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Everything posted by Tomo2000

  1. [@Aya: Well, if you look at the main map on the first page, we've made it from the Shopping Centre to the Abandoned Military Bunker. You'll have to some how make it there before we head off again. @CJBoy: Ok.] I paced around the room, one hand holding the nail gun, the other holding my shoulder. "How long until the others wake up?" I asked. "I don't know," said CJ, "I'm gonna guess a few more hours." Then why did I wake up so early? I kept trying to make sense of my situation; and my past at the same time. Why is all this happening? What does it have to do with me and the others? Is it fate that we all met? Are we meant to accomplish something more than simply surviving? "So, CJ." I said, "Before the others wake up... How about sharing our pasts? I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours? Deal?"
  2. We're becoming teachers on the same day!? Wicked! I think this could turn into a great friendship :D . I have an idea; we should start planning our lessons so that we have a head start :D . I am SO excited! Im so excited Im not sure if I can spell excited properly :D .
  3. [@CJBoy: Well I think the flashbacks are good, no matter how many. It reveals our character's past. @Aya_Miyaca: I wonder how you will make it inside the bunker? Next post maybe somebody wil figure something out.]
  4. Yeah. I'm not trying to take your job. Sorry if you think I am. Marked said in a PM: So, yeah, I'll be an eventing teacher on the 23rd or somewhere near that :D . Hope you become a spriting teacher. I think you'll be great.
  5. Cheated? How? Also, I forgot it said 20,000 :D . Had a head ache while making it so I thought that 1000 had four 0's :D.
  6. Hello and welcome back. I can help you in your game in... well... basically all those fields except for scripting and mapping. Just PM me if you need anything. Nice to see you back on.
  7. Hmm... Sorta. It's medieval, however. I like your idea about a school. Sort of like Sky High :D . Lets see what Kiriashi thinks.
  8. I was the first to wake up. I looked around. CJ was walking around. "I'm awake!" I said. I looked at my arm; still damaged. "Hey," said CJ, "How's it been?" I rubbed my eyes. "Good, I suppose." CJ Smiled. "Hey, CJ, you've been in the military. Can you only take an injection in the right arm of can you do it in both?" "Both," said CJ, "But why?" I smiled, "Way too long a story," I said as I pulled out a small needle and injected my left arm with it. "What the hell is that!?" asked CJ. "I... I don't know. Some kind of stabiliser they said." "Who is they?" CJ asked. [Flash back] 7 years ago "Quickly!" said Agatha as we ran through the wasteland that our troops fought upon 40 years ago. "Here is it!" Agatha said, removing a small pod-shaped thing from the ground. "What do you think it is?" Agatha asked as she tossed it to me. "I don't know. I think it might be a bio-bomb of some kind. Maybe a weapon." I said. Agatha took a few steps back. "Don't worry," I said, "It's probally deactive." [End of flash back] "Can you tell me?" asked CJ. "Tell you what?" I asked. "You know... About the injections and so on." I sighed. "I can't, sorry. Not yet, atleast."
  9. OMG Oops soz lawl. :( Man I am an idiot. Oh well. When Kiriashi sends his map, we only need Syaoran to send his.
  10. [i just thought of a twist. Maybe we are walking through the sewers (after Josh recovers) and we find a girl fighting off some zombies. It turns out that she is Agatha! [b]Dun dun dun![/b] If you havn't read the story so far, Agatha is my sister but not my true one. You will find out why a bit later in the story. Also, here is the template to make your character on if you choose not to be Agatha. Username: (Obvious) Character's Name: (More Obvious) Gender: (Must I explain) Age: (Another no-brainer) Weapons: (What 2-4 weapons you decide to use) Descriptions: (Describe your character) Also, you can choose 2-4 weapons. If a weapon is dualable, it will take up 1/2 a weapon slot. If it is 2 handed, it will take up 1 slot. You have 2 slots to choose from. Here is the weapon list: -Metal Pipe [Dualable] -Chainsaw [2-Handed] [Requires Petrol] -Kitchen Knife [Dualable] -Lighter & Deoderant [Dualable] [Requires Deoderant] -Hand Saw [Dualable] -Nail Gun [2-Handed] [Requires Nails] -Woodcutter's Axe [2-Handed] -Hammer [Dualable] -Dart Gun [2-Handed] [Requires Darts] Hope you join soon :D ]
  11. I like the idea of a medieval rp. When I first read this topic I thought that we might be able to start up a war-story-rp. But I'll just keep to the medieval rp. I got an idea for the story line, too. 100 years ago, the earth was ruled by a dark and evil tyrant named Zay'Tu. Zay'Tu destroyed and pillaged village after village, town after town, castle after castle. There was nothing that people could do to stop this exept to fight. There was a bloody massacre, as the combined forces of the surviving colonies fought Zay'Tu's demonic spawns. Blood was shed everywhere, bodies lay across the battlefield like an unburried graveyard. But still, Zay'Tu was victorous. But, in the small spellcrafting town of Ankore, 5 wizards planned a way to inprison Zay'Tu in his own mind. They concocted a spell the likes the world had never seen before. Now all they needed to do is wait, for Zay'Tu would eventually attempt to conquer their land. It wasn't long. Nearly 10 weeks later the feared and seemingly indestructable Zay'Tu made his was to Ankore. The 5 wizards waited until Zay'Tu was away from his spawns before they used the spell. Zay'Tu fell unconious, screaming in anger. He swore he would return. The 5 wizards burried his body near an inactive volcano under 5 foot of dirt. If Zay'Tu were to return, then they would have to be ready. And would he return? You like it? If we were to choose this story then our story would take place 100 years after the event in the story.
