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Everything posted by Bigace360

  1. Why was my question never answered as it's been a whole year before someone necro-posted this thread.
  2. Nice try, but no it's not that. I've already tested that the first time I spotted that error. Plus I do that samething in several other codes, so that can't be the issue. I'll look into after I finish the skill and shop systems.
  3. lol is that the raw version of the forum. Edit: Actually the logging out issue seems to be an IE issue as I'm still logged in on Google Chrome.
  4. Thanks for the reply marked, Hopefully you can get these errors cleared up when you get the chance as these errors aren't really good for business. Also it does the same on Google chrome to not just IE10, and the logging out issue happens on all my devices not just my main PC. Which I can agree is garbage. Has nothing to do with my computer, as it does the same thing on my kindle, HTC EVO, and my brand new laptop as well, plus Omar510 had issues as well. Also marked just addressed everything anyways.
  5. Nice job, writing this pol. I've only used terrian tags once and that was for a script I was using. This will prove useful.
  6. Okay while viewing the site after its launch and that crash we had last month. The errors are really bad and annoying. Anyone new to this site might be driven away by them. Heres a list of errors thats been annoyance on my end. You may probably know most of them already. Also I don't know if this matters but the Browsers I use is IE10 and Google Chrome. Logging me out involuntarly (I try posting only to realize I'm a guest again, that can be extremely annoying.) functions while posting don't seem to work. The screen freezes and then I have to refresh the page. Like when I was trying to press hyperlink and the grew screen appeared but nothing happened. When I try to post, the loading bar will appear but nothing will happen. Now I have to copy what I wrote refresh the page then paste and then post. I wrote something, then tryed to post it, and my posted was gone. I wasn't writting that again. Clicking more reply options for some reason sends you back to the top of the page. Emoticons don't seem to show up when trying to choose one. Lastest Posts doesn't respond as fast as it should. Someone would post something, but it won't show up for awhile in the list. The chat will sometimes not post what I wrote. Is there a reason why I can preview my post before posting it? Is the site loading slow or it that my computer? Here's some screenshots I took as well: Again sorry if they've been address already, I though should post it anyways as it can be annoying while on the site.
  7. Okay this was a mistake, I thought I was logged in when I posted, but apparently I was not. Well the thread I posted in, http://www.gdunlimited.net/forums/topic/9428-pokemon-x-and-y/#entry79489]Pokemon X and Y[/url], my post didn't appear. Does it need approval from a mod to appear or did the site have a hiccupe as it's not there.
  8. was there any down time as i didsnt even notice

    1. Marked
    2. Bob423


      that's where i got the info lol

    3. Bigace360


      Well the problem is that everytime one dumbass fks stuff up, the rest of the country has to suffer as are government doesn't know what the hell there doing most of the time. But as long as the money keeps flowing into there pockets while we suffer, why should they care.

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  9. Not really, as long as its not spam or you trolling, it's not a nuisance. :) I'll look into the bug as I've never seen that before.
  10. I know, I already posted that error when I updated the script. At the moment I don't have the anwser to that. Sorry for the inconvience.
  11. Who else fucking hates bestbuy

    1. Marked
    2. Bigace360


      Well maybe bestbuy shouldn't fuck over peoples orders. When I'm trying to put everything together and I'm waiting longer then they told me to wait then I start to get pissed.

    3. Bob423


      and there's #8

    4. Show next comments  60 more
  12. Finally made it back to Virginia, after leaving so fucking late. Wanted to leaving during the day, but knowing my mom we don't leaving until sunset. Now I'm driving CT to VA though New York in the fucking dark.

    1. Bigace360


      At least there was no traffic. Also trying to save money on tolls, by taking the side routes and mom yelling in my ear about time and other shit. This whole fucking trip was a waste of time.

  13. finally made it to state CT after a 5 hour drive from VA, I should of gotten train tickets instead

    1. Bigace360


      bc of tolls: $13.00 fucking bucks at 2 of them

    2. Polraudio


      Wow thats a large amount.

    3. Bigace360


      have to drive back tomorrow. great more money to spend. looking for cheaper route

  14. I'm not posting a screenshot of a window with a title in it, if I didn't post it before then I didn't think it was needed. Waste of time and memory(not really but..). Just plug it in and look at it. Maybe in the future.
  15. Resolution: 1280x800, up to 720p HD Dimensions: 7.6" x 5.4" x 0.4" Thats all the info amazon gives me on the size. Actually everything is squeshed together not just messege area and it looks like the screenshot you just took.
  16. Well I've never been on this site on any mobile device, but when I logged on and look at the message area. The whole message part is shoved up on the right side of the screem and it just looks retarted. It does the samething when I try making the window smaller on the PC. Why does it do that.
  17. Sounds good to me, I'm just going to finish up my three games and branch off onto other engines as Enterbrain obviously only cares about business and not its customers, which is common with most companies (Nexon comes to mind). Uh no, RMXP where'd you get ACE from. Where are most of my scripts on? I'm building these scripts so when I start finishing up my demo I'll be a better scripter. RMVXACE maps come later, plus that game on ace is a remake so the maps are easy.
  18. I've notice that most RM users are wierd, they act like they want to join in but then disappear. Compittions here are like me trying to find mappers. Out of the 20 people that might join, only like 2 will submit something. I have no clue whats going on but over the recent years most people are as enthused as they used to be. Maybe it's time to branch out to other game engine besides RM, specially since there's ton out there thats has better performance with some being free. I agree with Broken Messiah, awards in signtures do look cool. Giving them out to loyal members when the reach the requirement would be cool.
  19. I don't know whats so hard to understand, it turns the default black fade background for the mapname into a windowskin. Thats all. Again whats so confusing that you need a screenshot.
  20. Oh, I missed that. Okay thanks for the intel just curious.
  21. I hated it and took back to the store after a week. It took to long to do things plus everthing else polraudio said. Plus the computer version is 100x better anyways.
  22. Okay unless I'm missing something, what happened to the comment wall that we had on the old site? Was that cut from the production, is hidden, or you haven't gotten around to it yet. Just wondering.
  23. I understood that, don't need to point out the obvious, but there was a image in the background and thats what I thought he was working on, then he removed it. Practically Marked already explained the point to you so I won't go into detail on my confusion I had at first. Oh okay I was just wondering where the big image went in the back as I kind of like them.
  24. Marked what happened to the backgrounds?
  25. Well, if this is a universal game development site then yes. Because since the site is meant more than just RPG maker software, it would be nice to get feed on other Game development software and resources.
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