from then. Creeps me out sometimes.

    2. Bob423


      woah. pol, thats cool.

    3. Ecowolfsteen


      Yeah me too. I have dreams sometimes and short things that happened in my dreams happen in real life... O.O

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  4. :clap: That. Was. Epic :D How long until episode 6? :D
  5. I finally got 2 screenies to show you from Hope Afloat Remastered. It's taken FAAR too long to get just 2 screenshots up (I've got other maps completely just not lighting and touch-ups). Here they are: New Title Screen: Its an on-map title screen, so the rain actually flows. The paranorama in the background I made myself with Photoshop. Originally I was going to upgrade the graphics for the raft but I think I'll keep it as-is... I just love that freaking raft :yes: An in-game screenshot: Oh, I forgot. I redid the main heroes sprite so that it fit RTP more than it previously did. Anyway, this is the starting building. Some lighting and new tileset but thats about it, really. Hope you guys like it:
  6. Tomo2000

    Thanks guys

    I heard about another quake on the news. Too bad I wasnt on chat... But Im glad to hear everyones ok :alright: And, just for the record, I dont think Mother Nature really likes New Zealand lately :P
  7. Amazing trailer Trinity :alright: I didnt even watch past episode 2, I think (I've been gone..) but it was still amazing, nonetheless. It'll probally make much more sense when I watch episodes 1 (again) through to 4 (which I intend to do immedietly).
  8. Edit: Oh, its VX -facepalm- Ok, hold up a sec. Edit 2: Ok, done, and its even simpler in VX. Here ya go: Glad I could help ya :D And 1 more post towards my 1000th post :)
  9. I'm home alone watching the best movie of all time; Home Alone :D

    1. Kiriashi




      'Tis a classic

  10. Just finished a title screen made completely from scratch in photoshop with effects and brushes for a new little side project Im working on. What do ya guys think (I signed the bottom left corner if ya wonderin') : http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/3222/survivealpha.png

    1. Bob423


      nice job, i know i cant do any better. that red thing in the corner seems kind out of place tho

    2. Polraudio


      Very nice. Glad your picking up photoshop and doing good with it. Looks great.

    3. ProjectTrinity


      What is the red thing? o.o

  11. I promise I'll upload some new screenshots of Hope Afloat Remastered after I finish improving a few things :D Oh, also, hoooly... -shifty eyes- No swearing... Aaanyway. Everybody is getting waaay better at mapping and Im not :/ But nah, you guys are making some amazing maps! Especially crimson. I've always been a fan of your maps :3 And you just keep getting better and better and better and... you get the point ;) .
  12. I love survival horror games! :D I'll download it the moment I get home in about 8 hours (got work or somethin :P )
  13. Soooo.. Let's get this straight... Im sick and I do more work on Hope Afloat in 4 days then I have in the last 6 months? Wow thats sad... I think Im gonna lock myself in the bathroom and cry now... Not really, but you get the point.

    1. Kiriashi
    2. laansolo


      hey, at least you got some work done, amirite?

    3. Tomo2000
  14. I agree with you fully. In fact, I had a friend who wanted to have a sex scene in an RPG Maker game (it was really to build trust and compassion onto a character he was later going to... shouldn't continue that in case he decides to release it). Anyway, yeah, I agree with you fully Rated :alright:
  15. Hey Crimson. Wow there's been some progress made while I've been gone... How's that characterset of the red-haired guy with the red-cape coming along? That looks pretty amazing :D Keep it up Crimson :alright:
  16. Hmm... Do you think you'd be able to post the script in the topic? Im not too familiar with the script but I might be able to help.
  17. Hope Afloat v8 is available for download again while I work on the remastered version. Enjoy guys. You can find it in either my sig or hopefully in the latest posts section under 'Hope Afloat'

  18. I agree; it is better than home. I've finally returned after about half a year but, in total, I've been here for over 2 years an its an amazing place. I hope you stay active and remember, dont hesitate the ask for help. The community is full of friendly people to help. Actually I think we have one of the most friendliest communities out there.
  19. I saw zombies, so of course Im gonna lurk around this thread for a bit... Anyway. Its possible, depending on which way you do it, it can be harder than some. With events, just have a parallel process that, dependant on the weapon equiped, changes a variables number. Variables number = amount of zombies. then in the zombie event they only appear if the variable is high enough (with a conditional branch at the start of the event).
  20. Too much time on my hands today..

    1. Marked


      its tueday morning... go to school Tomo

    2. FranklinX


      yeah go to school.

    3. Bob423


      it's monday for me

  21. Tomo2000

    May Voting

    Congrats Zer0. I didnt really know who to vote for since I needa get myself up to speed with all the new members. Seems like we're having a rather good growing community :)
  22. Same, I was reading up to about page 2 just before :D Aaaah, good times, good times.
  23. That does sound pretty great :D And sorry for not replying as soon.. Had Hope Afloat, actually, in full-screen, testing out new graphics and a new map (improved segment of Hope Afloat).
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