  12. Ok, but that won't work anymore. Just send ASAP because now its 1 day until judging so all maps are shown. After Kiriashi sends her map we are waiting for Syaoran.
  13. Basically, when you press the Escape key, it takes you to the items option located in the menu without loading the menu. It will return you to the game when you press escape again. So, basically, the menu is inaccessable.
  14. No. Just when you press escape you go to your inventory and when you press it again it takes you back to your game.
  15. [it's fine. In fact; I think it is the best post so far :D . No joke. Your an awesome story writer. And you mean the Shopping Center we are going to. The Mall is the most dangerous place] I gripped my shoulder. I ripped the sleave off my opposite shoulder and used the other discarded shoulder sleave to make a crude bandage. "How's Josh?" I said. CJ pulled out a first-aid kit and bandaged up his chest. "He'll be fine," said CJ, "Lucky; if he didn't become unconsious he could have caused some serious brain damage." I sighed of relief. The last thing I needed was a body and 1 less team. "Hey," I said to CJ, "I heard a quiet growling back in the tunnel before the train exploded. Samew situation; nobody could hear it." CJ shruged, "Well," he said, "As I said; the zombies are evolving at a nearly unhuman rate." "No," I said, "This growl was different. It was..." I was cut off by a flashback. [Guys, in the flashback you guys don't see it, but you can read it as if it was in my character's head. You'll unlock more of Tom's past as the story goes on] The thunder roared loudly. I drew pictures on the window and it would draw pictures back. "Come on, Tom. This time we might have a better chance." said Shirley. I sighed, "But why would anybody want to?" I said, throwing myself on the bed. "Well, maybe there is somebody out there who don't care what has happened. Maybe they just think of you as you." Shirley replied. "NO!" I yelled, the room nearly shaking. Shirley quickly ran to my cupboard, pulled out a siringe and injected me with it. I was used to the injections after the first 2 years. "I've done more bad than good." I said, "And... and..." "Just come on," Shirley said, "They are waiting for you in the dinning room." [End of flash back.] "Tom, you ok?" asked CJ. I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah, just Deja Vu." CJ nodded. "Hey, Michael," I said, "What happens if... Josh," "Don't even say that." said Michael, "He'll be fine." I rubbed my eyes more and looked at my bandage. Blood nearly had soaked into the entire thing. Looks like we'll need to skip the injection today, I thought to myself. "Hey, Tom," said Rayna, "What was your sister like before the infection," I looked to the ground. "She's not my true sister," I said. [Who's next to post?]
  16. If took you 2 days to make the CJBoy thing? How many hours? I made this on MS Paint in a good 1-2 hours: This is an inverted version but in my opinion it looks better:
  17. 2 days left guys. Waiting on Syaoran and Kiriashi's map.
  18. Would anybody be able to re-write the menu script so that when you press escape (which would activate the menu) it takes you straight to your inventory. That would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance ;) ~Tomo2000
  19. I do know about what else you mentioned, but did not have the time to post it all in one go.
  20. I know we will :D because otherwise you'd probally be banging yourhead against a nearby wall.
  21. Hmm... I've seen your 2 images, and their not bad but not good. I can do some good scratch spriting, so I can give you some tips. 1) When I sprite, I tend to like using a pattern like this: Instead of this: That way it can smooth out your work and make run-offs or add-ons fit in without messing up the rest of your work. 2) You should seach the internet for, or make your own, color palettes, like this one: That way when you are trying to shade colors in you got something new and not the same old default colors. 3 Usually you have a plan before you start. What I like doing is outlining where I am going to sprite with a color I am not using so that I know what is where instead of just spriting and hoping for the best. Like this: 4) In case you do not already know, when moving objects around you will often get a white box surrounding it, disabling it from fitting in properly, so you have to cut off your image perfectly then recolor around it. When you are moving objects, you should have something that looks like this: When it is set to the top one, you will get that white box. If you set it to the bottom one, you will get objects transparent. BUT, down on your default color palette you should have something that looks like this: This tells you that the color you are using is red and your transparent color is white. To make any other color transparent, right click on it in the default color palette. 5) Combining colors that look good together is possibly the most important and the hardest job of the spriter. You want to select colors that match the theme, stand out, look good together and make people say "That is awesome." Black usually goes with everything and so does white. Probally the best color combo's with different colors are: -Light green with Purple -Aqua with Teal -Red with Gray -Blue with Yellow 6) This is probally the most important thing about spriting; it's the little details that make the big picture good. I hope this helped you out, CJ.
  22. I looked from Rayna to Josh to Michael and back to CJ. "Ok," I said, "Your not in yet. First thing you need to do is get us to the military bunker." CJ chuckles "Easy as pie." "Anybody know how to bake a pie?" asked Rayna, "I'm starving." "CJ," I said, "Is there any food at the bunker?" CJ shrugged. "Guys, I think we should go back to the shopping centre and pack up as much food as possible because the bunker might not have any food. Who's with me?"
  23. Sorry for another double post. Nearly 3 days to go now!
  24. Lol. Kinda the same thing happened to me. Me and my sister walked past one of her friends house and to do that we have to take the long way. On the way back she said "Come on! Ashley (her friend) would be in her yard now." and I said, "Fine but if she's not you owe me $5" ... Now I'm waiting for my $5. True story too.
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