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Everything posted by Tomo2000

  1. Eh, hungry lions are pussies, anyway (see what I did thar?). I dare you to pull out your esophagus and eat it.
  2. Congrats Crimson :) You really did deserve it.
  3. Hey Mark1707. Awesome tilesets :D I was sure I had seen that underwater tileset before so I went to the gallery where Kiriashi posted it and it said "Made by Mark1707" and was put up there 2009. Anyway, awesome tiles :D and welcome to the forum.
  4. Like Enigma said, try changing your event from 'Parallel Process' to 'Autorun'. And make the second page have nothing on it except for having the condition for a self-switch. Edit: Oh, and, make sure everything happens before a 'Transfer Player' event, sometimes I've had it so things were meant to happen after that but they don't run, so if you have 'Tranfer Player' followed by 'Control Self-Switch' that could be your problem.
  5. Ha, awesome, I'm nearly a legend. I'll start posting more :D
  6. I'll enter, sounds pretty awesome and the prize money is absolutely mind blowing; count me in for sure.
  7. Maximum the Hormone - Zetsubou Billy (otherwise known as the ending tune to Deathnote Season 2)
  8. Working on a game on VX.

  9. Your recolours are pretty good. I especially like the cat, the eyes fit it really well. The gold looks nice, too, but theres no hat on the bottom frames? That's rather odd. Nonetheless, their good recolours, especially for your first time. Hopefully you'll make more soon. I also noticed its your first post, too. Maybe you should say hey to all the great guys around the place in the Introductions and Farewells Section. Hopefully we'll see you around. ~Tomo2000.
  10. I don't really know what I want. I like surprises, though. So we'll see what happens.
  11. Wow that looks great, Crimson :D !
  12. Tails and Leon are awesome :D

    1. Tomo2000


      What the hell I didn't even type this... Damn it, Tails. I'll get you back for that :P

    2. Leon


      lol. WooT! go Tails!

  13. Just 2 questions. 1 is that I've seen something similar by someone on the forum called Leon and a second that there is an alias that refers to "Leon", too. Is this a script edit? Btw; If Leon reads this, I decided to log on from a friends place.
  14. Ok, I voted. And, Pol, can there be an 'ALl of the Above' option for cake, pie and icecream? :P
  15. Completed the survey. I like the domain name just as it is :) .
  16. In my oppinion, the text box should be used for main characters and the speech bubbles for non-main characters or randoms. Well, that's my thoughts, anyway.
  17. I dont work on mine anywhere near enough.. Maybe, like, an hour or two a week. Need more motivation..
  18. Wow. The captured the RTP perfectly with the 2nd frame. Also, just a quick thing with the front 4 frames. I haven't taken a look at em in quite a while so it might be irrelevent, but maybe add the ponytail swaying in the front frame on the walking frames so you can also tell its a girl. So, like, with the right-foot forward (I think), have the ponytail swaying behind the head and to the left a bit, and visa-versa for the other one. Great job, I think your better than me now :D .
  19. I'm always here to help. Except now, I'm a bit busy (ammungst other things). I'll help you out later on this afternoon or maybe tomorrow.
  20. Tomo2000


    Wow... That sucks. My uncle's dad passed away from lung cancer 2 and a half weeks ago.. I really don't know what else to say, really. Just hope you feel better soon :) .
  21. The event (if your using it on the map or in the troop thing) should look something like this: @> Loop @> Control Variable(Number) == Actor(ID)'s HP @> Conditional Branch: If Variable(Number) = less than (Input Number) --@> Change Actor Graphics(Battler and such) @>else --@> Change Actor Graphics(The original one) @> Branch End @> Wait 1 Frame (so it doesnt freeze up the game) @> Repeat Above Oh, and he was stuck in that form, Kaninersynger, because it didn't loop.
  22. Sounds great. I love heartwrenching things :D I dunno why. Call me crazy (it wouldnt be the first time). Hope to see this project expand a ton. If you need help with eventing or maybe some spriting just ask.
  23. Please read and comment on my new blog post. Thanks guys.

    1. Marked


      I think you may need to publish it first. Its currently a draft.

    2. Tomo2000


      Yeah, I just realised that lol

  24. Today I've done a bit of work on the new Hope Afloat (Remastered). I finished the 1st street of Emberville and a interior apart from Kyle's Interior. I also managed to get Photoshop CS3 off my old computer (woo) so soon I'll be adding some CFL (Cosmetic Fog Layers) to the interiors/exteriors. Currently on the Emberville checklist, I have 1/4 streets (not including the docks) and 1 out of countless interiors. The new Hope Afloat lets you explore interiors to get more ammo (as mentioned previously) and so you can find new items around the place. I've edited the start quite a bit. Now you don't start with your pistol but don't worry, you find one before you encounter any zombies. The first street is kinda like a tutorial. No infected so you can explore until your heart is content. The first street is called 'Maple Drive', it's the street Kyle lives on. I'm also thinking of adding a 'Library' to the menu system. Anyway, the Library will be a mix between a guide of factions (survivors, army, infected, etc.), a overview of main characters (will be unlocked before the last level of each game) and as a Beastinary for the different types of infected (added as you complete towns). RGangsta said he'd be able to hand-draw the maps for me :D I now just need to talk to Leon about 2 scripts I need a bit of help with making. I dont have the time right now to give you guys any screenshots but I promise I will next time. Peace. ~Tomo2000.
  25. Tomo2000


    -pulls out scoped .45 magnum (preferably a Jericho 941 with extended clip and barrel)... (Oh, and Silencer)-
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